Privacy Sources for your Essay

Staffing Privacy Staffing and Privacy

Draper indicates that in addition to the degree to which this policy has been perceived as a genuine privacy violation by prospective employees, "local employment attorneys say that the employers who ask for those Facebook passwords may have more to lose than job candidates: 'It's a dangerous area, and it can be a dangerous thing to do if employers don't take steps to protect themselves from different types of liability that may come up.'" (Draper, p

Staffing Privacy Staffing and Privacy

This webinar is so popular because employers are literally scrambling to figure out how to handle this explosion of social media in the workplace." (Fleischer, p

Staffing Privacy Staffing and Privacy

Protection of those privacy interests by providing a common law remedy for their violation would be consistent with Charter values and an 'incremental revision' and logical extension of the existing jurisprudence." (Forster & Garakani, p

Staffing Privacy Staffing and Privacy

Thus, employers should avoid adopting a 'more is better' approach to collecting personal information about a job candidate, as unnecessary information may ultimately burden an employer with legal liability." (Waggott, p

Staffing Privacy Staffing and Privacy

Similarly, it is generally accepted that an applicant who lists former employers is deemed to be giving consent to have those employers contacted for references." (Wiegele, p

Privacy Concerns Regarding DNA

rape vs. consensual sex) may also be up for debate or consideration (Aarli)

Privacy Concerns Regarding DNA

). EPG is specifically designed as a way to separate DNA, RNA and proteins at the molecular level (Ai)

Privacy Concerns Regarding DNA

The three parts to a DNA test is the collection of the sample, the processing of the sample and the interpretation of the results. DNA can be extracted from a range of biological materials such as saliva, blood, semen, hair, muscle tissue, dandruff and even fingerprints (Butler)

Privacy Concerns Regarding DNA

After all of this, the PCR DNA test is then performed (Butler). PCR DNA collection and analysis has been both standard and digital, both now and in the past (Dietrich)

Privacy Concerns Regarding DNA

PCR DNA collection and analysis has been both standard and digital, both now and in the past (Dietrich). Gel electrophoresis, commonly referred to as EPG, is used to facilitate DNA separation so that it can be analyzed (Ghanim et al

Privacy Concerns Regarding DNA

It would be useful to screen for diseases that are present or could be present. It could also be helpful in figuring out why racial disparities exist in terms of why minorities get sick more often than non-minorities (Gorman)

Privacy Concerns Regarding DNA

The government requiring DNA profiles for people across the nation may sound good on its face but it brings up a lot of privacy and other concerns. Many hold that their body is their own (Kaye)

Privacy Concerns Regarding DNA

This can change quite easily if someone is under criminal or similar suspicion. However, there is also the prospect of DNA being "harvested" via surreptitious means (Scherr)

Privacy Concerns Regarding DNA

Governments could overreact, for example, if a DNA sequence suggests a marker for mental illness. People could be committed even if they exhibit no symptoms of the associated mental illness, let alone come to the usual standard of a person posing a threat to themselves or others (Tammelleo)

Employee Privacy Business Report the

It then would state, the areas that such intrusions could be considered to be unauthorized such as: the searching of an employee's locker without their consent. (Saunders, 2003) What are the current laws regulating employee e-mail and Internet privacy, both federal and mass? The CAN SPAM Act regulates how and when someone can receive unsolicited emails

Privacy Since the Advent of

This sense of individualism gives rise to our strong concept of personal privacy. The United States scores low on the power distance scale, indicating that in our culture there is little perceived separation between strata of society (Hofstede, 2009)

Privacy Since the Advent of

Full body scanning has become the new trend for airport security in the wake of the bombing attempt on Christmas Day 2009 on a Detroit-bound plane. By the beginning of 2010, the Transportation Safety Administration had already increased the number of scanners in use at American airports from 40 to 190, and had ordered a further 300 of the machines for installation in early 2010 (Rucker, 2010)

Internet Privacy Issues the Digital

In that regard, one of the sources of complication is that notions of privacy reflected in traditional sources of civil and criminal law evolved long before the prospect of digital communications and information storage. Nowadays, typical Internet and cellular telephone use generates informational trails that contain vast amounts of information about computer and cell phone users that is, at least arguably, entitled to the conceptual standard used in law: reasonable expectation of privacy (DeCew, 2008)

Internet Privacy Issues the Digital

That is not to say that laws cannot be devised to protect privacy in the digital medium; but the prospect of doing so raises complex issues of competing interests, rights, and concerns. In principle, non-governmental entities have much greater latitude in connection with the line separating individual privacy and corporate action in collecting and disseminating information (Larsen, 2007)

Internet Privacy Issues the Digital

In principle, non-governmental entities have much greater latitude in connection with the line separating individual privacy and corporate action in collecting and disseminating information (Larsen, 2007). For example, the Supreme Court very recently ruled that government law enforcement agents may not conduct warrantless tracking of individuals, such as through the use of tracking devices on private motor vehicles (Levin, 2012)