School Shooting Sources for your Essay

School Shooting Issue

The importance of these two characteristics described by Goode and Ben-Yehuda is that they reflect how profoundly the media's coverage of an event can affect the public's perception of what is actually occurring and how serious the situation is. The importance of moral panic and its associated characteristics is what effect it has on public policy (Burns, 1999)

School Shooting Issue

The situation described above has been identified by sociologist Stanley Cohen as moral panic. According to Cohen, moral panic is when " (a) condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests (Cohen, 1980: p

School Shooting Issue

There is a feeling among society that by adopting such measures will result in a return to traditional values and that society will be thereby safer. This reaction caused by moral panic was further studied by sociologists Erich Goode and Nachman Ben-Yehuda and published in a book entitled, Moral Panics (Goode, 1994)

School Shooting Issue

There is a feeling among society that by adopting such measures will result in a return to traditional values and that society will be thereby safer. This reaction caused by moral panic was further studied by sociologists Erich Goode and Nachman Ben-Yehuda and published in a book entitled, Moral Panics (Goode, 1994)

Psychology of School Shooting and

What are the Red Flags and the Violent Rampage? In retrospect, researcher have been exposing a lot of warning signs, such as trying to recruit a friend or writing stories that are hateful, Langman told Live Science. "In a lot of cases, students really just come on out and say precisely what they are going to do: 'I' will be back with a gun to get rid of all of you,'" Langman mentioned (Toby Israel, 2011)

Violence - School Shootings Is

Gun Control: Gun ownership is a highly charged political issue with many Americans equating the right to bear arms as a fundamental component of constitutionally protected freedoms. The National Rifle Association (NRA) enjoys a powerful lobbying position in Washington (Schwartz 2008) dedicated to its continuing opposition to gun control

High School Shootings While Schools

22-caliber rifle, a.22-caliber handgun and a Glock semiautomatic pistol. (Anelauskas, 1999, p

High School Shootings While Schools

apparently because he was distraught over a breakup with his girlfriend." (Kelleher, 1998, p

High School Shootings While Schools

In spite of the teasing, Woodham was described as a quiet boy who just absorbed the insults, never even responding, concentrating on his grades and his job at a Domino's Pizza restaurant where he had aspirations of entering an assistant manager's program." (Moffatt, 2000, p

High School Shootings While Schools

"The school shootings are but a tiny symptom of a vastly greater problem. (Morgan, 1999, p

High School Shootings While Schools

High School Shootings While schools are seen in terms of statistics as being the safest place for children (Poland, 2003, p

High School Shootings While Schools

They, like Jeff, were lonely, troubled, and hopeless." (Sallee, 2005) in this case there were many signs and indications of a disturbed child with various problems

High School Shootings While Schools

He may have felt alienated because his classmates were frightened by him and his gang activity in school. (Seita, 2005) Another characteristic of this shooting, which is found in many others, is the macabre sense of revenge and even "enjoyment "in the actions of shooting others

School Shootings Case Analysis There

The concept of the school also became a symbol. To the parents, it symbolized "community, learning, respect, friendship," and after all "it is an experience we all share together" (Anderson, 2009, p 210)

School Shootings Case Analysis There

Yet, on the other hand, findings can often be hard too read or inconclusive based on this high level of abstract concepts that derive from such sessions. The strengths of focus groups rest in the ability to test out certain theories, illustrate the major connections between concepts, and to test how the public reacts to certain concepts (Brophy, 2005)

School Shootings Case Analysis There

This is a very political topic. Currently, the United States is in the midst of a major conflict about gun regulation (Cooper & Sussman, 2013)

School Shootings Case Analysis There

Either the intense level of reporting school shootings was influencing more, or the idea that media seems to highlight violence on TV and movies like never before. There is research that corroborates such ideas (Huesman, 2007)

Sandy Hook School Shooting on December 14th,

The initial shots were heard by some people through the intercom system of the school, since morning announcements were taking place during that time (Scinto, 2012). School psychologist Mary Sherlach and principal Dawn Hochsprung rushed out to see what was taking place, as did teacher Natalie Hammond (Apuzzo & Eaton-Robb, 2012)

Sandy Hook School Shooting on December 14th,

Sandy Hook School Shooting On December 14th, 2012, Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut was the site of a mass murder (Scinto, 2012)

Sandy Hook School Shooting on December 14th,

School psychologist Mary Sherlach and principal Dawn Hochsprung rushed out to see what was taking place, as did teacher Natalie Hammond (Apuzzo & Eaton-Robb, 2012). Sherlach and Hochsprung were both shot and killed (Barron, 2012)