Social Work Sources for your Essay

Social Work Acquires Its Name by Virtue

Without social work professionals, the needs of these individuals would be unmet. It is the profession of social work that gives society hope (H.Schwartz, 2007)

Social Work Acquires Its Name by Virtue

The profession is entrusted by society to look at how individuals are affected by their environment, how they interact and are affected by their community, and at how individuals are influenced by social institutions. These are important responsibilities and it is important that the profession keep its eye on its responsibilities (Howe, 1994)

Social Work Acquires Its Name by Virtue

Their resources both financially and personally are limited. The duty of the social work profession is stand firmly on the side of such victims and to ensure that they are, at a minimum, provided with some measure of social justice (Lundy, 2011)

Social Work Acquires Its Name by Virtue

Instead of complaining about the situation, the social work profession needs to find viable solutions. These solutions are not likely to come from outside the profession and, therefore, it is incumbent upon the profession to find the needed solutions (Reisch, 2001)

Social Work Acquires Its Name by Virtue

They advocate for those whose voices would otherwise be unheard or ignored. Advocacy is an essential element of a social workers' daily job duties (Sherraden, 2002)

Social Work Macro Social Intervention

Obesity is not conceptualized as an individual illness and a failure of personal willpower by the study designers -- instead obesity is seen as a failure of social support networks. "The intervention was based on social cognitive theory and targeted key constructs from the following 3 domains" 1) environmental factors such as peer support and role modeling; 2) personal values, including self-efficacy and 3) behavioral factors such as goal-setting and reinforcement (Story, 2003, S1-55 ) Social support to aid health improvement can be informal or formal

Social Workers and Fight Against Drug Abuse

The analysis of the data comprising of written responses to interview questions and observation notes was done using content analysis. It is hoped that an analytic framework for future studies on social workers and drug courts can be formed using the case study (Roberts, Philips, Bordelon, & Seif, 2014)

Social Workers and Fight Against Drug Abuse

It centers on key themes that have ben reflected on literature on structural factors that are associated with the school-to-prison pipeline and the implications that can be drawn from this framework on the pedagogy which inform responses to Black females. There are three major themes in respect to how this pipeline metaphor contracts the visibility of black girls (Morris, 2012)

Sociology -- Social Work Poverty Is the

The official poverty thresholds do not vary geographically, but they are updated for inflation using Consumer Price Index (CPI-U). The official poverty definition uses money income before taxes and does not include capital gains or noncash benefits such as public housing, Medicaid, and food stamps"(Bartle, 2011)

Decrease Discrimination in Social Work Practice

However upon close examination it is not hard to see that I do believe several stereotypical assumptions about certain populations, particularly the Native American population. Discrimination and stereotypes can sometimes be unconscious, as evidenced by the literature reviewed (Ayres, 2003; Lum, 2003)

Decrease Discrimination in Social Work Practice

¶ … History of Discrimination Discrimination and prejudiced feelings and opinions against Native Americans stems back to colonial times, when colonists and living practices as well as governance policies did not adequately value "the culture, history and knowledge of the American Indians" (Koppelman & Goodhart, 2003:86)

Decrease Discrimination in Social Work Practice

Many indigenous people today face issues with forced assimilation into the "dominant society" which include struggling with high unemployment rates, low school completion rates, domestic abuse and alcoholism (Koppelman & Goodhart, 2003:97). In addition may Many suggest that Native Americans have not had the opportunity to "adequately mourn the events that happened to ancestors" and their unresolved grief lies at the hart of their current social problems (Lum, 2003: 203)

Decrease Discrimination in Social Work Practice

Freshman (2003) supports the notion that education is of vital importance to preventing discrimination and attacking prejudice attitudes. Further promoting awareness of discrimination as a disease might help people understand how pervasive and insidious discrimination and stereotypical attitudes are at the core (Freshman, 2003)

Social Policy Making in Social Work Although

Many of the innovations that Canada has created would work well in the United States, but others may not be quite so good a fit. In any case, it is important to understand how Canadian social welfare policy functions (McNutt, 2010)

Social Policy Making in Social Work Although

Moreover, training in social policy and policy practice in schools of social work is minimal. As such, practitioners lack the tools needed to analyze existing social problems and policies and to enable them to intervene in the policy process in order to better serve the needs of service users (Weiss & Katan, 2006)

Social Work Internship Experience With Alzheimer Patients

The concept of senescence, as described in the text as the process of aging, was varying apparent working in the Alzheimer's facility. As mentioned in the readings, the process of aging affects people in different ways at different rates, and can affect various parts of the body (Gebo, 2004)

Social Work Informatics USES, Merits

Local authorities had already asked the government to allow them to drop this System, seen as detrimental to children and their cases (Healthcare Network). Retrieved or extracted outputs from an information system are printed reports and other information viewed on the computer screen (Gatehouse et al

Social Work Informatics USES, Merits

It provides sound principles, which bring out the particular elements of socio-technical side of developing, disseminating and using computers (Sawyer & Tapia). Simply put, social informatics tackles the relationship between society and the information-communication technologies (Miller, 2012)

Social Work Informatics USES, Merits

Experts who use it are interested in the social effects of these technologies at the personal, organizational and social levels as well as in the study of social phenomena (Miller). New and Non-Traditional Technology has been rapidly incorporated into social work practice in the past 10 years (Oliver & Demiris, 2006)

Social Work Informatics USES, Merits

The incorporation of technology into the practice has impacted the expectations of consumers and clients, social workers' efficiency, and the potential advantages and disadvantages of social informatics tools (Oliver & Demiris, Reardon). The New in the Now Oliver & Demiris (2