Pro And Con Sources for your Essay

Rosie the Therapy Dog: Pro and Con

"Rosie is a golden retriever therapy dog who specializes in comforting people when they are under stress. Both prosecutors and defense lawyers have described her as adorable, though she has been known to slobber" (Glaberson 2011)

Rosie the Therapy Dog: Pro and Con

As one defense attorney said: "As someone who has had the unpleasant task of having to cross examine a child witness on a number of occasions, I cannot imagine trying to do so while the witness has Lassie on her lap. The already daunting task of trying to establish reasonable doubt in these types of cases would be made nearly impossible with the canine testimony enablers" (Michelen 2011)

Rosie the Therapy Dog: Pro and Con

"Rosie stayed with this child in the witness box, kept her head on the girl's lap and knew when this girl was struggling emotionally and responded by gently nudging the girl's arm. With this kind of support, the girl was able to complete this grueling and painful testimony without further trauma and her abuser was sentenced to 25 years to life" (Palma 2011)

Weighing the Pro and Cons

S. Navy has banned 'tattoos/body art/brands that are excessive, obscene, sexually explicit or advocate or symbolize sex, gender, racial, religious, ethnic or national origin discrimination" and "symbols denoting any gang affiliation, supremacist or extremist groups, or drug use" (Appleton 1)

Weighing the Pro and Cons

Today, it means not appearing to age at all. And -- like breasts that defy gravity -- it's becoming a new bodily norm" (Bordo 1)

Weighing the Pro and Cons

One of the most palpable senses with regard to creating memory is the sense of smell. "The most important thing about our gas-equipped kitchen was that Mama used to do hair there…There was an intimate warmth in the women's tones as they talked with my mama while she did their hair" (Gates 122)

Online Advertising: Pro and Con

It allows the consumer to be more critical but also makes for a more captive audience, because of its targeted nature. Opening statement by the opposition Recently, the FTC was forced to take action, requiring Internet bloggers to make a full disclosure if they had accepted free promotional products from companies which they 'reviewed' objectively on their sites (Allard 2009)

Pro and Con

Year : 1993

Pro and Con

Year : 2007

Power Pro and Con

Year : 1918