Physician Assisted Suicide Sources for your Essay

Physician Assisted Suicide and Active Euthanasia

The values in this case include the well-being of an individual and individual autonomy or self-determination. Self-determination according to Brock has got to do with letting individuals chart their own destiny, that is, allowing individuals to make decisions for themselves (Mappes and DeGrazia 402)

Physician Assisted Suicide Ethics

Furthermore, the Ninth Circuit found no ethical or legal distinction between a doctor prescribing a drug that was specifically designed to end a life (single-purpose medical interventions) and dual-purpose interventions. Dual-purpose interventions are those that "increase the risk of death or hasten its arrival as a byproduct of efforts to control pain," (Kasimar, 1997)

Physician Assisted Suicide Ethics

¶ … right to terminate artificial life-Support system a practical condition on the successful practice of medicine? Terminating artificial life support is often viewed as being qualitatively and ethically different from physician-assisted suicide or aid-in-dying. Withholding treatment is sometimes referred to as passive euthanasia (Steinbock, 2015)

Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide Morality

One of those themes is harm. Even toddlers understand that harming other people is immoral (Pinker)

Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide Morality

¶ … Power to Kill Ethics in modern medicine are still grounded in a document that is thousands of years old: the Hippocratic Oath. The Hippocratic Oath states, "I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect," (Tyson 1)