Computer Viruses Sources for your Essay

Computer Viruses: A Quantitative Analysis

49). Among the problems currently being researched include new gateways allowing access into networks, shareware software and other forms of access that allow new methods for distributing "diabolical strains of viruses" that can attack both complex and simple systems (Hickman, 1994: 49)

Computer Viruses: A Quantitative Analysis

The researcher will also compare data gathered from the literature review from the information gathered from the field research to identify what if any relationships exist between the two sets of information. A quantitative research design will allow the researcher to distinguish what relationship exists between computer viruses and other dependent variables within a given population (Hopkins, 2000)

Computer Viruses: A Quantitative Analysis

In today's society, research suggests that computer viruses are perhaps one of the most prevalent security threats facing individuals, corporations and network computer users. Computer viruses have many abilities, including the ability to completely corrupt or delete data and crash computer systems (Hunton, 1998)

Computer Viruses: A Quantitative Analysis

Researchers are continually developing new methods of prevention to protect users from virus programs. Prevention methods identified include use of anti-virus software, scanning, download surveillance and detailed policies regarding user privileges (Rajala, 2004)

Computer Viruses: A Quantitative Analysis

The researcher points out a case in 20001 when a malicious code infected hundreds of computers. This particularly code, a worm, infected more than 300,000 computer systems all over the world in less than nine hours (Williams, 2001)