Medieval Sources for your Essay

Medieval Art and Architecture if

Maria in Cosmedin in Rome is an example of a building that combines many of the earlier donations from Eastern and Islamic art with the contemporary ones of the Crusades era, and furthermore stands in the long East-West tradition of veneration of Mary so central to the earlier cultural borrowings. The church was consecrated in 1123 by Pope Calixtus II, the scion of a family that was "ferociously committed" to holy warfare (Derbes, 1995)

Medieval Art and Architecture if

It also produced a flowering of science, arts and letters. Via the efforts of Andalusian translators the works of classical authors made their way into Christian Europe, laying the foundations of the Renaissance" (Lee, 1993) However, limiting contact to those two seminal events is to ignore the constant currents of cross-pollination between the paradisiacal vision of the Eastern world, and the redemptive vision of the West

Medieval Art and Architecture if

Medieval Art and Architecture If one thing can be said about architects and artists working in medieval Europe it is this: They were shameless in their borrowings from all the cultures surrounding the Mediterranean, or coming across the central European mountain ranges. Armenia, a nation rarely considered in global artistic inquiry of any kind, was nonetheless a likely conduit for cultural donations because, while its position -- wedged between the Hellenistic, Iranian, Byzantine, and Islamic worlds -- destined it to a history of invasion and domination, it also allowed it to serve as a cultural intercessor between disparate traditions" (Parseghian, 1994)

Understanding the Role of Women in Medieval Europe

One of their roles as wives is to give birth. Society, however, appreciated motherhood, and when wives gave birth, their husbands often awarded them (Gilchrist 144)

Understanding the Role of Women in Medieval Europe

Therefore, the women were to sew sacks, make vestments for priests, and make some cloth, but when doing this, they were to teach their daughters the same. The medieval period in the European continent completely isolated women from skilled labor (Howell 2)

Understanding the Role of Women in Medieval Europe

In addition, owing to the economic significance of the women, in other times they served as heads of the families in the absence of their husbands (Howell 19). In the period1480-1490, domestic service for women seemed to decline (Klapisch-Zuber 176), which saw to the use of males to perform most of the skilled duties

Understanding the Role of Women in Medieval Europe

During the time, although some of the European women contributed to the economic well-being of the society, they were not at anytime identified through their occupational designations. Therefore, although some of the women were working, the society throughout identified them through their marital status (McKeon 177)

Understanding the Role of Women in Medieval Europe

Women's Domesticity In Medieval Europe During The Late Middle Ages Role of Women as Mothers/Wives During the pre-industrial period in Europe, European housewifery included not only the housework chores, but also medical services, distillation, water purification, brewing, veterinary services and producing simple goods (Wall 19)

Avars in Medieval Carpathian Basin and Grave Goods

Avar Burials It is reported in the Early Avar Panninia there are four types of burial assemblages which can be determined based on cultural relations that they point to. (Curta and Kovalev, nd, p

Avars in Medieval Carpathian Basin and Grave Goods

These peoples came from the East and all tempted to conquer the people settled in this area which included the "Romanized population, Samaritans, Germanic Tribes and Slavs." (Vida, Mersdorf, Schilling, and Klucsar, nd, p

Medieval Theocracies it Has Been

According to scholars like Arlandson, Pope Urban II's call to crusade against the Muslims was purely a reaction to earlier Muslim aggression against Christians. (Arlandson)

Medieval Theocracies it Has Been

, Christendom comprised a very small segment of the globe, and was largely confined to the western portion of Eurasia. (Latourette)

Medieval Theocracies it Has Been

The result was that "Islamic Judges were religious jurists." (Ross)

Medieval Literature and Christian Themes

In fact, when one thinks about influential writings in Medieval Europe, the most popular book in that time period - not just the most popular religious book but also the most popular book per se - according to well-known American artist and author Jan Richardson, was the Book of Hours. This classic book empowered ordinary readers who were Christians to "keep a similar rhythm of prayer" with monks, nuns, and priests while they were loyal to the "liturgy of the hours," according to Richardson, writing in the journal the Other Side (Richardson 2003)

Medieval Period Papal Bull\'s Regulations Covered Jewish

What mentality? Catholic Church response gentile population time period? Medieval period papal bulls and other regulations covered Jewish behavior, lifestyle, clothing and living areas The medieval papal bulls issued regarding the Jews during the Middle Ages did occasionally protect Jewish rights, such as the bull in 1205 by Innocent III which issued the statement that Jews should not be forced to convert, a radical notion at the time. However, Jews were still prohibited from dining with Christians and owning Christian slaves, underlining their unequal status ("Bulls, Papal," Encyclopaedia Judaica, 2008)

Medieval Period Papal Bull\'s Regulations Covered Jewish

In general, the treatment of the Jews was better by kings than by popes (mainly because the kings were often in greater need of money) and Jewish populations frequently became pawns in the power plays between national and ecclesiastical authority during this period. For example, Pope Innocent III complained to King Philips August of France that "of the royal protection granted to the Jews and of their usurious practices as money-lenders, but, though Philip often banished them, he always allowed them to return on payment of a fine" (Halsall 1998)

Medieval Period Papal Bull\'s Regulations Covered Jewish

The hatred of Judaism in some areas was so deep that not even the economic advantages of moneylending would allow Christians to tolerate them: Jews were banished from England in 1290 and were not readmitted until 1656. Although technically the reasons for their expulsion were accusations of blood libel and usury, Edward I's "motivation was partly financial: once they were banished, their possessions became property of the crown" and the king was in debt (Holmes 2013)

Medieval Period Papal Bull\'s Regulations Covered Jewish

While officially Jews were citizens of the Roman Empire in the ancient world, Jews in Christendom "were treated under the law as resident foreigners. They lived under the protection of the King, yet this also meant that they were vulnerable to his whim" (Konop, Muller, & Risley, "Jews")

Selective Application of Justice in Medieval Europe

Therefore, the punishment was a way of cleansing the criminal from such defilement. As additional evidence of the religious nature of the penal law in the medieval Europe, some secular codes bore passages that were moral in nature with quotations drawn directly from the Scriptures (Brundage 18)

Selective Application of Justice in Medieval Europe

In a number of these principles, the church was borrowing much from the lessons drawn from the later Roman Empire. It is conclusive and arguable that the ecclesiastical courts were humanizing the law (Geremek 56)