Surveillance Sources for your Essay

Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance in

1). The blimp, known as "Integrated Sensor Is the Structure" or ISIS has a demonstration ship scheduled for launch by 2014 (Wheeland)

Intelligence and Surveillance Policies and Procedures after September 11th

S. president legal coverage to pursue American enemies, disregarding all preceding intelligence and surveillance acts such as Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act or Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (Donohue, 2006)

Intelligence and Surveillance Policies and Procedures after September 11th

Executive agencies devise a warrantless surveillance program -- and a federal judge declares it unconstitutional. Administration officials and federal bureaucrats devise rules for trying accused terrorists in military tribunals -- and the Hamdan decision sends the tribunal drafters back to the drawing board (Anderson 2006)

Intelligence and Surveillance Policies and Procedures after September 11th

S. president legal coverage to pursue American enemies, disregarding all preceding intelligence and surveillance acts such as Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act or Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (Donohue, 2006)

Intelligence and Surveillance Policies and Procedures after September 11th

Support and commitment are instrumental in enhancing normal performances into high performances. These notions are also expressed by other scholars as well (Jacobson, 2006)

Video Surveillance in Today\'s Highly

As technology has increased, video surveillance has grown into a massive industry. According to some estimates, growth in this market could be as high as fifteen to twenty percent annually in most industrialized nations (Davies, 1996)

Video Surveillance in Today\'s Highly

For example, in cases of workplace surveillance, most courts hold to the concept that employees in a place of business should hold no expectation of privacy, since their employers have a vested and rightful interest in any activity occurring in the public work area. Video surveillance of public parks and streets has again often found support in the courts, since these are areas of public places, and generally do not fall under reasonable expectations of privacy (Hatcher, 2001)

Video Surveillance in Today\'s Highly

Literature throughout the 20th century has focused on both negative and positive aspects of surveillance, both within the context of business protection as well as governmental control over populations. Thanks to novels such as Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World, both written well before the true age of video surveillance, the concept of such intrusions has been constantly revisited by mass consciousness, often in a negative light (Marx, 1995)

Video Surveillance in Today\'s Highly

Studies done by the United States Defense Department have discovered the technology to be correct only fifty-four percent of the time. Furthermore, the study found that the systems could easily be compromised by alterations in weight, hair color, sunglasses, and even weather and lighting alterations (McCullagh & Zarate, 2002)

Video Surveillance in Today\'s Highly

Thanks to novels such as Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World, both written well before the true age of video surveillance, the concept of such intrusions has been constantly revisited by mass consciousness, often in a negative light (Marx, 1995). However, more recent pop culture references such as the increased broadcast of detective television shows, which utilize video surveillance for crime solving, and the use of closed circuit television for airplane passenger safety following the 9/11 tragedy, have added a layer of positive light to the idea of surveillance (Norris, 1999)

Video Surveillance in Today\'s Highly

Current technologies would allow for remote video surveillance from orbital satellites, for example, which would be difficult for the pubic in general to monitor. Further, many industry analysts note that video surveillance technologies which would allow cameras to "see" through clothing and listen in on conversations within private homes up to 60 feet away are not far off (Pompano, 2000)

Video Surveillance in Today\'s Highly

P. Freeman and Company, estimate that by 2007, the video surveillance market will grow to approximately $3 billion dollars (Shandle, 2005)

Video Surveillance in Today\'s Highly

For example, a camera placed in the entryway of an apartment complex is considered a safety measure, but the same camera placed in the bathroom of an apartment would be a severe violation of privacy. Since the use of this technology is difficult to monitor and even more difficult to detect, such improper uses are a problem (Siegel, 2005)

Video Surveillance in Today\'s Highly

The DVR's are often attached to CD-R's (compact disk recorders) to enable security personnel easier copying ability for local law enforcement. The cameras range from highly visible determent units to small, hidden, day/night cameras designed for the highest level of security (Spying Eye Surveillance, 2005)

Analyzing Surveillance With Technology

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35 years after his book was published; Orwell could not believe that Big Brother would rule the world. He, however, frequently warned of 1984 unless people acknowledged that their personal rights had been violated and defended them, especially their freedom of opinion (BOSSCHE, 1984)

Analyzing Surveillance With Technology

It never mattered whether there was anyone supervising people's communication, there was a naive belief that their digital messages would remain private for good. In spite of the government's invasion programs, digital privacy still looks outdated (Crouch, 2013)

Analyzing Surveillance With Technology

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We do not seem to mind when Google is watching our communications but when it comes to the government, it is a totally different case. We are more afraid of the government watching than we are of Google (Funnell, 2014)

Analyzing Surveillance With Technology

" Orwell probably knew these writings were about himself. If you think about it, Thompson may have been right to say that the BBC, which is the basis of "Ministry of Truth," and the ministry itself, were wrong sites to put up a figure of Orwell (Wheatcroft, 2012)

Analysis of Ethics in Surveillance

On one hand, this amassed information can be largely beneficial in detecting and uncovering criminals and any unlawful activity. In addition, it can also be beneficial in ascertaining service requirements for those who are needy (Bharucha et al

Analysis of Ethics in Surveillance

Footage obtained from surveillance can be mined by software to obtain relevant information, such as the specific faces of individuals, in addition to generating a database (Kelly, 2013). However, the drawbacks to this surveillance technology are that it can abuse and infringe the privacy rights and liberties of people (Bilton, 2013)