Flooding Sources for your Essay

Flooding: Natural Hazard

Broadly speaking, the causes of flooding as Sene (2008) points out could be geotechnical or atmospheric. Geotechnical causes in the opinion of the author include, but they are not limited to, earthquakes, debris flows, or even land slides (Sene, 2008)

Flooding Mold Extreme Weather Mitigation Formulate a

For example, a hundred-year flood is a flood that would theoretically probable to occur only once every century. However, climate change and the changing atmospheric condition are predicted to increase the frequency of natural disasters as well as their intensity (Kelly, 2012)

Flooding Mold Extreme Weather Mitigation Formulate a

Propose three (3) types of molds that could develop from flood damage and the associated health risks with each type of mold. Research has indicated that there is a correlation between dampness and mold in buildings and a potential increased risk of adverse health effects (Mudarri, 2007)

Flooding Lessons Learned One of

S. Economy, interruption of the Gulf oil supply, ruin of exports and forestry, thousands unemployed or displaced, and a huge impact on tourism in the Gulf States (Reidy, 2005, Cooper, 2007)

Yellow Rivers Flooding History

Because of the intensive farming, soil erosion and sedimentation rate in the lower channel increased substantially thus raising the riverbed. In fact, this river has been previously described to be having sixty-percent silt (Chen 684)

Yellow Rivers Flooding History

Occurrence of this hazard claims approximately twenty thousand lives each year: at least twenty million are displaced across the globe from their homes at the same time. In addition to devastating impacts on humanity, floods are also known to impact negatively on the economy especially for those countries that have invested heavily on disaster management technology (Keith 232)

Southwestern Wisconsin: Flooding Due to

The causes of the 2008 flooding were attributed by the Wisconsin Department of Military affairs to the 2007 winter's record-breaking snowfalls which never had time to be absorbed by the ground. "Following the summer's heavy rains, water levels in some wells in southern Wisconsin were nearly 10 feet above their historic highs" ("Effects of climate change in Wisconsin: Flooding in the south, drought in the north," Wisconsin Geologic History and Natural Survey, 2009)

Southwestern Wisconsin: Flooding Due to

Later on, in one experiment, stream flow for 67 years was simulated mimicking conditions in the 1930s; conditions in the 1970s, excluding the modified areas, and conditions in the 1970s, after the CCC intervention. "These simulations showed that the changes in agricultural practices over 40 years (1940-80) reduced the 100-year flood by 53% (from 38,900 to 18,300 cubic feet per second)…Comparisons of model simulations showed that differences between the model calibrations for the two periods were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level" (Krug 1996)

Flooding There Are Many Natural Hazards in

Planting new trees will not stop the problems that are occurring currently, and changing and rerouting streams does not always solve the problem. There may be issues with climate change, but some of the issues that are faced are not related to the climate but to what mankind has done to the climate (Lenton, et al

Flooding There Are Many Natural Hazards in

, 2008). When human beings pollute or damage the environment, there are many areas which are affected (Hansen, 2000)

Flooding There Are Many Natural Hazards in

From that point, the summary will restate the issue and stance, and then summarize the evidence that was collected in addressing said issue. Topic Analysis Many natural disasters could be avoided if humans had not changed their landscape so much in the name of progress (Stroeve, 2007)

Flooding There Are Many Natural Hazards in

Neither is climate change and the excessive rains that may or may not be part of it in some areas of the country and the world. Another cause of flooding is the fact that there are so many people on the planet and they are building their homes and towns closer to water sources (Wentz, 2007)

Flooding There Are Many Natural Hazards in

Now that the changes have already taken place, however, other changes have to be made in an effort to keep problems at bay and rectify some of the issues that have been created. There are two main areas where flooding and human intervention are concerned, and these are the damming and diverting of rivers and streams, and the grading of land and removing of trees that were a natural barrier to flooding in the past (Keim, 2008)

Flooding There Are Many Natural Hazards in

When they build near the ocean or near a lake or river, they have higher chances of flooding and they are more likely to have problems that relate to water-rise issues. Not all homes in these areas will flood, and many of them do not flood often, but the risk is higher and this is a choice that has been made by man, as opposed to something that has been created by nature (Ballu, 2011)

Causes and Remedies of Flooding Along the Mississippi River

The river flood defenses need to be thoroughly reworked, according to some members of Congress, local floodplain supervisors and other important organizations in the area. For one vital aspect, the delta is crumbling and the eroding coastal marshes damage local fishing industries and make inland cities such as New Orleans exposed to the most harmful effects of hurricanes (Russell, 2011)


Year : 2000

Flooding with Love for The Kid

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Flooding in the Time of Drought

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Year : 1914