Illegal Drugs Sources for your Essay

Collecting Illegal Drugs as Crime

Therefore the major issues regarding identifying, gathering, and preserving illegal drugs as crime evidence include & #8230;. Type of Packaging: Packaging of illegal drugs to use as crime evidence is primarily dependent on the type of evidence and the laboratory examination to be performed (Wampler, 2011)

Texas Laws Regarding Illegal Drugs

They have dire consequences against those caught in possession of, or caught using these banned substances. The punishments include probation, fines, temporary loss of the driver's license at the initial level and jail time when it comes to extreme cases (Anderson, 2005)

Texas Laws Regarding Illegal Drugs

Texas law also requires that a person be tried separately for each charge, once for possession of the illegal drug and additionally for sales of the drug within a drug-free school zone. It also requires that any sentences be served consecutively rather than concurrently (Gould, 2002)

Texas Laws Regarding Illegal Drugs

federal courts has risen steadily over the past two decades. In 1991, noncitizens comprised about 23% of persons prosecuted in federal courts; by 2009, nearly 45% of those prosecuted were noncitizens (Hartley & Armendariz, 2011)

Texas Laws Regarding Illegal Drugs

Lance Hignite Texas Laws Regarding Illegal Drugs The history of the United States policy towards drugs in general is a two-dimensional frame, the first being supply reduction, the reduction and control of the supply of drugs through legislation, law enforcement, interdiction, sentencing, and incarceration, and the second being demand reduction, the reduction of the demand for drugs. Demand reduction is operationalized through education, prevention and treatment (Jensen & Gerber, 1996)

Texas Laws Regarding Illegal Drugs

These drugs are treated as Penalty Group 2 under Texas drug laws. On the other hand, Valium, Ritalin and other prescription drugs come in the Penalty Group 3 category and have more serious consequences for lower amounts of possession like 200 grams and are highly fined (Provine, 2007)

Illegal Drugs as Wmds the

."the first being supply reduction, the reduction and control of the supply of drugs through legislation, law enforcement, interdiction, sentencing, and incarceration, and the second being demand reduction, the reduction of the demand for drugs" (Harrison et al

Should Illegal Drugs Be Legalized

Predictably, those opposed to decriminalization fear the explosion of drug addiction and drug related crime that would follow as a consequence of their unrestricted use. They point to the well established link between drug abuse, juvenile delinquency and petty crimes necessitated by expensive, addictive narcotics (Brecher, 1972)

Should Illegal Drugs Be Legalized

Consumer demand nevertheless presented a ripe opportunity for criminal usurpation of the illicit production and distribution of alcohol. Consequently, by the time Prohibition was subsequently repealed by the 21st Amendment in 1933, the criminal enterprises that it had spawned were so firmly entrenched into the landscape of the American economy that most of them still retain considerable power even today (Dershowitz, 2002)

Should Illegal Drugs Be Legalized

First, it is simply irreconcilable, from a logical perspective, that cigarettes and other tobacco products are sold completely legally, while private use and the mere possession of marijuana and any other agent containing THC such as hashish are severely penalized in many states. Opponents of decriminalization believe that government owes a duty of paternalistic protection of its citizens, but critics point out that even the most well motivated paternalistic laws must reflect a consistency in their application and effect (Taylor, 1982)

Hooked: Illegal Drugs & How They Got That Way - Marijuana, Assassin of Youth

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Hooked: Illegal Drugs & How They Got That Way - Opium, Morphine, and Heroin

Year : 2000

Hooked: Illegal Drugs & How They Got That Way - Cocaine, the Third Scourge

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Hooked: Illegal Drugs & How They Got That Way - LSD, Ecstasy, and the Raves

Year : 2000