Worldview Sources for your Essay

Christian Worldview Between Questions and

The soul may be the "image" of the creative divinity (Genesis 1:26-27) and imbued with God's own "breath of life" (Genesis 2:7), but logical investigation is impossible. Even within the Christian community, the specifics of the anthropology of the soul (Cosgrove, p

Christian Worldview Between Questions and

The Golden Rule, the ultimate statement of Christian ethics, is grounded on "the law of Moses" (Luke 10:25) and "taught in the law and the prophets" (Matthew 7:12), and its universal applicability likewise hinges on accepting the word of Jesus that the "neighborhood" of love theoretically extends to all humanity (Luke 10:36-37). In fact, given the absence of compelling evidence, even the historical existence of Jesus or any of the other foundational Christian figures must be taken "by faith" or interpreted in metaphorical terms (Strobel, 2002, pp

Christian Worldview Nursing Health Care in the

In Judith Anne Shelly's book Called to Care, she defines nursing as distinct from medicine, even though the two occupy domains that are close together. She defines it in a way that I find very familiar and similar to my own which is that nursing is the care for the human who is made in the image of God (Shelly & Miller, 2006, 16)

Biblical Worldview

An originally and immutably sinful nature causes human relationships to be qualified by depravity, violence, and lust. "There is sin that is against our own bodies and souls, but there is also sin that is against other people who are created in God's image," (West, 2013, p

Christian Worldview of Criminal Justice

" It is in this case that the Christian practitioner must become an advocate for "new approaches" that help promote fair treatment and preserves human dignity among individuals, deviant or non-deviant. Convicted individuals, for example, could also benefit from continuous discussions about their situation and their equal place in the world (within and outside of the prison) and counseling sessions to further help them internalize that they can be reformed, their behavior "corrected," and believe in themselves that they are capable of doing good to other people and being good to themselves (Bottoms and Tankebe, 2012:148)

Christian Worldview of Criminal Justice

As a person of faith, s/he must recognize also that the person is an individual who might have shown deviant behavior to society, but s/he is nevertheless a person who must be treated equally despite his/her unfortunate circumstance (i.e., incarceration) (McCrudden, 2008:659)

Christian Worldview and Police Enforcement

"For instance, a police officer often performs a search warrant on a house, and as he or she is looking through the bedroom of the home, he or she may spot a bundle of cash in one of the drawers. The individual police officer is alone in that particular room and could easily take the money, and no one would ever find out" (Kopko, 2011)

Christian Worldview and Police Enforcement

A worldview refers to a distinct set of beliefs or paradigms through which people are better able to understand the world, the human condition and our place within the world. A Christian Worldview is one which is characterized by the following belief pillars: an absolute God exists, God made the universe, man is made in God's image, all people deserve respect and honor, man was given dominion over creation by God, Jesus is mankind's hope for redemption, the Bible is the word of God, and God provides for his creation (Slick, 2014)

Christian Worldview What Is a Worldview? Define

The bible refers to the origin of other living things as being "spoken" into existence. But in the creation of man, God did so with great personal thoughtfulness and pondering over his intention and purpose (Bonner, 2011)

Native American Worldview Is Grounded

Their new sense of community comes from their newly discovered ability to mock the dominant culture. According to Sigmund Freud, mocking is a way of directing aggressiveness toward: "institutions, people in their capacity as vehicles of institutions, dogmas of morality or religion, views of life which enjoy so much respect that objections to them can only be made under the mask of a joke and indeed of a joke concealed by its facade" (Freud 1960: 107, 108-109)

Enlightenment Worldview Is the Root of the

Enlightenment infused reason into orthodoxy, enabling a transformation of the Church and its role in society. The "boundaries of conservative certainty and doubt" were to be found simultaneously in the Church and in Reason; even though those were not shared boundaries (Henrie, 2002, p

Enlightenment Worldview Is the Root of the

Enlightenment worldview is the root of the "liberal social order," and is predicated on the belief in "the natural unfolding of human progress," (Kagan, 2012)

Comparison of a Biblical Worldview to an Alternate Worldview Atheism

All of the trials and tribulations that Jonah, for example, endured certainly attest to this fact. Jonah was swallowed up by a whale and nearly drowned during some of the trials God put him through (Benckhuysen, 2012, p

Comparison of a Biblical Worldview to an Alternate Worldview Atheism

Faith is a belief in something due to a strong conviction regardless of, or in spite of no evidence to prove it. Skepticism, however, doubts and disbelieves relatively everything unless there is proof of it (Klein, 2013)

Comparison of a Biblical Worldview to an Alternate Worldview Atheism

There are even some atheists who, because they have endured a significant amount of hardships or inequalities in their life, and observed these same wrong doings within the world as a whole, became atheists due to this fact. People look at a number of the travesties that have taken place in the world today, such as the Holocaust (Ofer, 2013, p

Comparison of a Biblical Worldview to an Alternate Worldview Atheism

One example is the fact that the biblical worldview denotes the fact that God created the universe and everything in it, either directly or indirectly. Atheists, however, tend to believe that there are scientific explanations (such as the Big Bang Theory) (Rashidi, 2013, p

Comparison of a Biblical Worldview to an Alternate Worldview Atheism

Although Abraham did not have any idea why God wanted him to kill the newborn baby, he was willing to do so simply because an unseen presence had told him to do so. Abraham "did not oppose God in a presumptuous attitude" (Schliesser, 2012, p

Philosophy Personal Worldview Out of

I know I am as susceptible to this kind of error in knowledge and belief as anyone else; therefore, my view is that our beliefs and knowledge are always skewed and sort of "happen" to us based on our personality, upbringing, preferences, and emotional attachments. Axiology is the study of values and goodness in terms of ethics and aesthetics, objectivity and subjectivity (Archie & Archie, 2004)

Philosophy Personal Worldview Out of

But all living things are made out of the same basic "materials" and have similar needs for survival. These are metaphysical concepts because they will never change, they are reality, and form the universal essence of things (Lowe, 1998)

Philosophy Personal Worldview Out of

These are metaphysical concepts because they will never change, they are reality, and form the universal essence of things (Lowe, 1998). Of course the next questions that arise have to do with "why?" And "what is the meaning?" And "is there a God?" Epistemology is the study of knowledge and belief, and the justification of beliefs (Steup, 2010)