Planets Sources for your Essay

Earth Like Extra Solar Planets

This means that there is the possibility it can be able to sustain basic and intelligent life forms. (Lloyd 106 -- 115) Gliese-58g Gliese-58g has a temperature of between 0 and 40 degrees Celsius

Earth Like Extra Solar Planets

As a result, it is unlikely to sustain any kind of basic or intelligent life. (Miller 46 -- 51) Kepler-10b Kepler-10b has a temperature of approximately 88

Earth Like Extra Solar Planets

Together, these different elements will provide the greatest insights as to the significance of these discoveries. (Seager 1 -- 15) Gliese-58d Gliese-58d has a surface temperature of between 0 and 40 degree Celsius

Life on Planets

However, not all scientists agree with these findings, and there is still not total agreement that there was once some kind of life on Mars. None of the spacecraft that have landed on Mars have found any evidence of life, either (Caplinger)

Life on Planets

That means that the Martian atmosphere is not as protective as Earth's atmosphere, and that more of the sun's rays and radiation reach the planet. Mars does have enough atmosphere to create weather systems like clouds and winds, just like Earth, however (Squyres)

Life on Planets

Scientists do believe that Mars was much wetter in the past, and could have supported life, which could help back up the evidence from the meteorite. Another author notes, "Mars is almost certain to have been warmer and wetter in its distant past, so the existence of primitive life has been a tantalizing possibility for some time, but the real search may be just beginning" (Williams)

Astronomy the Terrestrial Planets Are Defined as

Comets tend to orbit a star, but their composition is quite different from other celestial bodies because of the ice. There was concern not long ago that a comet might have melted as it passed by the Sun (Amos, 2013)

Astronomy the Terrestrial Planets Are Defined as

The telluric planet is one given type of planet, defined as one that is primarily composed of rocks and heavy metals. Thus, the composition of these planets is similar to each other, which makes for a proper comparison between them (Cessna, 2010)

Astronomy the Terrestrial Planets Are Defined as

The telluric planet is one given type of planet, defined as one that is primarily composed of rocks and heavy metals. Thus, the composition of these planets is similar to each other, which makes for a proper comparison between them (Cessna, 2010)

Astronomy the Terrestrial Planets Are Defined as

Asteroids are basically hunks of rock and metal, so their small size and lack of planetary characteristics makes them distinct from planets. Further, the fact that they orbit the sun and not a planet means that they are not moons either (Choi, 2013)

Extrasolar Planets

In 1995, scientists at the Geneva Observatory in Switzerland announced the first confirmed detection of an extra-solar planetary system approximately thirty- five to forty-five light years from Earth, orbiting star number 51 in the Constellation Pegasus via sophisticated spectroscopic techniques. The most surprising aspect of this discovery was the proximity of the planet to its host star, because what we know about planet formation within our Solar System seems to preclude the formation of such a large gaseous planet so close to its sun (Butler)

Extrasolar Planets

The reason is the extreme scarcity of stars that exist for the necessary period of time to enable life to develop on nearby planets. Stars much more massive than our sun, for example, burn out or explode in powerful supernova explosions much too soon for life to evolve as it presumably did over billions of years on earth (Davies)

Extrasolar Planets

Finally, Pluto is composed mainly of ice, which combined with the fact that it is nearly far enough from the Sun to fall within the Kuiper belt, where most comets (which primarily consist of ice) visible from Earth originate. Consequently, some astronomers have always maintained that Pluto's size, composition, distance from the Sun and orbital plane indicate that it is more likely a dormant comet rather than a bona-fide planet (Engelbert)

Extrasolar Planets

Extra-Solar Planets The word planet means "wanderer" in Greek. It derives from the fact that planets within our solar system seem generally to wander eastward about the so-called fixed stars across the zodiac constellations (Kolb)

Extrasolar Planets

Neptune is seventeen times larger than Earth, but so far away that it was discovered only indirectly, when several different teams of astronomers suspected its existence, merely because irregularities in the orbit of Uranus suggested the existence of another planetary body with a gravitational field sufficient to explain those observed orbital irregularities (Engelbert). Extra-solar planets, or those lying outside our Solar System, cannot be detected directly by visual observation because their visible light is only a reflection of their host stars, whose light is up to ten billion times brighter than planets orbiting them (Lemonick)

Extrasolar Planets

The most surprising aspect of this discovery was the proximity of the planet to its host star, because what we know about planet formation within our Solar System seems to preclude the formation of such a large gaseous planet so close to its sun (Butler). Other planetary bodies orbiting stars within the new planetary system were detected shortly thereafter by astronomers at San Francisco using conventional optical telescopes to measure spectral changes in the visible light radiated from the host star about which suspected planets orbit (Sagan)

Extrasolar Planets

Other direct and indirect methods of astronomical analysis provide data into the relative proximity of orbiting planets to their host stars, which primarily determines terrestrial climate conditions likely to prevail on planets. To date, we have catalogued 108 extra-solar planetary systems comprising 123 individual planets including 13 multiple planet systems (Schneider)

Battle of the Planets

Year : 1978

The Planets

Year : 1999

Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets

Year : 2004