Martial Arts Sources for your Essay

Women in Chinese Martial Arts Films of the New Millennium

After this disorder, and after the criticism, Jiang was successful in convincing his husband to actively participate in the affairs of state. He started to rejuvenate late and he allowed Jiang to leave his chambers after sunrise (Chen 171)

Women in Chinese Martial Arts Films of the New Millennium

The fact that this disorder was associated with him was something that constantly bothered her. She was often seen to tell her husband that this order was coming from her and that she had the courage to accept her mistakes (Jin-cang)

Women in Chinese Martial Arts Films of the New Millennium

She also claimed that Deng always used to lend her a shoulder to cry on. Since Huang and Deng both had immense respect for Taigong Wang, they often ended up in having arguments over him, even though these arguments were quite minor and were often based on their discussion of who knew him the most (Yejiaoshou.)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

9). Experts in the field now believe that ADHD is as much a disorder of self-regulation and executive functioning as it is of attention (Amen, Hanks, & Prunella, 2008; Barkley, 2007; Brown, 2007; Jennings, 2003)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

Pediatricians, whom generally have limited mental health training, evaluate over two-thirds of children diagnosed with ADHD, of whom over half are immediately prescribed medication (Henrick, 2009). Although comorbid mental health conditions are present more often than not with ADHD, few are identified or treated early and few early (proactive) interventions exist (Banks & Zionts, 2009; DuPaul, 2009, 2008; Fitzpatrick & Knowlton, 2009; Kamphaus & Reynolds, 2007; Kelly & Aylward, 2005)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

Table 1 Definition of Key Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Definition Academic performance For the purposes of this study, academic performance defined as graded performance on report cards. ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Barkley, 2007) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder The conceptualization of ADHD remains dynamic (Lensch, 2000)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

Table 1 Definition of Key Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Definition Academic performance For the purposes of this study, academic performance defined as graded performance on report cards. ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Barkley, 2007) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder The conceptualization of ADHD remains dynamic (Lensch, 2000)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

However, despite this long overdue popularity, there continues to be a delay in the psychological literature addressing the potential benefits of these traditional practices for children, particularly special needs children such as those with mental health disabilities. Recent research has reported wide-ranging benefits for mindfulness and martial arts, independent of one another (Chan, Sze, & Dejian, 2008; Palermo, Di Luigi, Dal Forno, & Dominici, 2006; Sears, Tirch, & Denton, 2011), yet research addressing the potential benefits of integrating these disciplines with children is limited and is an identified area of need in the literature (Block-Lerner, Holston, & Messing, 2009; Sears, Tirch, & Denton, 2011)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

Symptoms are usually first observed in the toddler years and initial diagnosis is most common during elementary school, with symptoms typically lessening throughout adolescence and adulthood (APA, 1994). However, in adolescence, symptoms may be subtle yet more disabling than in childhood (Brown, 2007)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

Symptoms are usually first observed in the toddler years and initial diagnosis is most common during elementary school, with symptoms typically lessening throughout adolescence and adulthood (APA, 1994). However, in adolescence, symptoms may be subtle yet more disabling than in childhood (Brown, 2007)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

In essence, it is an inability to adequately regulate mental and physical self-control. The ability to adequately regulate mental and physical self-control is an important issue because these aspects of movement and variation of perspective have traditionally been regarded as being factors that adversely affect attention, while stillness and constancy have been traditionally regarded as being the antecedents of paying attention (Carson, Shih & Langer, 2001)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

Therefore, researchers are only able to report the results of their studies as they emerge, and these findings will contribute to an improved understanding of ADHD. The limited research to date with mindful-based interventions indicates these alternatives may be efficacious in promoting improved academic outcomes (Castonguay & Beutler, 2006)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

However, despite this long overdue popularity, there continues to be a delay in the psychological literature addressing the potential benefits of these traditional practices for children, particularly special needs children such as those with mental health disabilities. Recent research has reported wide-ranging benefits for mindfulness and martial arts, independent of one another (Chan, Sze, & Dejian, 2008; Palermo, Di Luigi, Dal Forno, & Dominici, 2006; Sears, Tirch, & Denton, 2011), yet research addressing the potential benefits of integrating these disciplines with children is limited and is an identified area of need in the literature (Block-Lerner, Holston, & Messing, 2009; Sears, Tirch, & Denton, 2011)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

Martial arts benefit youth in a variety of ways, yet beyond needed physical fitness, it also teaches students how to develop self-control (Walters, 1997). Current research reveals that martial arts can be a powerful influence on children (Diamond & Lee, 2011; Lakes & Hoyt, 2004; Palermo, Di Luigi, Dal Forno, & Dominici, 2006)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

43). Yet until a surge in the literature began in the mid 1990s, this timeless Eastern philosophy and practice received little professional recognition or acceptance in Western culture (Didonna, 2009)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

Improvements were evidenced on measures of attention, cognitive inhibition, and self-reported ADHD symptoms (Zylowska, Ackerman, Yang, Futrell, Horton, Hale, Pataki, & Smalley, 2008). Empirical observations suggest that mindfulness therapy can be more effective when used in combination with other CBT therapies (Fedoroff, 2011)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

, a mindful martial arts clinical intervention. Among the many reasons for focusing on children, perhaps the most advantageous is the strikingly beneficial and remedial impact that early behavioral interventions can have on children, and their families (Felt, Lumeng, & Christner 2009)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

These children often do not complete tasks, requiring considerably more effort than peers to do so, and among many other behaviors are often misunderstood; thus, it is not surprising how frustration, avoidance, and agitation can arise. Children with ADHD are more likely to be retained in a grade, be placed in special education, and to struggle socially (Frick & Silverthorn, 2001)

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

Likewise, subjects participating in Kabat-Zinn's mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program for chronic pain patients (1990) reported that "the mental effort expended to avoid painful sensations accounted for a significant proportion of their suffering. The subjective experience of pain diminished as the unpleasant aspects of experience were increasingly accepted" (Germer, Siegel & Fulton, 2006, p

Mindfulness and Martial Arts

Hayes (2004) indicates the first wave was based on establishing empirical support for behavioral principles; the second wave on establishing empirical support for cognitive, behavioral, and emotive principles; and the third wave on expanding empirical support for integrative applications of mindfulness with evidence-based behavioral and cognitive principles. Importantly, the third wave originated from philosophical changes in the field and various research anomalies that were incompatible with contemporary scientific theories (Hayes, 2004)