American Revolution Sources for your Essay

American Revolution for American Society

Legislation undergoes a series of processes that usually takes time; in-so-doing, representatives are responsible for acting on behalf of their states (or city or town, etc.) in the creation of law (Gardner, 2007)

American Revolution for American Society

As the American Revolution took place, many countries sat back and not so much turned their noses down; in fact, some accounts portray the many sympathizers garnered not only in the French and the Spanish, but also in the English as well. "[As] the Americans revolted not to create freedom but to maintain it, the rest of the world (including many in England) applauded" (Toth, 1975)

Importance of the American Revolution

This event is a definitive moment in American history because it contributed to the formation of the United States of America. As compared to other great revolutions, the American Revolution was the only successful one since it contributed to centuries of freedom and prosperity (Magnet, 2012)

American Revolution

Women in the colonies used the Stamp Act and other direct symbols of oppression to call attention to the hypocrisy inherent in patriarchy. Abigail Adams wrote to her husband John, "we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation," (Adams 80)

American Revolution

Like the creation myths of religion, the story of the founding of the United States of America has become what Nash calls a "sacralized story" that nearly deifies the founding fathers (59). Taught to children in schools and propagated beyond the borders of the Untied States, this version of the American Revolution in which a unified group of colonists rose up together against the mean British tyrants is little more than a "fable," (Nash 59)

John Adams American Revolution

"The first news of the Stamp Act reached the American colonies during the last week of May 1765 and produced an immediate uproar, and in Massachusetts especially." (McCullough, 2008 59) Including the correspondence really provided actual primary source information that backed up and supported the writer's narrative

Liberty! The American Revolution

Year : 1997

The American Revolution

Year : 1994

The American Revolution

Year : 2014

American Revolution 2

Year : 1969

Common Miracles: The New American Revolution in Learning

Year : 1993

An American Revolution

Year : 2006

The Conspirators: An Incident of a South American Revolution

Year : 1909

The American Revolution

Year : 1953

The American Revolution

Year : 2012

The American Revolution of '63

Year : 1963