Glaucoma Sources for your Essay

Interventions for Cushing S Disease and Glaucoma

This disease is a major challenge because it progresses or develops without symptoms until it successfully damages the optic nerve. As a result, approximately 50% of people with this condition remain undiagnosed while nearly one in every ten people aged 80 years or more are affected by it (Parente, 2011)

Interventions for Cushing S Disease and Glaucoma

While standard treatments exist, glaucoma can cause loss of vision or total blindness because of pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma, which is also known as increased intraocular pressure (IOP), is a condition attributable to insufficient drainage of aqueous humor from the eye's anterior chamber (Vera, 2013)

Interventions for Cushing S Disease and Glaucoma

Moreover, cortisol helps in lessening the response of the immune system to inflammation or swelling. The most common symptoms of Cushing's disease include slow growth rate in children, upper body obesity, and round, red, full face (Wisse, 2013)

Stop Glaucoma Program: What We Do

Year : 2016