Steroids Sources for your Essay

Anabolic Steroids. This Drug Has

, 2003). Another very harmful side effect of these drugs is the dangerous fluctuations in the cholesterol level as these drugs have been observed to cause an increase in the LDL cholesterol, which is very harmful for the health and decreases the HDL cholesterol which is beneficial for the health (Tokar, 2006)

Athletes and Steroids Historical Issue in Sports

Some teenagers nowadays admire bodybuilding, which lures them to the use of steroids. Steroids aids in lessening fatigue levels (Schunk, 2008)

Athletes and Steroids Historical Issue in Sports

Cholesterol normal remains along the inner lining of the blood vessels. The high concentration of harmful cholesterol constricts the blood vessel, which leads to high blood pressure (Nevid, Rathus & Greene, 2010)

Athletes and Steroids Historical Issue in Sports

Stacking enables, the individual perform excellently without the person appearing unreal. Steroids have become popular over the years due to their untraceable nature (Hill, 2007)

Athletes and Steroids Historical Issue in Sports

Steroids help in treatment of appetite related conditions. The treatments of these conditions require proper diagnosis, followed by right treatment from a qualified doctor who gives the right prescription (Magdalinski, 2008)

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are

Steroids encourage growth of new muscles tissues and increase the body strength. Anabolic steroids work in a simpler way as the testosterone and encourage development of male characteristic such as growth of testicle, thickened vocal cord, growth of hair, development of breasts, and loss of hair, impotency and reduced sperm count (Collins, 2003, 178)

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are

The steroids improve the general performance of an individual but reduce he/her sporting life. Individual athletes should shun from engaging in all the restricted misconducts that might cost them their glories that they take too long to build; there have been instances where athletes lost their championships long after they had been declared winners (Gladwell, 2003, p

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are

People who have at one time used steroids in their practices find it difficult to cope without using them. Anabolic steroids reduces carbolic effects that usually occur under intense training, thus the athlete will not shed their muscle tissues even if they train for long time (Goldberg, 1996, p

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are

Some of the substances that are regarded as energy complements are sold as food supplements (health supplements). Sometimes sports personalities use these substances without their knowledge; they might buy food supplements that contain some of the prohibited substances and end up being ejected from sporting events (Mangi, 2002, p

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are

People concur that steroids accelerates the metabolism and enables the athletes to perform much better than they can when they are not under the influence of the steroids. However, steroids have been tested and proven to be dangerous to the user's health; consequently use of the stimulus in the fields is abolished all over the world and those who still use the do so contrary to the regulations (Sailer & Stephen, 1999)

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are

Most of the deaths that are linked to steroids use are suicide, liver infections, homicide, cancer and heart diseases. In the early days, steroids were common with the college peers, but with time it found its way into the sporting world when people realized that it could improve their results (Sherman, 2000, p

Anabolic-Steroids-Psychological-Effects-1 / Http://Thinksteroids./Articles/Demonization-anabolic-steroids-01/. Summary of an Original

' Darkes believes that negative psychological case studies are more often the exception rather than the rule, although these exceptions understandably gain more media attention. "There is, however, a lack of interest in stories of AAS users with no marked or clinically relevant personality change or psychopathology, apparently because AAS use, in and of itself, is viewed negatively by non-users" (Darkes 2000)

Anabolic-Steroids-Psychological-Effects-1 / Http://Thinksteroids./Articles/Demonization-anabolic-steroids-01/. Summary of an Original

It may be true that the media's reporting on the topic is often hysterical but that does not mean the effects of the drug are not real. According to another supporter, John Williams, "the AMA opposed the criminalization of AAS because government regulation of prescription drugs already existed and because AAS did not meet the traditional criteria for scheduling drugs as controlled substances" (Williams 2000)

Steroids Should Not Be Banned a Steroid

Steroids can cause cancer, especially liver cancer; they damage the liver and kidneys, often causing toxins to build up because the liver and kidney cannot flush them- thus having the opposite effect on the quality of life on the athlete. Depending on the metabolism of the individual, steroids can also cause sterility and impotence even years after use (Ashby, 2010; Hoffman and Ratamess, 2006)

Steroids Should Not Be Banned a Steroid

S. athletic organizations should not be charged with policing performance enhancing drugs -- after all, there is a fine line between muscle building creatine and illegal steroid injections (Smith, 2012)

Horse Racing and Enhancers Steroids

Despite the danger of steroid use to both the horses and their riders, the horse racing industry has not been able to institute a robust regulatory regime combating the use of steroids, and only recently have the technologies and procedures for effective testing become available (Dugan 10). Even then, it is difficult to effectively confront individuals supplying or administering steroids, because horses have so many different caretakers at each stage that regulators have a difficult time apportioning blame for an infraction (Buti & Fridman 174)

Horse Racing and Enhancers Steroids

Perhaps the most important of the regulations it has instituted is a ban on certain medications being given to horses on or near the day of a race, as well as investigations into the dangers of steroid use (Smeltz 218). Though racing horses are given a wide variety of medications as part of their training and maintenance, the most pernicious is the use of steroids, partially because steroids are so widely available, and can be administered relatively easily (Dugan 10, Buti & Fridman 174)

Horse Racing and Enhancers Steroids

For example, just as steroid use has become an increasing problem in the world of professional sports, so too has the horse racing world been forced to deal with steroid use, except in the latter case, the horses themselves can be subjected to drug abuse by any of the multiple people responsible for their care. As a result of steroids and other health and safety issues, the horse racing industry has taken to regulating itself, with mixed results (Smeltz 215)

Horse Racing and Enhancers Steroids

The increased performance that comes with steroid use carries a price, because the steroids work by disrupting the body's natural flow of hormones and chemicals, increasing physical ability but changing mood and personality. For example, because steroids change an animal's cognition and personality alongside its physical attributes, horses can act more erratically in between races, greatly increasing the threat to both themselves and their riders (Turner et

Steroids -- Cause and Effect

In conclusion, when the cause is so important to a major league baseball player like Ken Caminiti that he takes larges doses of anabolic steroids to improve his performance, the effect is death. Caminiti was MVP of the National League in 1996; "I got really strong, really quick," Caminiti explained (Mileur, 2004); he was the first MLB player to admit to taking anabolic steroids