Anemia Sources for your Essay

Anemia Is Defined as a Condition in

Medications include a synthetic version of erythroprotein, which stimulates increased production of red blood cells (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, 2010). A study investigating human erythroprotein treatment for anemic cancer patients demonstrated that this treatment resulted in significant improvement in energy level, ability to perform daily activities, and overall quality of life (Gupta et al

Anemia Is Defined as a Condition in

These causes include blood loss, lack of red blood cell production, and high rates of red blood cell destruction (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, 2010). Causes of anemia may be classified as a result of nutritional deficiencies including a lack of iron, vitamin B-12, and folate, anemia with chronic inflammation, anemia with renal disease, and anemia of unexplained origin (Semba et al

Megaloblastic Anemia Is a Blood Disorder in

4. Prognosis: Course of the Disease: "The prognosis is favorable if the etiology of megablastosis has been identified and appropriate treatment has been instituted" (Schick 2012)

Megaloblastic Anemia Is a Blood Disorder in

Smoking and drinking are factors which contribute to megaloblastic anemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency, alcoholism, celiac disease, chronic pancreatitis, malabsorption, folate deficiency, inherited pyrimidine synthesis disorders, inherited DNA synthesis disorders, nitrous oxide and other drugs, or erythroleukemia (Zimran & Hershko 1983)

Sickle Cell Anemia as an Inherited Condition,

This blockage is known to bring about what is commonly referred to as a sickle cell crisis episode. During a sickle cell crisis, severe pain brought about by the denial of oxygen to a certain body part is experienced (Falvo, 2005)

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle Cell Anemia Is

In order for this to occur, the fluid surrounding the amniotic sac is tested to watch out for the presences of hemoglobin S. This test is usually done when one or both parents of the unborn child have sickle cell anemia themselves (Bloom 1995)

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle Cell Anemia Is

Due to the fact that sickle cell anemia is hereditary, there are no methods of preventing attaining sickle cell anemia (Bloom 1995). There is also no absolute cure for this illness; there are only treatment methods (Harris 2001)

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle Cell Anemia Is

Research on sickle cell anemia and experimental treatments are being conducted in order to provide some relief for individuals with this illness (O'Malley 2006). The biggest research is being done on gene therapy (Pace 2007)

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle Cell Anemia Is

Pain-relieving medication is also used to take care of the pain associated with the painful episodes that occur in individuals with sickle cell anemia (Harris 2001). A more extreme measure can be undergoing blood transfusions which supply the body with a batch of new red blood cells to make up for the ones that have died and the ones that are damaged (Plasmar 2004)

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle Cell Anemia Is

A more extreme measure can be undergoing blood transfusions which supply the body with a batch of new red blood cells to make up for the ones that have died and the ones that are damaged (Plasmar 2004). Research on sickle cell anemia and experimental treatments are being conducted in order to provide some relief for individuals with this illness (O'Malley 2006)

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle Cell Anemia Is

Because of the shape of the red blood cells with sickle cell anemia, they become sticky and slow or block the flow of blood which ceases the amount of oxygen that can even go to the rest of the body (Bjorklund 2010). Getting diagnosed with sickle cell anemia can happen as young as right after birth, or even before a baby is born (Peterson 2009; Bloom 1995)

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle Cell Anemia Is

Red blood cells in individuals with sickle cell anemia will be rigid and moon-shaped, unlike normal red blood cells that are smooth and round. Because of the shape of the red blood cells with sickle cell anemia, they become sticky and slow or block the flow of blood which ceases the amount of oxygen that can even go to the rest of the body (Bjorklund 2010)

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle Cell Anemia Is

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle cell anemia is defined as being a severe form of the illness anemia, where not enough healthy red blood cells are present to carry the necessary oxygen to the rest of the body (Hwang & Shaparin 2003)

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle Cell Anemia Is

There is also no absolute cure for this illness; there are only treatment methods (Harris 2001). Hope for a cure does come from bone marrow transplants, but due to the danger associated with the procedure, which can include death, that is not really seen as an option (Jordan 2011)

Sickle Cell Anemia Definition and

self-treatment at home with bed rest, oral analgesia, and hydration is possible." (Anemia, Sickle Cell) However if the situation worsens and the patient has to be transported by EMS, "

Sickle Cell Anemia Definition and

Taliafero and Huck first recognized that the sickling phenomenon was an inherited condition in 1923. (Ingram 38) In 1927, Hahn and Gillespie showed that sickling of the red cells was related to low oxygen

Sickle Cell Anemia Definition and

chronic anemia, jaundice, severe pain, poor resistance to infection and sometimes an early death." (Pines 40) This disease has genetic origans and parameters and "


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