Alcoholism Sources for your Essay

Alcoholism Occurs When an Individuals

Not only does the alcoholic suffer, but the entire family suffers as well (Stark, 1997; Steinglass, 1987). Many alcoholics join Alcoholics Anonymous due to their "inability to function on the job or maintain consistent employment due to missed work, poor production, or bad relations with supervisors or co-workers" (Wilcox, 1988, p

Alcoholism Alcohol Addiction Is a Disease That

So they begin drinking and the cyclic nature of the abused child's becoming an alcoholic who then abuses his or her own children, who then often themselves escape into alcoholism, is literally and figuratively deadly to our society. Because parental alcohol abuse is so strongly associated with children's enduring adverse and risky behaviors (Kashubeck, 540)

Alcoholism Alcohol Addiction Is a Disease That

Children with an alcoholic mother often go to school hungry, unclean and very obviously neglected. The sons of alcoholic mothers; constantly seek affirmation and approval, are either super responsible or super irresponsible, and have difficulty with intimate relationships (Sexias and Youcha, 47)

Alcoholism Alcohol Addiction Is a Disease That

Studies show, that nine out of ten females will stay with an alcoholic male. Many of the women's reasons for staying with an alcoholic husband range from lack of viable alternatives to denial (Thayne, 20)

Alcoholism Case Study Behavioral Description

, 1993), Glenn has significant environmental factors that contribute to the development of alcoholism as well as related barriers to recognizing the problem and seeking treatment for it. The fact that Glenn's drinking began in the highly social context of his peer group interactions and that his peers mirror the same consumption patterns presents a barrier to recognition as well as a specific risk factor to increased alcohol consumption (Begun, 1993)

Alcoholism Case Study Behavioral Description

Any conscious realization on Glenn's part that his drinking is becoming a problem for him is outweighed by the extent to which members of his peer group exhibit similar patterns in conjunction with the fact that Glenn has not acknowledged his private alcohol consumption to his friends or to anyone else. Risk Factors in the Development of Alcoholism: From the perspective of Begun (1993) and others (Cunningham, Sobell, & Sobell, et al

Alcoholism Case Study Behavioral Description

(1993), as well as Hajema, Knobbed, & Drop, (1999), the fact that Glenn has not yet experienced any significantly negative consequences attributable to his alcohol consumption operates as a specific risk factor in it continuation. Similarly, because adverse consequences of addiction is ordinarily the primary motivation for patients' acknowledgment of the problem or their seeking any treatment independently, the absence of specific consequences (Hajema, Knobbed, & Drop, 1999) and the positive reinforcement of his peers (Begun, 1993) both contribute to Glenn's failure to recognize his increasing alcoholism

Defeating Alcoholism Quitting Drinking the

These steps are valuable inputs to the decision to quit drinking. More and more research points to a genetic factor behind alcohol use (Armeli, Conner, Covault, Tennen & Krangler, 2008)

Defeating Alcoholism Quitting Drinking the

Broader, more realistic and a society-wide approach alone promise a workable and lasting results (Mulia, Ye, Zemora and Greenfield). Other studies revealed other factors, which influence alcohol problems in a person's life span (Homish & Leonard, 2008)

Defeating Alcoholism Quitting Drinking the

It could also prevent relapse among recovering alcoholics (Chemistry and Industry). In an addiction forum in Park City, a reformed drunk, Jack Trimpey, criticized alcohol recovery programs as ineffective (Thalman, 2003)

Alcohol and Alcoholism by Definition,

There are many different types of alcohol, but ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is the type that is generally used to make alcoholic beverages," such as wine, beer and whiskey ("Alcohol," Internet). In chemistry terms, alcohol, in this instance ethyl alcohol, is a compound "derived from a hydrocarbon by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms with an equal number of hydroxyl radicals" and is classified as either monohydric, dihydric or trihydric (Glanze, 2003, p

Alcohol and Alcoholism by Definition,

The causes of this condition can often be traced to degenerative changes in the thalamus as a result of a deficiency of B. complex vitamins, especially thiamin and B12 (Jefferson, 2004, p

Alcohol and Alcoholism by Definition,

With the second condition which is similar to Korsakoff's dementia, the human brain experiences inflammation and degenerative processes which are characterized by lesions in several parts of the brain including the hypothalamus and tissues surrounding ventricles and aqueducts. Wernicke's encephalopathy is also caused by a thiamin deficiency and is usually present in chronic alcoholics who have consumed large amounts of alcohol over a long period of time (Masterson, 2004, p

Parenting Styles & Alcoholism in

Other than the long-term physical impact, the sudden mental impacts may affect one's behavioral patterns to great extinct. There are various studies which support an idea that alcoholism is caused by two distinguished factors: environment in which the subject operates and also the hereditary traits (Baumrind, 1991)

Parenting Styles & Alcoholism in

Therefore, different normative patterns are observed when it comes to drug addiction and alcoholism. It is established that ethnic minorities share a closer knots to their parents as compared to Whites (Herd, 1994)

Parenting Styles & Alcoholism in

Such behavioral pattern is expected in college students not provided with clear rules along with sufficient monitoring, this leads them more prone the evils of alcoholism (Jackson, Henrickens, & Dickenson, 1997). In cases, where a relationship between parent and a child is strained or shows lesser level of cordiality, teenagers are expected to find escape in alcoholism and other drugs (Johnson & Padina, 1991)

Parenting Styles & Alcoholism in

Other studies conducted by Deky, Levy and Wells (1986) proved that depressed and under-pressure students tend to start or increase their alcohol intake. Such behavioral pattern is expected in college students not provided with clear rules along with sufficient monitoring, this leads them more prone the evils of alcoholism (Jackson, Henrickens, & Dickenson, 1997)

Parenting Styles & Alcoholism in

Furthermore, recommendations are also devised for combating alcoholism in youngsters. Parenting Styles & Alcoholism With today's uncertain economic conditions, political turmoil, and other social factors combined with weak family structure cause a strain in general public, many of them perceive alcohol as a common way of coping with these problems (Rice & Arsdale, 2010)

Domestic Violence and Alcoholism Any

However, it must be noted that, along with other factors like unemployment, alcoholism does increase the risk of domestic violence. (Dryden-Edwards, R

Domestic Violence and Alcoholism Any

First, family violence and alcoholism "both tend to be intergenerational problems, getting passed along by modeling, genetics, or both." (Potter-Efron, 2007)