Reality Television Sources for your Essay

Reality Television Programs Have Been

Traditionally while media programs were focused on the acting done through the people who wanted to perfect and depict the lives of other historical figures or times, presently a new genre of television programming has become common, referred as "reality television programming." In this programming, cameras are not focused to perfect a scene acted by a versatile actor, rather cameras are focused on the lives of common people and cameras are focused on depicting the most vulnerable weaknesses of human lives (Doyle, 114)

Reality Television Programs Have Been

The promise of money and the vicarious joy at someone winning lots of money, or more commonly spectacularly losing said money, is what draws millions of viewers. The second reason of reality television has become popular because people want to get instant fame (Glynn, 23-25)

Reality Television Programs Have Been

For example, in watching Springer show, many children think that shouting, disrespecting, abusing is common, and some, if not guided by their parents or guardians, misbehave in front of public. Second, as the content of sexual contents and violence is increasing, a large part of American culture is becoming less tolerant and civilized because reality television programs usually expose the weak behavior not the strong behavior of the people (Palmer, 56) Research has shown that kids that watch shows with violence without parental advice are less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others; more fearful of the world around them; more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others; and less aroused by violent scenes than are those who only watch a little

Reality Television

In the household sphere, TV has been considered as the quasi-altar during the single channel regime around which the family used to converge and the forerunner of domestic fragmentation in the present multi-channel era as everybody slips into different rooms to watch their favorite channel in private. (Casey; Casey, et

Reality Television

In case the social and psychological methods entailed in TV effects can be separated, then one is able to look for means through which those processes can be changed. (Davies, 137) Children's perception of TV's reality has appeared a particularly good candidate and has urged greater hope and significant research

Reality Television

In a latest analysis of crime news, it has been noted that items which are news worthy are stated to be those which are extraordinary. (Fishman; Cavender, 108) News media absence of attention to increasingly characteristic types of crime gives viewers with an indistinct view of the problem of crime in America

Reality Television

Seven complete strangers are chosen to live together, and viewers watch to discover the happenings when people with varied backgrounds and temperament are left to live closely. (Frisby, 7) Effect of Reality TV on society and effect on popular American culture: Societal effect can be understood by drawing from the social comparison theory which postulates that people have an impetus or a need to compare their capabilities and opinion to other people

Reality Television

Therefore, performance comes to be a powerful framing device for detecting reality TVs claims to be real. (Hill, 61) Moreover, TV audiences are highly skeptical as regards the truth claims of majority of reality programming exactly as they suppose they hope people to 'act' so that reality TV becomes entertaining

Reality Television

While purity of free speech can be explained, but in today's society an increasing number of people appear to be exercising what is known as the assumed right to unhindered speech. (Soong, Reality Television) As against free speech, that aims to actually make a remark regarding a topic, or contribute a thought that merits considering in spite of the personal benefits, free noisemakers are motivated to sensationalize and shock behind a barrier of pretentious "art" mystique which they wrongly believe gives then an automatic air of believability

Reality Television it Is Futile

Examples of such shows include Dr. 90210, in which plastic surgeons operate on patients, change their appearance and as such increase their self-esteem, or the several shows revealing people fighting, and beating, obesity (Goodman)

Reality Television it Is Futile

Additionally, they can be used to send political messages. An example in this sense is the Dove campaign, which sends the message that "For too long, beauty has been defined by narrow, stifling stereotypes […] it's time to change all that" (Daum)

Reality Television it Is Futile

The discussions make the time go by sooner, make the job less of a bane and even set basis for future friendships. Finally, the seventh reason derives from the fact that reality television does not impose any educational barriers (Hirschorn, 2007)

Reality Television it Is Futile

First of all, they get the sense that the shows removed some of the previously imposed barriers, by which celebrities were put on a pedestal and considered flawless starts. Otherwise put, the celebrity would be presented not as an idol, but as a regular human being who has to fight with complexes and frustrations and which also encounters illness, sorrow and disillusion (McDuffee, 2008); in the Osbournes show for instance, Sharon was diagnosed with cancer, at which time talks commenced relative to ending the series

Reality Television, Though Often Deliberately

Also, relating to characters on reality shows helps people to feel better about their own lives and problems (DeWall, 2009). Yes, according to another survey, the ongoing popularity of reality television is due to these shows, unlike other shows such as news programs or sitcoms, allowing the viewers to imagine themselves as actual participants (de Vries, 2005)

Reality Television, Though Often Deliberately

Some also claim that the success of reality television is due to its ability to provide schadenfreude or pleasure derived from the misfortune of others by satisfying the desire of viewers to see others humiliated (Reality television). For example, many reality television programs involve situations in which the motivation for positive and lasting relationships is thwarted; people vote others off the island ("Survivor"), kick unwanted roommates out of the house ("Big Brother"), reject potential romantic mates from lavish rental homes ("Rock of Love") and spurn people in search of love ("Flavor Flav" and "Tila Tequila") (DeWall, 2009)

Reality Television, Though Often Deliberately

Reality TV allows American to fantasize about gaining status through automatic fame." (Reiss and Wiltz, 2001) These authors explain that people want status because it is a means to get attention which increases one's sense of importance

Reality Television

Apart from these advantages, audiences, with the prevalence of reality TV programs, know more about TV programs than what they knew years before realism in TV programming became popular. Though other studies on reality TV portrayed it as lacking "TV education" and considered as an act of "voyeurism," the increased level of disclosure and familiarity and decreased depersonalization of reality TV had made it more welcoming rather than detrimental to the audiences (Sardar, 2000)

Anthro Reality Television Shows About Amish Lifestyle

In "Researching the 'Un-Digital' Amish community: methodological and ethical reconsiderations for human subjects research," Tabetha Adkins claims that ethnographers and anthropologists need to develop and implement more flexible methodologies that are not only more ethical, but also more accurate. The author establishes her biases as a self-declared "technophile" who originally imposed technological tools upon Amish subjects in a sort of active display of colonialism or cultural imperialism (Adkins, 2011, p

Anthro Reality Television Shows About Amish Lifestyle

In "Researching the 'Un-Digital' Amish community: methodological and ethical reconsiderations for human subjects research," Tabetha Adkins claims that ethnographers and anthropologists need to develop and implement more flexible methodologies that are not only more ethical, but also more accurate. The author establishes her biases as a self-declared "technophile" who originally imposed technological tools upon Amish subjects in a sort of active display of colonialism or cultural imperialism (Adkins, 2011, p

Reality television - Wikipedia

Reality television is a genre of television programming that documents supposedly unscripted real-life situations, and often features an otherwise unknown ...