Animal Therapy Sources for your Essay

Psychology How Animal Therapy Assists Various Kinds

The presence of an animal, particularly a dog, is able to act as an "ice-breaker": it catalyzes communication and enhances opportunities for social exchange and shared interests which, in turn, can promote a feeling of social integration. (Cirulli et al

Psychology How Animal Therapy Assists Various Kinds

After the early writings of child psychotherapist Levinson (1962), who shed light on the positive effects of a dog on an autistic child, the validity of pet therapy has been supported by various studies conducted in different settings, with depressed subjects autistic children psychiatric patients and subjects with somatic disorders, as cardiovascular pathologies and communication disorders. (Colombo et al

Psychology How Animal Therapy Assists Various Kinds

The results of several other studies indicate that animal interactions, whether it be short-term in a therapy setting or with pets, increase positive feelings, increases overall well-being and improves quality of life. (Holen, Page 8) Animal assisted therapy has been demonstrated to be a viable therapeutic option for many populations, and it is possible that it may be more effective than traditional therapies for some patients