Social Injustice Sources for your Essay

White Privilege Social Injustice Encompasses All Evils,

Nonetheless, in the study by Ancis and Szymaski (2001), white privilege can influence some whites negatively. Although some of the whites recognized the advantages they have they did not accept the obligation for their position, but some of them hope they do not enhance the vice (Ancis & Szymaski, 2001)

White Privilege Social Injustice Encompasses All Evils,

Social injustice, is an entity of the ancient, but unfortunately, some of the actions in the 21st century, still have strains of the past (Gains, 1986). It is in racial profiling where one can find a group of people having substantial privileges when compared to a minority group (Branscombe, Schmitt, & Schiffhauer, 2007)

White Privilege Social Injustice Encompasses All Evils,

There have been considerable efforts in trying to raise awareness about racial profiling to reduce racial profiling. One of the strategies employed is the use of diversity courses in school or learning institutions (Case, 2007)

White Privilege Social Injustice Encompasses All Evils,

A typical example of the illegitimate privilege was the law concerning citizenship. The law forbids people to apply for citizenship, unless the person was white (Halley, Eshleman & Vijaya, 2011)

White Privilege Social Injustice Encompasses All Evils,

Therefore, white privilege as a social injustice has raised considerable attention. This has resulted to substantial studies about it, especially in psychology, education and social science literature (Leonardo, 2004)

White Privilege Social Injustice Encompasses All Evils,

One of the reasons the strategies failed is due to the lack of comprehensiveness. This means that it lacks to identify the type of attitudes, which represent components of racism, and it failed to portray a healthy white racial outlook (Ponterotto, 2009)

White Privilege Social Injustice Encompasses All Evils,

This qualifies as a social injustice because there is unequal access to resources (Todd, McConnell & Suffrin, 2014). Giving the whites more privilege does not enhance transformation of the society; it rather has resulted to the disparity among the involved (Solomon et al

White Privilege Social Injustice Encompasses All Evils,

White Privilege Social injustice encompasses all evils, which may include discrimination, gender bias, racial profiling, and many others. Social injustice, which comes in many forms, is a global problem (Stewart et al

White Privilege Social Injustice Encompasses All Evils,

In all cases, the whites receive more privileges when compared to the blacks. This qualifies as a social injustice because there is unequal access to resources (Todd, McConnell & Suffrin, 2014)

Review of Prophets Perception of the Issue of Idolatry Social Injustice and Religious Ritualism

Many of the cultures existent in the biblical times had material things that were being worshipped as gods. Cultures and former idol worshiping practices were incorporated into religion (Morales 2013)

How a Diagnosis of ADHD Leads to Social Injustice

Major racial and ethnic disparities occur in which children or adolescents are diagnosed with ADHD compared to being considered oppositional or difficult when the same or similar symptoms are displayed (see Morgan, Hillemeier, Farkas, & Maczuga, 2014) and boys diagnosed with are more commonly medicated than are girls (see Visser, Blumberg, Danielson, Bitsko, & Kogan, 2013). Critics of the diagnosis state that it is a crutch that pathologizes normal behavior in children, especially in young boys (Breggin, 2007; Saul, 2014)

How a Diagnosis of ADHD Leads to Social Injustice

g., using color, different textures, or changing the instructions to match student's learning style (DuPaul & Eckert, 1998)

How a Diagnosis of ADHD Leads to Social Injustice

These programs are based on the shaping principle of behavioral psychology. The beneficial effects of DRC on improving behaviors in ADHD children are well-documented (Fabiano & Pelham, 2003; O'Leary et al

How a Diagnosis of ADHD Leads to Social Injustice

This conclusion leads to the premise that children and adolescents with ADHD should be categorized as children and youth with special healthcare needs (Saul, 2014). Controversy The term attention deficit disorder [ADD] was officially part of the DSM-III and later editions changed the label to ADHD, so the ADD is no longer used (Hatfield, 2013)

How a Diagnosis of ADHD Leads to Social Injustice

Social Skills Training: Interpersonal difficulties are prevalent in children with an ADHD diagnosis. Children with hyperactivity, aggression, or noncompliance are rated negatively by their peers and are more likely to be rejected by them (Hinshaw & Melnick, 1995)

How a Diagnosis of ADHD Leads to Social Injustice

Social skills training is a technique that aims at developing and reinforcing the use of appropriate social skills both in and out of the classroom. This includes improving communication skills, learning cooperation and participation in groups, and validation skills (Kavale, Forness, & Walker, 1999)

How a Diagnosis of ADHD Leads to Social Injustice

Behavioral treatments have been empirically demonstrated to be effective with treating ADHD children, but require an investment of time and energy on the part of parents, teachers, and others. Some of the more effective treatments for school include: The Daily Report Card (DRC): The DRC is an empirically supported intervention wherein specific behavioral goals are set for the child in the classroom and the child is rewarded in class with positive reinforcement and at home based on their realization of those goals (O'Leary, Pelham, Rosenbaum, & Price, 1976)

How a Diagnosis of ADHD Leads to Social Injustice

Counseling and psychotherapy can be sues to empower victims of social injustice. One can also draw from the psychotherapy literature to understand that empathy is an extremely important element for instilling positive change in a person (Rogers, 1959)

How a Diagnosis of ADHD Leads to Social Injustice

The hypothesis behind these medications is that the brain of the ADHD child in "underaroused" so the child self-medicates by maintaining high levels of activity and shifting attention. The stimulant effect normalizes brain functioning and the child's behavior normalizes (Sadock & Sadock, 2007)

How a Diagnosis of ADHD Leads to Social Injustice

should recognize that ADHD is a chronic condition, thus the behavior is out of the diagnosed person's control (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2011; APA, 2013). This conclusion leads to the premise that children and adolescents with ADHD should be categorized as children and youth with special healthcare needs (Saul, 2014)