Healing Hospital Sources for your Essay

Spiritual Healing Hospital

For example, cancer patients who participate in religious activities are able to achieve less anxiety, "higher level of self-esteem," as well as fewer health worries. (Puchalski, 2001 p353 )

Spiritual Healing Hospital

Nurses can facilitate patients' spiritual practices by "offering themselves to pray together with them if they feel at ease to do this." (Nascimento, et al

Healing Hospital Provides Its Patients With a

There are three main components of a healing hospital. These components are listed below; (Eberst 1-3) A Healing Physical Environment Healing hospitals have an environment in which the staff members, who fulfill the responsibility of care givers, not only take care of the patients but they also interact and engage with the families of the patients

Healing Hospital Provides Its Patients With a

In addition to that, when the patients feel loved and cared for they heal in a faster and effective manner. (Loyd 1-8) Works Cited Eberst, Laurie

Healing Hospital Provides Its Patients With a

Moreover, the traditional hospitals cured the diseases of the patient on the basis of proven scientific methods, whereas, this system depends on methods that are based on beliefs and are not scientifically proven, thus this fact acts as a psychological barrier for the implementation of healing system. (White 6) Verse that Supports the Healing System One of the Biblical verses which supports the concept of the healing hospital is 'Matthew 14:14'

Healing Hospital Provides Its Patients With a

In addition to technical competency such a hospital provides its patients with kindness, compassion, spirituality and relationship. (Zarren 1-5) The increase in technical advancements in the field of health and medicine has enabled the health care providers to understand and treat almost all the diseases but it has been proved by a number of evidences that if the element of kindness, compassion, understanding, care and relationship are not present between the care taker and the one whose being taken care of then an influential element of healing is left behind

Hospital Paradigm the Healing Hospital

Here, the physician is expected to view the patient as a human being in need of care rather than as a customer in need of service. (Chapman, p

Healing Hospital: The Development of a New

The creation of a healing environment also faces the challenge of the daily increase in the number of patients seeking for medical care. Due to this increase, physicians shortens the length of patients' visits while patients also feel the impact of less attention by nurses and other health care providers (Dunn, 2010)

Healing Hospital: The Development of a New

A healing hospital has three major components which are: A Healing Physical Environment: The healing hospital not only takes into consideration how patients will be cared for but it also focuses on the staffs as caregivers and how it would engage with families. A loving, compassionate and aesthetically lovely environment promotes healing in a healing hospital (Eberst, n

Health Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Healing

Therefore, a healing hospital will provide not only for the physical aspects of healing but will also make provision for the psychological, social and spiritual aspects that integrate the various components into a comprehensive and inclusive process. In this sense the healing hospital has been described as an overall healing environment (Jacobs, 2009)

Concept of a Healing Hospital

Second, religious convictions may or may not affect the decision-making that someone makes relative to their healthcare. Finally, it is important to remember that spirituality may be a patient need and may be important in patient coping (Puchalski, 2001)

Concept of a Healing Hospital

Second, religious convictions may or may not affect the decision-making that someone makes relative to their healthcare. Finally, it is important to remember that spirituality may be a patient need and may be important in patient coping (Puchalski, 2001)

Healing Hospital and Spirituality

One of the hindrances in promoting and implementing a healing hospital environment is the reality that hospitals care to numerous patients, a number that far exceeds the staff and medical practitioners that it has. Thus, in as much as the staff would want to cater specifically to each patient's needs, at the very best, and given their time and manpower, all that is given to the patient is the basic requirement of constant checking up of his/her condition (Yong, 2011, 281)

Setting Up Healing Hospitals and Its Challenges

The first component of a healing hospital to be discussed is the creation of a healing physical setting or environment. This implies a quiet setting so that the patients are able to sleep peacefully, which in turn facilitates the regeneration of their cells in a faster way and speeds up the whole process of healing (Eberst, 2006)