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22 th
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How to Cite a Case Study

By: admin 0 posts 6291 views 0 Comments

  Students are often puzzled about the proper citation format for unusual documents or sources. While they can easily find information on how to cite books, online sources, or periodicals, they may be puzzled about how to cite lesser known sources, like case studies. Case studies may not a very common type of source, but they can absolutely add value to your research paper or dissertation. In fact, some schools, particularly a very well-known Ivy League’s business school, have become well-known for publishing case studies that challenge some of the assumptions in different industries. Definition of Case Study There are actually multiple different definitions for the term case study, each referring to slightly different versions of similar real-life studies of people or phenomenon, in context. In general, the term case study refers to a type of research methodology commonly used in the social sciences, which is an empirical inquiry into a phenomenon in its real-life setting. Case studies tend to be intensively in-depth. In contrast to other types of research, they do not have control groups. Instead, the focus on a

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20 th
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How to Write an Amazing Thesis Statement

By: admin 0 posts 3076 views 0 Comments

Thesis Statement Definition A thesis statement is a concise statement, often only one or two sentences in length, that tells the main point of a paper.  The thesis statement is the central argument of a paper, and a great touchstone for the rest of the paper.  If anything in the paper fails to provide support for the thesis statement, then either there is something wrong with the thesis statement or that material does not belong in the paper. Things to Keep in Mind While Writing Your Thesis Statement: Clarity is key. Make it specific. Proper placement is important. State a position in your thesis, when appropriate. Revise your thesis as you work on your paper. Clarity One of the most important elements for a successful thesis statement is clarity.  For writing to be considered clear and easy to understand, it must meet several different qualifications.  First, the sentence should be grammatically correct.  Misplaced punctuation or phrases can dramatically alter the meaning of your writing, so make sure your grammar is correct. Second, the sentence should be written at a level appropriate to your

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27 th
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How to Complete an APA Style Paper

By: admin 0 posts 2399 views 0 Comments

What is APA?  Most of us begin our academic writing careers using MLA style, which is the preferred format for humanities and literature essays.  However, once you enter college-level courses, and sometimes before that, you are often asked to write papers in APA style.  This leaves many students wondering what APA style is, how it is different from MLA style, and how to approach writing a paper in APA style. Fortunately, much of what you already know about writing can be used in an APA style research paper.  APA stands for the American Psychological Association, which puts out a manual detailing the guidelines for anyone that wants to publish in an APA-affiliated journal.  The manual is called The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.  It has become a popular reference for writers of all types of academic works. There have been various editions of the APA manual, but the current edition is the Sixth Edition.  Unless otherwise instructed, you always use the most current version of any style manual.  Therefore, this guide to APA style paper format will rely on the rules outlined in the Sixth

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24 th
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How to Write an APA Title Page

By: admin 0 posts 5744 views 0 Comments

If you are writing a paper in APA format, then you may be wondering how to format your APA style title page.  An APA title page is simply a title page that is formatted according to the rules in the APA’s style manual.  The title page appears at the beginning of the document and may also be called the cover page. What is APA? If you have been asked to write a paper in APA style, you may have found yourself wondering what APA style is.  APA is an acronym for the American Psychological Association.  The APA publishes a style manual known as The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, and referred to as the APA manual or APA style.  This book contains all of the current writing rules for articles, essays, and research papers to be published in APA publications.  In other words, if you are writing for an APA journal, you need to submit your work in APA style. However, APA style is used by a wide variety of writers, not just those seeking publication in APA journals.  It is the writing style most commonly used in the “soft” sciences, such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and related

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21 th
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How to Cite Your Essay in MLA Format

By: admin 0 posts 3099 views 0 Comments

What is MLA? MLA stands for the Modern Language Association, an organization that was founded in 1883 with the purpose of strengthening the study of languages and literatures.  The MLA hosts an annual convention with the purpose of discussing languages and maintains a humanities publishing program to promote the distribution of humanities works. One of the purposes of the MLA is to improve the quality of language and literature as it pertains to the humanities.  To do this, MLA has promulgated a writing style known as MLA Style.  In a series of handbooks geared towards writers, MLA has established uniform style guidelines reflecting the norms of each era and incorporating changes in publishing. The current format of the MLA Handbook is the 8th Edition.  Referred to as MLA 8, this 2016 update to MLA style was actually a major overhaul of the MLA style, especially in terms of how sources should be cited and documented.  Because of the internet, publication types are changing faster than they ever have in the past.  Rather than keeping several different citation formats, MLA 8 hoped to address these changes by

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05 th
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Guide on Citing a Dissertation

By: admin 0 posts 1892 views 0 Comments

One of the most common question our student-customers have is how to cite unusual documents, which may not have been published on a large scale, and may be difficult for the average reader to access. We often caution people against using sources that are not widely available. This is for a number of reasons, but the main reason has to do with questions about the reliability and validity of lesser-known sources. However, there is one type of source that is considered an appropriate academic resource, but still may not be widely available. That is the dissertation. Definition of Dissertation While technically a dissertation is any long essay on a particular subject, the word has taken on a very specific meaning in academia. The term dissertation refers to the major paper written by candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy degree and is generally a qualification for people to receive their doctorates. Therefore, dissertations are often the culmination of a student’s entire graduate school course of study and can provide a wealth of information and innovative research for the writing student looking for a great

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01 th
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Works Cited: Easy Guide to Creating One

By: admin 0 posts 1963 views 0 Comments

One of the most tedious parts of writing a research paper can be completing the works cited page at the end of the paper. However, while this can be frustrating and time-consuming for students, it is an absolutely necessary step for a great research paper. Works cited pages let your reader know what sources you used and provide the bibliographic information that they need to find those sources if they do additional information. They can keep you from facing allegations of plagiarism, as your reader can look to your works cited page and find information for any resources that you reference in your works. Perhaps most importantly, they provide a great starting point for additional research for anyone who reads your paper and is interested in the topic. The downside to a works cited page is that it is very technical. It is not enough for you to provide the required information for a source; you must provide it in a very specific manner. Making it more confusing is the fact that the way it is written varies from citation style to citation and style and within citation style according to the type of source you are citing. This guide