Feminists Sources for your Essay

Feminists Book Island of the Sequined Love

At the end of the bar a young woman in a short skirt and too much makeup sat alone. Tucker Case sat next to a businessman several stools down (Moore)

Feminists Book Island of the Sequined Love

¶ … feminists book ISLAND OF THE SEQUINED LOVE NUN Christopher Moore. To, general trend feminism Beyond Conventional Feminism There are a number of reasons why contemporary feminists would find fault with Island of the Sequined Love Nun, a novel published in 1997 by author Christopher Moore which may be considered an example of postmodern literature due to the variety of subjects, cultures, and sexual orientations it deals with (Powell 1)

Feminists Book Island of the Sequined Love

The pair have been able to exploit the island of Micronesia and aid their health care business by harvesting the organs of the islanders largely on the basis of Beth dressing up as The Sky Priestess, which was the image on the side of the airplane of a World War II veteran who crashed upon the island. What is most significant about The Sky Priestess, of course, is her physical description, which some critics have described, appropriately enough, as "half naked" (Richard)

Feminists Book Island of the Sequined Love

Accordingly, any dress code that negates such "patriarchal oppression" can be liberating. Western media images (and more generally the capitalist patriarchal system) are apparently key peddlers in the sexist subjugation of women…veils can at times be construed as liberating since some women freely choose to wear these (Saad)

Feminists Book Island of the Sequined Love

It is the modern version of a social reflex that has been in force since the Industrial Revolution. As women released themselves from the feminine mystique of domesticity, the beauty myth took over its lost ground, expanding as it waned to carry on its work of social control (Wolf 10)

Sociology - Theories Feminists and

In this work the author explores the identity of the Black men or women. For example, he notes that, "The history of the American Negro is the history of strife - this longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a better and truer self" (Du Bois 324)

Feminists Unfortunately, When One Hears the Word

Feminists Unfortunately, when one hears the word "feminist," it is frequently in a derogatory context. From the ultra-derogatory use of the epitaph "feminazi" to describe working women, to those men and women who, while declaring feminist ideals, protest the use of that label to describe themselves, there is a taint associated with the word feminist that makes one querulous about self-identifying as a feminist (Crown)

Feminism Males Can Be Feminists

Being treated fairly means receiving equal pay for equal work. Fairness also entails the elimination of the glass ceiling in business and politics, as "a glass ceiling continues to halt the progress of many women who strive to reach top management positions," (Gwynne)

Feminism Males Can Be Feminists

According to the Census Bureau, "For every dollar a man made in 2003, women made 75.5 cents," (Hagenbaugh)

Leading Feminists

Ginsburg has always been a fan of being vocal and today's Feminists need to be okay with being called a "bitch" as she was called when she was in school. Her answer to that title was, "Better bitch than mouse," and that philosophy says a lot about her Feminism (Rosen, 1993)

Leading Feminists

Originally created as part of a commission to decorate porcelain plates, the "History Portraits" morphed into something much more personal (Cloutier-Blazzard, 2007) and grand. Yet even as gender theorists wrote about how her work could be viewed as a criticism of the "male-gaze," Sherman admitted that she had never heard of the "male-gaze" and was dissatisfied by "art-talk" (Tomkins, 2000, p

Debate Regarding Whether Chicana Feminists Helped or Hurt Society

"[footnoteRef:9] What the Chicana feminists strove to do was to disassociate the role of motherhood from any relation to male dominance or female subjectivity and instead promote the mother as an authority in an of herself, with a specifically female-oriented role that could be comprehended and appreciated in its own terms. [8: Cristina Herrera, Contemporary Chicana Literature: Rewriting the Maternal Script (Amherst: Cambria Press, 2014), 2

Debate Regarding Whether Chicana Feminists Helped or Hurt Society

This paper will not only show how Chicana feminists challenged these gender roles but also how Chicana Feminism has been written about in the past. [1: David Horowitz, Betty Friedan and the Making of the Feminine Mystique (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1998), 2

Debate Regarding Whether Chicana Feminists Helped or Hurt Society

[5: Marcel Lefebvre, An Open Letter to Confused Catholics (Kansas: Angelus Press, 1986), 124.] [6: Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz, Mujerista Theology: A Theology for the Twenty-First Century (NY: Orbis Books, 1999), 16

The Silent Feminists: America's First Women Directors

Year : 1993

Beyond Borders: Arab Feminists Talk About Their Lives... East and West

Year : 1999

Women Will Come: Feminists Redefining Pornography

Year : 2010

Feminists Are Funny

Year : 2008

Tiny Feminists

Year : 2016

The New Feminists

Year : 1972