Social Issues Sources for your Essay

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

Additionally, the poverty rate among African-Americans is approximately three times that of White Americans. (Bruce, Getch & Ziomek-Daigle, 2009, Literature Review Section, para 2)

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

In the study, "Examining race/ethnicity and fears of children and adolescents in the United States: Differences between White, African-American, and Hispanic populations," Burnham and Lomax (2009) report that African-American children typically experience more fears then White children, with African-Americans reportedly more likely to generally admit more phobic responses than Whites. "African-American children are more likely to report specific fears, whereas White children are more likely to use generic terms" (Burnham & Lomax, ¶ 6)

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

S. As a nation will fall behind the rest of the world in its capacity to educate American youth (Dryfoos & Barkin, 2006)

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

Consequently, these teachers do not make the acquisition of both academic skills and Black consciousness high on their list of priorities. "This is evident in studies indicating that teachers have double standards for academic achievement that cut along lines of race and class" (Duncan, 1996, Conclusion Section, ¶ 5)

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

Consequently, these teachers do not make the acquisition of both academic skills and Black consciousness high on their list of priorities. "This is evident in studies indicating that teachers have double standards for academic achievement that cut along lines of race and class" (Duncan, 1996, Conclusion Section, ¶ 5)

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

. Sadly, the growing reliance on suspensions in New York City schools all too often denies children - often the most vulnerable and in need of support - their right to an education" (Phillips, 2011)

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

In the study, "Racial identity, centrality and giftedness: An expectancy-value application of motivation in gifted African-American Students," Rodgers (2008) asserts that gifted students from underrepresented groups are frequently in educational settings where they constitute part of a racial or ethnic minority. Such "a social situation is conducive to feelings of stereotype threat, in which individuals' heightened self-awareness of stereotypes existing about their group that are relevant to the task at hand leads to feelings of anxiety" (Rodgers, 2008, Expectancy Section, ¶ 5)

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

In the study, "Risk, protection, and achievement disparities among African-American males: Cross-generation theory, research, and comprehensive intervention," Rowley and Bowman (2009) express concern regarding the acute need for amelioration to counter contemporary trends in the realm of African-American education coupled with the data on African-American incarceration rates. Research reveals a number of variables associated with the academic achievement of African-Americans which includes "individual-level factors as well as family, neighborhood, school and macro-structural forces (Rowley & Bowman, 2009, ¶ 2)

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

According to Seltzer, during early adolescence, psychological forces surface and stimulate strong desires in the youth to be with agemates. One behaviors condition that signal psychosocial growth for adolescents involves their recognition that "change of self-orientation necessitates alternation of friendship networks" (Seltzer, 1989, p

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

They just want you out of the school." 17-year-old 11th grade African-American female student, NYC (Sullivan, 2007, p

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

The following table relates Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages of development and proffers stages and definitions of adaptive ways for a person to cope in each stage. Table. Erikson's psychosocial stages of development (Thomas-Cottingham, 2004)

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

In the book, The Sage handbook of African-American education, Tillman (2008) asserts that racial identity development clearly, closely, and critically links to academic achievement. "Those students who possess a positive affiliation and attitude toward one's racial group are also more likely to reject society's negative stereotypes of their racial group" (Tillman, p

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools

African-American children and youth undoubtedly face a double jeopardy. They are already exposed to differential instructional approaches characterized by low teach r expectations and myths about the needs of students from a nondominant culture" (Townsend, 2002, Conclusions Section, ¶ 1)

Psycho Social Issues in Criminal Behavior

Historically, possible biological factors involved in criminal behavior received much attention. Hereditarian claims in the United States between 1900 and 1940 argued that violent and criminal behavior had a strong genetic or neurogenetic basis (Allen, 2001)

Psycho Social Issues in Criminal Behavior

The reasons for these observed sex differences were reported to be unclear. Neuroimaging studies of antisocial behavior have been conducted, that have attempted to determine physical and neuroanatomical aspects of criminal behavior (Bassarath, 2001)

Psycho Social Issues in Criminal Behavior

The researchers concluded that the influence that early separation has on later criminality of children is somewhat limited. Another possible environmental factor involved in criminality is exposure to stress, in that exposure to stressors is positively associated with criminal behavior (Eitle and Turner, 2003)

Psycho Social Issues in Criminal Behavior

These findings present possible avenues for future research into prevention interventions that focus on cultivating certain emotions and diminishing others to reduce the risk of criminal behavior. Evidence has indicated that there are consistent deficits among psychopathic individuals in their ability to process verbal emotional material (Kosson et al

Psycho Social Issues in Criminal Behavior

Fifth, and finally, translating neurobiological research into preventions, treatments, and policy may continue to pose challenges. Another biological factor that may influence or cause criminal behavior is brain damage caused by viral infection (Tselis & Booss, 2003)

Current Moral Social Issues

"The cultural historian Michel Foucault said that sex is policed not by silence but by endless speech, by the "deployment" of more and more "discourses" of social regulation -- psychology, medicine, pedagogy." (Levine, 2002) Ultimately, highlighting deployments of sexuality in the name or protection does just that -- highlights the sexual nature of the media at the expense of its other elements and creates a culture war of us vs

Current Moral Social Issues

In fact, "close to 10% of adult magazines are run by women, public perception lags behind the facts." (Newitz, 2002) In other words, the current drive to smother the expression of sexuality is not pro-women or even necessarily pro-good taste