Ukraine Sources for your Essay

Ukraine Crisis

, but Russia has recently gained strength, in particular the result of tremendous wealth from natural resources. Russia has especially strong bargaining power over Europe as many European nations are major buyers of Russian natural gas (Jakes & Burns, 2014)

Ukraine Crisis

For its part, the United States wishes to contain the Russian sphere of influence in Europe, but has no motivation for armed conflict, which would be politically unpalatable. The current crisis began with the overthrow of the pro-Russian leader by Ukrainian nationalists (Baczynska, Polityuk & Kasolowsky, 2014)

Ukraine Crisis

The current crisis began with the overthrow of the pro-Russian leader by Ukrainian nationalists (Baczynska, Polityuk & Kasolowsky, 2014). Russia seized on the pretext of protecting Russian people to seize control of the Crimean Peninsula -- home to Russia's largest naval base -- but the violence and unrest are continuing, with Russian agitators in the East and the threat of further territorial annexation by Russia (Fedesenko, 2014; AP, 2014)

Ukraine Crisis

For all the hype over the crisis and cries for action from many different corners, the actions of the respective key players make perfect sense when distilled through the lens of international relations theory. Realism Realism is a view of international relations that "stresses its competitive and conflictual side" (Korab-Karpowicz, 2013)

Russia Ukraine

Thus, the conflict continues with the Ukrainian government being given basically no support for its territorial integrity. Some analysts have also noted NATO's conflict in Serbia against Russian-backed Slobodan Milosevic as a possible contributor to the group's inaction in Ukraine to this point (Schlesinger, 2014)

Russia Ukraine

The only variable of interest is state power. States can use their power to gain their objectives (Slaughter, 2011)

Russia Ukraine

Much of its territory was occupied by ethnic Russians, not ethnic Ukrainians, creating internal political conflict since independence. The Crimean Peninsula was especially contentious because it had only been ceded to Ukraine in the 1950s, having been Russian for a couple of centuries prior to that (Thompson, 2014)

Ukraine -- Country Risk Assessment

Once the figures are retrieved, they are qualitatively compared to the findings in other countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). Other country risk models may refer to hybrid neutral network models, Kohonen network models, models based on discriminant analyses, logit and probit models, ANN models, hybrid ANN country risk models, cluster techniques or models of hierarchical cluster analysis (Yim and Mitchell, 2005)

Ukraine and Philippines Over the

As a result, they determined that it is considered to be mediocre in contrast with many countries that are rapidly developing. (Esplanda, 2012) ("Philippines," 2012) Conclusion Clearly, the Ukraine is the most logical choice for GE Energy

Ukraine and Philippines Over the

This helps these organizations to increase their productivity and profit margins. (Hunt, 2009) In the case of General Electric, the firm has been aggressively concentrating on addressing these needs through a division called GE Energy

Family\'s Emigration From the Ukraine

In Kiev, our family consisted not only of my mother and father and my grandparents, it also consisted of my aunts, uncles, cousins, and godparents, etc. We were always getting together for holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries (Advameg, Inc

Family\'s Emigration From the Ukraine

It has been interesting growing up in America as immigrants from a nation that many Americans grew up despising. When my family came to America the Soviet Union had only recently broken up and most of my friends and acquaintances looked upon me initially as some form of refugee (Bates, 2004)

Family\'s Emigration From the Ukraine

As I indicated earlier, my family is deeply religious and our customs are deeply entrenched in the Russian Orthodox religion. My grandparents and parents were never permitted to openly practice their religion during the rule of the Communists (Bourdeaux, 2006)

Family\'s Emigration From the Ukraine

Several blocks from our home was a little bakery that specialized in Eastern Europe breads and my mother, who by this time had begun working out of the home and did not have time to make her own breads, was one the bakery's best customers. Other than breads, our diet consisted of potato dishes in all forms and some sort of soup at every dinner (Dabars, 2002)

Family\'s Emigration From the Ukraine

They were both active members of the Communist party and, as such, they had abandoned most of the practices and traditions of the Church but for my mother's parents it had been very difficult (Papkova, 2011). Grandma Anna, my babushka, and Grandpa Vladimir had both been born after the Revolution but their parents had fostered the traditions and beliefs of the Church in both of them and they were joyous over the fact that once the Communists left office they were permitted to openly practice their religion (Gaskova, 2004)

Family\'s Emigration From the Ukraine

Neither of my parents were particularly well educated and, although my father had a job waiting for him working for a Russian businessman, we were all prepared for the reality that I our lives would be changing remarkably as I looked around me in line I could tell from the looks on the faces of others like ourselves who were entering America for the first time that they were all feeling a combination of fear, excitement, anxiety and hope. The breakup of the Soviet Union had fueled a mass emigration from Russia and former Russian satellite nations (Hardwick, 1993)

Family\'s Emigration From the Ukraine

My parents were like many of their generation who were willing to leave what they had always known for an opportunity to experience life in America. The first few days after we arrived in America were the most difficult (Hoffman, 2006)

Family\'s Emigration From the Ukraine

Most Americans would not consider this as a remarkable development because they have been living with multiculturalism all their lives but for me and my sister the entire idea is somewhat troublesome. Tevye in the movie Fiddler on the Roof (Jewison, 1971)battled this reality as he saw his family divided in different directions and now my sister and I will soon face the same reality

Family\'s Emigration From the Ukraine

I still miss my grandparents, two of whom died just a few years after we arrived in America, and I am proud of my Ukrainian heritage but I consider myself an American. For me and my family the transition from being Ukrainian immigrants to full-fledged Americans was a short one (Magocsi, 2011)

Family\'s Emigration From the Ukraine

My mother, however, had rebelled against much of what my grandparents stood for and when she met my mother she adopted the strong Russian Orthodox beliefs and traditions that his family had followed for generations. The fact that my father's family had managed to hold onto their traditions for so long despite pressures from everywhere to abandon them is a testament to the resolve of my father's family (Magun, 2010)