Calvinism Sources for your Essay

Calvinism: Its Tenets and Impact in the South and in the World

Calvinism in the South Calvinism Calvinism is an interconnection of beliefs and influences adopted by many denominations, and creeds (Bowen 2014)

Calvinism: Its Tenets and Impact in the South and in the World

2. Calvinism and Southern Religion and Southern Culture The two largest Christian evangelical organizations in America today are the Southern Baptists and the Free-Will Baptists (Dishman 2014)

Calvinism: Its Tenets and Impact in the South and in the World

Neither does the New Testament sanction it nor did Christ or His apostles set the example for them (Wikipedia). Southern Baptists are now divided over the traditional teachings of John Calvin (Horton 2013)

Calvinism: Its Tenets and Impact in the South and in the World

It has been argued by a female Southern Baptist and doctoral candidate that this "comlementarianism" should not apply to all areas of human life as the Neo-Calvinists maintain (Horton). Patton 1986 Calvinism teaches that God alone chooses who will be saved and that their salvation is pre-determined (Patton 1986)

Calvinism: Its Tenets and Impact in the South and in the World

John Calvin was the most eminent among the many writers and reformers of the Reformed Church. He was a French theologian and Protestant reformer of the 16th century (Slick 2014, Bowen 2014, Christianity Guide 2014, Wilson 2004)

Calvinism: Rejecting Strict Catholic Dogma

Hence, Dutch art has an appeal beyond the "self-important art commissioned by the pretentious patrons of princely courts and powerful priests" (Heersink 17). In conclusion, it should be mentioned that Calvinist Netherlands was tolerant of other faiths; noted artist Gabriel Metsu moved from Germany to Amsterdam and thrived there notwithstanding his "…ties to Roman Catholicism" (Hedquist 2008)

Calvinism: Rejecting Strict Catholic Dogma

That is because "God's work is evident in the world itself… [and] their paintings…provide reminders about the brevity of life and the need for moderation and temperance on one's conduct" (National Gallery of Art). Emily Heersink writes in the scholarly publication put out by Western University in Ontario, Canada that the "…possession, patronage and enjoyment of art was democratized in the Netherlands" (Heersink 2011)

Calvinism: Rejecting Strict Catholic Dogma

Why Catholicism was represented in 17th Century Italian Art In response to the 16th century Protestant Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church launched the Counter-Reformation movement. Within that movement was the Council of Trent, which "…firmly resisted Protestant objections to using images in religious worship…" and art (Kleiner 2013)

Calvinism: Rejecting Strict Catholic Dogma

Author Beth Williamson explains that the character of Catholic and Protestant art "Became increasingly defined…" in the 17th century. In areas that had remained devoted to the "old faith" (Catholicism), Christian art was continually commissions as "…a powerful polemical weapon, promoting the Catholic view of Christianity" (Williamson, 2004)

Amazing Grace: The History and Theology of Calvinism

Year : 2004