Ulcer Sources for your Essay

Arterial Ulcerations Management of Arterial Ulcerations in the Diabetic Patient

Research shows that this pain is really described in both qualitative and quantitative studies as the worst situation about having an ulcer (Franks PJM, 1998) in spite of other significant medical difficulties (Franks PJM, 1998). Usually, leg ulcer patients experienced meaningfully more pain than the controls (C:, 1995)] with an upsurge of pain concentration that is in the larger ulcers (Phillips T, 2007)

Arterial Ulcerations Management of Arterial Ulcerations in the Diabetic Patient

Review of the literature In a diabetic patient, pain is a main factor. Research shows that this pain is really described in both qualitative and quantitative studies as the worst situation about having an ulcer (Franks PJM

Arterial Ulcerations Management of Arterial Ulcerations in the Diabetic Patient

Research shows that this pain is really described in both qualitative and quantitative studies as the worst situation about having an ulcer (Franks PJM, 1998) in spite of other significant medical difficulties (Franks PJM, 1998). Usually, leg ulcer patients experienced meaningfully more pain than the controls (C:, 1995)] with an upsurge of pain concentration that is in the larger ulcers (Phillips T, 2007)

Pressure Ulcers Can Be Defined

Pressure ulcers can be defined as "lesions caused by unrelieved pressure, resulting in damage of underlying tissue," (Hart, Bergquist, Gajewski & Dunton, 2006, p

Peptic Ulcers a Deeper Look

Resolutions of the PUD Issue A separate study assessed the effect of community h. pylori screening and treatment of dyspepsia, aimed at reducing the incidence of gastric cancer (Hansen, Wildner-Christensen, Hellas & Schaffalitzky de Muckadell, 2008)

Peptic Ulcers a Deeper Look

The purpose of this paper is to know more about PUD as it afflicts some members of the family. Of the approximately 500,000 persons who develop PUD every year, 70% are between 24 and 64 years old (Howden, 2003)

Peptic Ulcers a Deeper Look

There is no abdominal pain in at least 30% of sufferers (Howden). PUD is rare in children and mostly affecting those 8-17 years old (Lie, 2007)

Peptic Ulcers a Deeper Look

Existing Literature Current literature in 2005 to 2006 addresses dyspepsia, the treatment of PUD, h. pylori and NSAID gastro-enteropathy (Louw, 2006)

Peptic Ulcers a Deeper Look

Existing Literature Current literature in 2005 to 2006 addresses dyspepsia, the treatment of PUD, h. pylori and NSAID gastro-enteropathy (Louw, 2006)

Peptic Ulcers a Deeper Look

It also addresses the safety of proton pump inhibitors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug enteropathy (Louw). A systematic review of related studies before 1997 and between 1997 and 2008 presented data on 61,067 cases of whom 5,001 (Straube, Tramer, Moor, Derry & McQuay, 2009)

Peptic Ulcers a Deeper Look

pylori bacterium (Lie). Complexities, Origin and Level of Concern For over a century, PUD was customarily managed with surgery, which often incurred high morbidity and mortality rates (Yuan, Padol and Hunt, 2006)

Pressure Ulcers and Their Treatment

The term quality of life sometimes misleadingly suggests an abstract and philosophical approach. But most approaches used in medical contexts do not attempt to include more general ideas such as life satisfaction or living standards and tend rather to concentrate on aspects of personal experience that might be related to health and health care (Fitzpatrick, Fletcher, Gore, Jones, Spiegelhalter, and Cox, 1992)

Pressure Ulcers and Their Treatment

Although care of pressure points is a fundamental care activity many nurses are unable to adopt preventive measures dues to lack of time and low priority given to prevention of pressure ulcers in the clinical practice. Thus there is a great need to educate not only the nurses but relatives of the patients to adopt certain preventive strategies to reduce the prevalence of pressure ulcers (Vati, Chopra, and Walia, 2004)

Pressure Ulcers/Case Study Bedsores Are Also Known

The patient did not cause the infection, so why should they suffer? 3) Non-maleficence -- The principle of non-maleficence not only asserts an obligation not to harm intentionally, but an additional obligation to use any and all appropriate treatments available to cure the illness. (Benjamin & Curtis, 2010)

Pressure Ulcers/Case Study Bedsores Are Also Known

There are a number of factors that affect the issue: predisposition, actual health status, nutrition, severity of injury or surgery, pharmacological profile, weight/size/body dimensions, and more. Based on what research is available, findings indicate that pressure ulcers are likely to develop between the first hour and 4-6 hours after sustained loading onto the tissues (Gefen, 2008)

Pressure Ulcers in the Elderly During Hospital Stay

In the studies cited from Baumgarten et al., the sensitivity and specificity of the research nurses' diagnostic ascertainment of pressure ulcers from digital photographs was 97% (Baumgarten et al

Pressure Ulcers in the Elderly During Hospital Stay

In the studies cited from Baumgarten et al., the sensitivity and specificity of the research nurses' diagnostic ascertainment of pressure ulcers from digital photographs was 97% (Baumgarten et al

Pressure Ulcers in the Elderly During Hospital Stay

Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring The components of Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring emphasize precisely the kind of extensive treatment that the sensitive patients with pressure ulcers require. In her theory, Jean Watson promotes caring as the core of nursing practice (Cara, 2003)

Pressure Ulcers in the Elderly During Hospital Stay

Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse In light of the theory's emphasis on knowledge and the skill needed for valid diagnostic identification of pressure ulcers, the experienced advanced practice nurse emerges as an important element in patient treatment. The Whafedale Model developed in Leeds, England, places an emphasis on the kind of extensive monitoring and close patient contact espoused by Watson and required to identify pressure ulcers early in a patient's hospital stay (Clegg, Bradley, Smith & Kirk, 2006)

Pressure Ulcers in the Elderly During Hospital Stay

One proposed explanation for this association is that regular repositioning of the patient, a standard prevention technique, may be difficult in ICU patients due to its impact on hemodynamic stability and ventilator management. Responding to conflicting evidence of body mass index association with pressure ulcers, Compher and colleagues conducted a study that examined the influence of obesity on the incidence of pressure ulcers in elderly hospitalized patients (Compher, Kinosian, Ratcliffe & Baumgarten, 2007)