To His Coy Mistress Sources for your Essay

Philosophy to His Coy Mistress,

After the experience, she often thinks about that moment in time when she seized the day and it made all the difference. Ackerman writes, "She thought of it miles / and fathoms away, often, / at odd moments; watching / the minnow snowflakes" (Ackerman 734)

Philosophy to His Coy Mistress,

"To His Coy Mistress" is the oldest of the poems, and uses the most archaic language to discuss love and devotion. Marvell writes, "But at my back I always hear / Time's winged chariot hurrying near;" (Marvell 728), which conveys a sense of urgency that "seizing the day" is built around

Philosophy to His Coy Mistress,

He shows the main character of the poem in bed with a lover, and thinks about all the other things that they could be doing instead. He writes, "Think of all the time you are not / Wasting, and would not care to waste, / Such things, thank God, not being to your taste" (Wilbur 731)

To His Coy Mistress

Year : 2013