Teenage Pregnancy Sources for your Essay

Problem of Teenage Pregnancy

To determine the effectiveness of a birth control method, the teen girl should determine their sexual activity and their current needs. The common birth control methods available include male condoms, female condoms, pills, patch, and intrauterine devices (Chung-Park, 2008)

Problem of Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy can be defined as pregnancy that occurs in young females aged under 20 years (Dickins, Johns, & Chipman, 2012)

Problem of Teenage Pregnancy

Unsafe abortions are performed in dirty conditions, which mostly leads to complications or death of the teenager. Baby think it over This is an infant simulation that is used for providing teenagers with parental experience (Herrman, Waterhouse, & Chiquoine, 2011)

Problem of Teenage Pregnancy

This is because if worn or used wrongly they are likely to burst, which could lead to fertilization. Teenagers should be taught on the proper usage of condoms to ensure they prevent teen pregnancy and other sexually transmitted diseases (Strunk, 2008)

Problem of Teenage Pregnancy

An abortion is normally purposely induced, and it is advised that a teen girls seeks medical help as this procedure could be life threatening. Legal abortions are considered safe procedures since they are conducted in medical facilities and by professionals (Williams & Bonner, 2006)

Teenage Pregnancy: Concerns

Another major issue is if a teenager becomes pregnant and decides on her own that she wants to have an abortion and not have her parents know. For healthcare providers, they need to employ the following key strategies: they must immediately assess if the child is competent or at least partially competent (Allmark, 2002)

Teenage Pregnancy: Concerns

Explore Strategies In this case, educators really do have the power to make a powerful influence on the way that parents see things. Educators and healthcare professionals are the ones who need to understand that the confidentiality agreement with their teenage patients is important: they are "not usurping parental authority but are working for the shared goals of health, safety and wise-decision-making on the part of the adolescent" (Anderson, 2006)

Teenage Pregnancy: Concerns

The desired goal of the issue of teen pregnancies as it manifests in society today is to find an adequate and effective means of combating it, without sacrificing any of the moral and ethical needs of any involved parties. Gather Data The legal issues tend to abound from the issue, entangling it and obfuscating a more definitive method of treatment: "Legal issues which arise include those relating to the human rights of the teenager, consent to treatment and the determination of competence, confidentiality, rights of the parents vis a vis the teenager" (Dimond, 2002)

Teenage Pregnancy: Concerns

It was successfully argued that the same laws allow women to choose to keep their baby. Teenagers have evolving rights to determine their own medical care" (Goldbas, 2013)

Teenage Pregnancy: Concerns

It can be a difficult topic indeed. In the UK, the nation which has the highest rate of teen pregnancies in Europe, there's a trend which suggests that prevention of teen pregnancies would be most effective if done with parental knowledge (Hand, 2009)

Teenage Pregnancy the Disadvantages of Teen Pregnancy

The result of the financial burden however is that resources that may have been utilized for education and other investments in the teen must now be used for immediate survival of the baby. This financial reallocation limits the future prospects of the teen and may reinforce the negative consequences of poverty (Manlove 1997)

Teenage Pregnancy the Disadvantages of Teen Pregnancy

Dating someone new has two problems firstly there is the problem of the time to do so, since large blocks of time are dedicated to child care. Additionally, if the father of the child is still in the picture he may become jealous of new individuals coming into the life of the mother (Redmond 1985)

Sociology Teenage Pregnancy Teenage Pregnancy

They are less likely to have supportive home environments, they may suffer from poor cognitive development and, if female, they have a higher risk of becoming pregnant themselves as teenagers. Teenage mothers are more likely to be socially isolated, have mental health problems, and have fewer educational and employment opportunities (East, Reyes, and Horn, 2007)

Sociology Teenage Pregnancy Teenage Pregnancy

The aim of these programs should be to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies among girls by increasing their knowledge of sexual health issues. This can be done by offering teenagers information in a convenient, friendly, and familiar environment so that they are well informed of the choices that they have (Sarantaki and Koutelekos, 2007)

Sociology Teenage Pregnancy Teenage Pregnancy

Only about a third of teen mothers graduate from high school. Teenage mothers are more likely to suffer from alcohol and substance abuse (Swierzewski, 2007)

Decline in the Teenage Pregnancy

Sarah S. Brown, director of the National Campaign to Reduce Teenage Pregnancy said in a 2005 interview that "reducing teen pregnancy can be accomplished only by fewer teens being sexually active and/or by better use of effective contraception among those who are" (Brown, 2005, p

Decline in the Teenage Pregnancy

One study shows that with the influence of modern media is readily available even in less developed countries. The study presented data that "traditional restrictive moral codes concerning the sexual conduct of young women in much of Asia and Latin America are weakening under the influence of models of behavior that are portrayed in the mass media" (Caldwell, 2003, p

Decline in the Teenage Pregnancy

Of the many factors to consider regarding teenage birthrates and pregnancies one that seemed most prevalent is that teaching abstinence concerning sexual activities seemed to have a positive overall affect in lowering the rate of birthrates, child abuse and misuse and the overall expenditures made on behalf of those events by governmental agencies. One expert wrote "Adolescents who aborted an unwanted pregnancy were more inclined than adolescents who delivered to seek psychological counseling and they reported more frequent problems sleeping and more frequent marijuana use" (Coleman, 2006, p

Decline in the Teenage Pregnancy

This preconception is evident in some schools as presented by a 2007 study. The study discovered evidence of "endogenous social interactions (social multipliers), where the propensity of an individual choosing to have sex varies with the average behavior in his or her school" (Fletcher, 2007, p

Decline in the Teenage Pregnancy

Not only are there increased expenses for those teenagers who give birth, but the rate of teenage pregnancies and births in the United States still leads the world. One recent report presented the finding that, "(despite) a 33% decline in the teen (girls age 15-19) birth rate between 1991 and 2004, the United States still has the highest teen pregnancy and birth rates in the industrialized world" (Hoffman, 2006, p