Advertising Sources for your Essay

Pharm Advertising Reduction of Malpractice One of

This direct-to-physician advertising is actually far more preferable to direct-to-consumer advertising in terms of ensuring that proper decisions are being made, and that malpractice potentials are being reduced or avoided through the increased knowledge and competence of the decision makers (Nguyen, 2010). Second, the pharmaceutical advertising published in medical journals is a major source of the revenue that these journals need in order to remain operational, and so in a slightly indirect manner the pharmaceutical industry and the direct-to-physician advertising it engages in are responsible for maintaining adequate levels of information flowing within the medical community, which has a profound impact on health promotion and the ability of physicians to reduce malpractice potential through the adoption of best practices (Gagnon & Lexchin, 2008)

Pharm Advertising Reduction of Malpractice One of

Direct-to-physician advertising need not only be utilized in the promotion of more effective pharmaceutical use in terms of encouraging prescription use, but also when it comes to preventing misuse of prescriptions. Off-label prescribing has been a major concern in the medical community and advertising off-label uses has been strictly prohibited by law, and thus any direct-to-physician advertising would necessarily be directed towards encouraging the proper and approved use of pharmacological agents, which would necessarily discourage off-label uses and prescriptions (Klasmeier & Redish, 2011)

Pharm Advertising Reduction of Malpractice One of

, 2009). While concerns have been raised about direct and even indirect financial relationships between pharmaceutical companies/drug representatives and physicians, it has also been noted that physicians can depend on the information provided by drug representatives to make decisions based on the most current available information (Matthews, 2007; Schwartz et al

Pharm Advertising Reduction of Malpractice One of

First, the advertising itself typically contains detailed information about the specific pharmacological agents being advertised, including the results of evaluational research conducted in clinical trials and practice, providing in a concise and widely-read and -- disseminated form all of the information that a physician needs to make a responsible and effective decision based on the information that is currently available (Rotfield & Taylor, 2009). This direct-to-physician advertising is actually far more preferable to direct-to-consumer advertising in terms of ensuring that proper decisions are being made, and that malpractice potentials are being reduced or avoided through the increased knowledge and competence of the decision makers (Nguyen, 2010)

Pharm Advertising Reduction of Malpractice One of

Pharmaceutical advertising that appears in medical journals affects malpractice potentials in two primary ways. First, the advertising itself typically contains detailed information about the specific pharmacological agents being advertised, including the results of evaluational research conducted in clinical trials and practice, providing in a concise and widely-read and -- disseminated form all of the information that a physician needs to make a responsible and effective decision based on the information that is currently available (Rotfield & Taylor, 2009)

Pharm Advertising Reduction of Malpractice One of

As advertising is ultimately the provision of information, it can be seen that the direct advertising of pharmaceuticals to physicians can provide more comprehensive, detailed, and current information regarding new products, new uses, and the risks and benefits of specific pharmaceutical agents. The direct advertising constitutes an information-sharing relationship, and arming physicians with better information can only serve to assist them in their quest to achieve the best results for their patients (Schwartz et al

Pharm Advertising Reduction of Malpractice One of

Cost controls are an important feature of medical practice for patients and medical institutions alike, and ineffective prescription, over-prescription, or other unintentional misuses of pharmacological and inefficiencies in prescription practices can lead to overspending and reductions in the cost-effectiveness of medications. Some studies have found that direct-to-physician advertising by pharmacological companies actually lowers prescription costs for physicians, a finding which has several implications (Spurling et al

Psychology of Advertising: Since Early

Various practical applications for cognitive research like ways to improve memory, ways of increasing decision-making accuracy and how to structure educational curricula for enhancing learning are in existence. Unlike behaviorism (which was the dominant school of psychology before 1950s), cognitive psychology is concerned with internal mental states and uses scientific research methods to study mental processes (Cherry, n

Psychology of Advertising: Since Early

Notably, some variables affecting one's motivation are part of the person and the situation while other variables affect the direction of thinking with some affecting the general amount of thinking the person does. Although many advertisements use more than one technique in attempts to persuade the audience, the most commonly used technique is that of authority (Gresko, Kennedy & Lesniak, 2003)

Psychology of Advertising: Since Early

Perceptual systems are composed of separate senses, processing modules and sub-modules. These systems represent diverse aspects of the stimulus information (Lu & Dosher, 2007)

Psychology of Advertising: Since Early

Nonetheless, it's important to note that for advertisements to appeal to customers, advertising must work in accordance with the principles of psychology and sociology. In fact, for an advertising professional or an advertiser to have an impact on the minds of consumers, he/she has to be both a psychologist and a sociologist (Roy, 2008)

History of Direct to Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drug Products in US

Direct to Consumer Advertising According to a report by the United States General Accounting Office, "spending on direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs has tripled in recent years," (Collins et al

History of Direct to Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drug Products in US

Spending on DTC drug ads can also cut into costs that could be channeled into research and development, which is another reason why many consumer groups express concern over the proliferation of DTC ads for pharmaceuticals. The FDA changed their stance somewhat regarding DTC ads for prescription drugs in 1999, which is why DTC ads for pharmaceuticals have become commonplace, most notably on television (Palumbo and Mullins 423)

Advertising and Personal Selling

These features include the price, quantities sold, the quality as well as how the products are consumed. Some information to the effect of the ingredients used to bake the breads as well as how the bread needs to be consumed (Peter and Donnelly 2013)

Advertising and Personal Selling

The third angle in which the company has achieved the informative agenda is with the interactive sessions that they often have either in the usual print or electronic media previews. The company has also lately gotten to the social media to provided informative messages to the consumers (Scott 2007)

Advertising and Personal Selling

Marketing Mix for Panera Bread Company Advertising Advertising refers to any form of non-personal communication meant to persuade, inform, and remind customers to buy a product (Shapiro, 1984)

Why the FDA Should Prohibit the Direct Advertising of Prescription Drugs to the Consumer

DTC prescription drug ads interfere with spending that could be channeled into research and development of new products; an exorbitant amount of money is spent on drug advertisements. The drugs that are promoted in DTC ads become best-sellers (Collins et al

Subliminal Advertising Has Been One

2). Although the carols may not be embedded with subliminal statements like "Buy Now!" they may work "by awakening warm feelings in their customers" that prompt them to buy more products and overcome their fears of spending too much money (Moore p

Subliminal Advertising Has Been One

Furthermore, research does show that children are influenced by the advertisements they see on television. A report published by the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine revealed that "for each additional hour per day that a child watched television, an average of one additional request was made for an advertised product," (Motluk p

Subliminal Advertising Has Been One

The Republican National Committee staunchly denied the accusations that it had used subliminal messages. Still, the word "bureaucrats" was cut off so that "rats" appeared on the screen a bit longer than any other word being flashed to viewing audiences (Teinowitz)