Gay Marriage Sources for your Essay

Gay Marriage in Many Countries,

Furthermore, there should be freedom of religious choices and no religion should influence the legality or illegality of gay marriages because it is not a criminal activity (Hannum 12). For a gay couple, children is not some natural doing of biology, gay couples respect the need of children, which they face and incorporate the search for children into the fulfillment of their joy within the marriage (Case & Briana 172-177)

Gay Marriage in Many Countries,

This makes the issue of gay marriages difficult to accommodate in religious institutions, as it would deter the freedom of knowledge regarding holy marriages. Since religious people consider gay marriages sinful, advocating for their legalization or acceptability is sinful (Edwards 247-261)

Gay Marriage in Many Countries,

Opposite sex marriages and divorce is acceptable in the society with same sex marriages exceptionally condemned because they would reduce the sacred touch aspect of marriages. My interest in the issue of gay marriages is that, I find it intriguing that most countries gang up against same sex marriages but support opposite sex marriages, even in the instance of multiple divorces (Galli 30)

Gay Marriage in Many Countries,

Children may be the result of biological setup, and that is very much agreeable. Nevertheless, the problem comes in place when those children so treasured by the society, do not receive the protection they deserve bringing about the need for adopters (Hannum 12)

Gay Marriage in Many Countries,

Altering laws into accepting gay marriages is very offensive because, the very laws, which govern nations, are described using religious backgrounds. Incorporating aspects, which are unacceptable to religion protectively within the laws, would not be defending the foundation of religion; instead, it would be like an insult to the same religion formulating its presence (Judith 285-291)

Gay Marriage in Many Countries,

It is this interest in getting closure for gay marriages sparking the interest I have in this research. I would love to highlight some of the reasons as to why religion and government under looks gay marriages (Jones 10)

Gay Marriage in Many Countries,

It is the cause of disagreements and confusion faces by the society. This is because, when a child grows without any development of standard family values, it just becomes hard for the child to overgrow the society's expectations when faced with certain situations (Karpel 18)

Gay Marriage in Many Countries,

I do not agree with the fact that legalizing of gay marriages would invalidate marriages of opposite sexes. The countries, which have so far, gone steps ahead and legalized gay marriages, have never faced negativity on opposite sex marriages (MacIntosh, Elke & Heather 79-90)

Gay Marriage in Many Countries,

In most gays, there exists secondary resemblance of opposite sex characteristics like soft voices, on males and cheekbones on females. These are effects of hormonal switches, which make gay marriages inevitable and less deserving of discrimination (Shulman, Gabrielle & Robert 158-181)

Solution to the Gay Marriage

Legal precedent has been set for the changing of marriage laws that are considered unjust. Up until 1967, interracial marriages were illegal (Mathabane)

Solution to the Gay Marriage

It is an institution that embodies some of the fundamental principles that the nation holds dear: concern for others; love for fellow man; self-sacrifice in the interest of another. When marriage is working best, it operates as "a stable bond between two individuals who work to create a loving household and a social and economic partnership" (Olson 68)

Solution to the Gay Marriage

Marriage licenses are issued to partners of the same gender in only six places in the United States: Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Washington, D.C (Urbina)

Gay Marriage the Overwhelming Passage

The issue of gay marriage and resulting legalities surrounding the institution of marriage itself has been debated for many years. In 1996 a state court in Hawaii dismissed the states laws against same-sex marriage thus destroying what was considered the traditional definition of marriage (Hagelin, 2004)

Gay Marriage the Overwhelming Passage

America was built and founded on the grounds and fundamental principle that church and state should be separate; thus people have the right to worship or not as they choose, live their life as they choose and practice beliefs as they see fit. Further, the American government and political system was built on multi-cultural, multi-religious and multi-denominational principles (Marcel, 2004)

Pros of Gay Marriage

Cons of Abortion After three decades of legalized abortion in the United States, it is still a controversial topic (Earll, 2003)

Pros of Gay Marriage

An unborn baby is a meaningful human life that is invaluable. After conception, no event occurs in the development of the fetus that indicates a change in the fetus from being inhuman to becoming human (Foster, 1985)

Pros of Gay Marriage

" Basically, the majority of public opposition to abortion is based on the notion that it is morally wrong to kill a pre-born baby -- the end result of abortion. The abortion controversy is one of the most divisive and controversial issues of this century, which has become a legal and political power struggle that has yet to find a permanent resolution (Garlikov, 2002)

Pros of Gay Marriage

Furthermore, that culture did not tolerate such a belief that women were the victims for irresponsible actions; instead they believed women should be held accountable, along with the male, for the act of conception and thus the birth of a child." When abortion began to be seen as the right of 'choice' for women, regardless of consequence or prior actions, the debate no longer involved concern responsibility or accountability (DePlato, 2003)

Gay Marriage and Use Sociological

One study shows, "Another telling survey result involved the percentage of people who said they had a close friend or relative who was gay. Around 40% of respondents said this was the case, and Powell thinks this number would have been around 20% 10 years ago" (Powell, 2004)

Gay Marriage and Use Sociological

As more people admit to the world they are gay or lesbian, and the fear of HIV and AIDS continues to grow, it seems certain that more same-sex couples will seek marriage. One expert writes of gay families, "What unifies such families is their need to contend with the particular array of psychic, social, legal, practical, and even physical challenges to their very existence that institutionalized hostility to homosexuality produces" (Stacey, 1998, p