Rape Sources for your Essay

Counselor Is a Therapeutic Person

Counselors should therefore create a style of counseling practice that reflects their uniqueness as individuals. The counseling theory by these practitioners should be aligned with what complements the individual personally and uniquely (Corey, 2010)

Rape Is a Less Technical

" The case was reported in state attorney's office in Tamp but the accused couldn't be prosecuted because of lack of evidence. (Gibbs, 1991) Date rape became a national issue when William Kennedy Smith's case hit court in Florida

Rape Is a Less Technical

Women of all age groups have experienced sexual coercion by a male acquaintance on a date. Pineau (1989) defines date rape as "non-aggravated sexual assault, nonconsensual sex that does not involve physical injury, or the explicit threat of physical injury" (Pineau 217)

Risk of Rape on College Campuses

8 and 95.4% of male and female students, respectively, agreed or strongly agreed that marital rape should be prosecuted in the same way stranger rape is prosecuted (Auster and Leone 146)

Risk of Rape on College Campuses

Marital Rape Attitudes toward Marital Rape among College Students Close to 62% of female rape victims are between the ages of 12 and 24 (Rosenthal 407), an age group which encompasses the college years

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Cam Therapeutic Modalities

This treatment procedure involves using herbs as effective sleeping remedies to help in dealing with the condition. For example, valerian is a herb that can be used to deal with the condition at the onset of sleep and with sleep maintenance (Ratini, 2012)

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Cam Therapeutic Modalities

Generally, Western medicine is based on analysis of these studies and the use of emerging evidence in regular clinical practice. As clinicians become largely dependent on scientific and evidence-based approaches, alternative clinical approaches are rejected unless they contain logical scientific evidence (Solomon, 2006)

Therapeutic Techniques Person Cantered Therapy (Carl Rogers)

Adler considers a child to have no characteristics as he or she is being born. He is like an empty slate that is ready to learn and adapt everything in relevance to the immediate environment (Adler et al

Therapeutic Techniques Person Cantered Therapy (Carl Rogers)

Such children will develop while missing out a number of social skills learnt through interaction with other kids. Moreover, such children will be hard to make compromise based on the preferred chances or decisions (Jacobs, 2006)

Therapeutic Techniques Person Cantered Therapy (Carl Rogers)

Carl Rogers strongly believes that therapists should be warm, understanding, and genuine in order to have any impact in their client's behavioral growth and development. Within the notion of growth and development, it is necessary to give the client an opportunity to grow and alter his or her behavior without adding any other extrinsic affair (Rogers, 2003)

Therapeutic Techniques Person Cantered Therapy (Carl Rogers)

Carl Rogers strongly believes that therapists should be warm, understanding, and genuine in order to have any impact in their client's behavioral growth and development. Within the notion of growth and development, it is necessary to give the client an opportunity to grow and alter his or her behavior without adding any other extrinsic affair (Rogers, 2003)

Therapeutic Techniques Person Cantered Therapy (Carl Rogers)

Every step of birth is associated with a number of characteristics that will be part of the developing child. According to Alfred Adler, it is easy to relay the characteristics that are expected of a child after knowing their birth order and number in the family (Sharf, 2012)

U.S. Labor Movement and Grapes

" Their exodus inspired Steinbeck. Denning writes, "The roots of the Grapes of Wrath lie in the great 1933 strikes of Mexican, Filipino, Chinese, and Japanese farmworkers, led by the Communist organizers of the Cannery and Agricultural Workers Industrial Union" (Denning 260)

U.S. Labor Movement and Grapes

The context was the 1930s Great Depression in America. Unemployment was high (around 25%) and those who kept their jobs suffered wage decreases as industry struggled to stay afloat (Kannenberg 542-43)

U.S. Labor Movement and Grapes

It is this idea of labor's unity that reflects the social concern in the novel. Levant observes that "the Okies derive a consciousness of the need for group action from their experiences" (Levant 19)

U.S. Labor Movement and Grapes

Moreover, the labor unions ended up crushed and collapsed. Pizer interprets the Grapes of Wrath as having materialistic view of history: "The migrants can be exploited because labor is abundant, the 'lesson of history' is that the increasing chasm between the haves and the have-nots will result in revolution, and organization of the masses -- from camp sanitation committees to labor unions -- is the solution to all social problems" (Pizer 84)

Gender Violence (Rape) and on

In order to define the accurate parameters of the violence, the article two of the same declaration outlines what it recognizes as the generic forms of the violence against women as; battering, dowry related violence, Female genital mutilation (FGM), sexual abuse of small children, marital rape, non-spousal violence, sexual harassment, trafficking in women, exploitation related violence, intimidation at work place, forced prostitution or any form of violence committed or condoned by state. Although there are cases where women do abuse fellow women, children and even men, the gender-based violence mainly emanates from men directed to women (Asencio, M

Gender Violence (Rape) and on

Elizabeth Kennedy (2011), expounds on this to explain how the black woman is less likely to be treated fairly in a rape case, even to an extent that the race factor still comes to play way after the suspect has been found to have a case to answer. This is also the same fate that befell Recy Taylor where her case has not been conclusively handled since 1944 (Dothaneagle.com, 2011) D

Gender Violence (Rape) and on

She would hang out with teenage boys at a playground, some said."(McKinley, J

Gender Violence (Rape) and on

Cuts, Bruises, Internal (organ) injury, Broken bones-these are mostly acquired when the victim is trying to flee from the aggressor, repulse the abuse or during the abuse to subdue her totally. Some cases have been reported of objects found in the victims' vagina and a major internal injury sustained, like the case in Meru region of Kenya in Africa (New Nation, 2011)