Team Building Sources for your Essay

Team Building and Individual Motivation

These findings and more are found in empirical studies of what motivates employees to work towards challenging goals and objectives (Meyer, Becker, Vandenberghe, 2004). The foundational elements of employee motivation are autonomy, mastery and purpose (Leavy, 2012)

Team Building and Individual Motivation

informal groups across the communication, strategic planning and problem-solving dimensions of how each type operates. Formal groups are more oriented towards hierarchical and clear lines of authority, including the use of formalized recognition and nonmonetary rewards for exceptional sacrifice and performance on behalf of the group (Meyer, Becker, Vandenberghe, 2004)

Team Building Process

If the relational contracting principles are used appropriately, they can help in achieving this kind of integration. Therefore, the application of relational contracting principles will help in the achievement of streamlining and coordination among those involved in a project (Rahman, &

Leadership Team Building and Communication

Keeping in view all these theories and schools of thoughts, a set of core leadership characteristics can be formed which must be possessed by an ideal leader. For Microsoft Corporation, an ideal leader would be the one who has certain inherent interpersonal qualities as well as professional capabilities to handle different internal and external environmental problems (Basefsky, Maxwell, Post, & Turner, 2004)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

This style is supported by the 'Accommodating' style which asks the team members to understand the importance of relationships in both personal and professional lives. Using this style, the leader encourages his team members to respect the opinions and values of their colleagues and work whole heartedly for the organizational success (Bennis, 2009)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

When there is no proper guidance on how to perform certain job tasks or achieve the assigned targets, the employees perform inefficiently. These inefficiencies and lack of leadership result in workplace conflicts (Bratton & Gold, 2012)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

Another school of thought is found in the Trait Theory which states that a leader has a balanced combination of traits in his personality which help him in becoming an effective leader at the workplace. The leaders can use transactional, transformational, autocratic, Laissez-Faire, charismatic, or bureaucratic leadership styles in different situations (Daft, 2011)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

e. legitimate, reward, or coercive; personal power as expert or referent; or completely focus on transactional leadership to make full use of power and authority (DuBrin, 2009)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

All these organizational stressors directly impact the organizational performance. For instance, when employees are experiencing task demands or physical demands stressors, they are unable to achieve a good balance between their personal and professional life (Eikhof, Warhurst, & Haunschild, 2007)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

First of all, every team must be assigned a team leader who will supervise, motivate, and lead the team members in every aspect. Secondly, the team members must be encouraged to respect the organizational culture, policies, and procedures (Gold, Thorpe, & Mumford, 2010)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

The most famous leadership theory is 'Great-Man Theory' which assumes that some individuals are born-leaders. They inherently possess strong leadership qualities which prominently distinguish them from other leaders (Lussier & Achua, 2010)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

Similarly, Behavioral theories focus on the way leaders behave at the workplace. Leaders have to adopt different leadership styles in different situations in order to manage the organizational members effectively (Robbins & Coulter, 2006)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

Similarly, Behavioral theories focus on the way leaders behave at the workplace. Leaders have to adopt different leadership styles in different situations in order to manage the organizational members effectively (Robbins & Coulter, 2006)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

Interpersonal demands are related to the stressors which impact the attitude, relationships, and behavior of employees with their supervisors and subordinates at the workplace. These stressors include sexual harassment towards female workers, emotional issues like offensive and non-supportive behavior of coworkers, communication and information sharing problems, and lack of effective leadership from the supervisors (Saxena, 2009)

Team Building Is a Hot Topic Now

How the company treats its people casts a long shadow. When people see under achievers and achievers treated equally well or equally poorly, they lose confidence and good performers will move on (Baldoni)

Team Building Is a Hot Topic Now

These include handling and dealing with both apparent setbacks and success, tough bosses and earning the trust and respect of the team. This leads to the forging of a diverse group of individuals into a cohesive winning team (Torre, 1-6)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

These "great man" theories also relied on external observation of traits; there was little advanced screening of personality traits or the innate perceptions of highly effective leaders (Fitzgerald, Schutte, 2010). Traditional leadership theories progressed rapidly beyond only the observable traits of a leader and seeing them as innate to the belief that leadership could be mastered as a skill (Buffinton, Jablokow, Martin, 2002)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

Competition occurs within and between groups often in an informal way; there is no specific structure or framework in place to enable this aspect of the team dynamics. Teams that create a high degree of collaboration and communication are more resilient in the face of uncertainty and also in creating a culture of shared accomplishment (Chadwick, 1996)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

Analysis of Traditional, Contemporary and Emerging Leadership Theories Traditional leadership theories stressed the concept of the "great man" or leader who was given the role based on behavioral traits and their ability to create and sustain teams' progress towards goals. These "great man" theories also relied on external observation of traits; there was little advanced screening of personality traits or the innate perceptions of highly effective leaders (Fitzgerald, Schutte, 2010)

Leadership Team Building and Communication

What makes these leaders different than many others in the high technology industry is their ability to also combine interpersonal forms of power as well. These include coercive power, reward power, legitimate power, referent power and expert power (French, Raven, 1959)