Religious Sources for your Essay

Compare and Contrast a Religious Group\'s Statement

External Url: ("Apostasy"), the LDS Church stakes out a position on "truth" that appears to be an attempt to justify their particular brand of Christianity

Legal Ethics and Religious Morality

Is it possible to reconcile this continuing victimization with religious principles, which urge people to love one another and to avoid engaging in harms towards each other? For many outside of the legal profession, it may appear that legal ethics do not permit any form of individual judgment because they are broadly prescriptive rules. However, the reality is that each individual lawyer "might bring numerous moral, philosophical, and religious perspectives to his work" (Griffin, 1998)

Civilizations the Topic Is Religious and Social

This empire is interesting for several reasons, not the least of which was its Zoroastrian religion and general religious tolerance. This empire has been cast as villain in popular Western culture in stark contrast to the apparent reality of the Empire's nature (Fairey, 2014)

Religious Undertones in the Work

The grandmother, however, is not so easy to deconstruct. The Misfit is actually a foil for her and, as Irving Malin points out, she is "only a "good person on the surface" (Malin 22)

Religious Undertones in the Work

Even with her disability, Hulga feels advanced. Kate Oliver notes that Hulga's physical disorders "symbolize her emotional, intellectual, and spiritual impairments" (Oliver)

Religious Undertones in the Work

She truly believes she can change him. Parini writes that at the moment he shots her, she realizes "they are connected, and through a horrible act of violence she has received a moment of understanding, if not grace" (Parini 231)

Racial Profiling Racial and Religious

An article found in the journal Ethnic and Racial Studies "Police services in racially hierarchical and ethnically conflictual societies increasingly incorporate citizens from historically stigmatized groups as officers or administrators. But, paradoxically, in many of these same societies, levels of police violence and racial targeting of ethnic and caste groups are increasing just as police are implementing diversity and desegregation goals (Amar, 577-578 )

Racial Profiling Racial and Religious

Because extra procedural protections occur after the revocation or suspension of the transportation-sector activity that has resulted in the threat assessment, the commitment to civil liberties and constitutionality does not conflict with the government's primary interest in security. And finally, members of Congress, no less than federal judges, have an obligation to protect and uphold the Constitution (Florence, 2181)

Racial Profiling Racial and Religious

For instance, "Operation Pipeline training programs suggest that the profile included indications of race, age, and gender characteristics of potential traffickers. The DEA's drug courier profile was promoted as a technique for identifying individuals or vehicles on which officers should do more investigation (Ramirez et al

Racial Profiling Racial and Religious

The Supreme Court also ruled that "once a citizen is arrested, the police may conduct a full-blown search of his person and property. Moreover, the Court held in 1996 that the police may stop citizens on a pretext -- using an arrest for a minor offense as an excuse for investigating a more serious one (Rosen, 26)

Religious Issue or Issues Facing

Many learners have unanswered questions that are directed at establishing a solid understanding between the different faiths. The magnitude at which these faiths differ as with the teaching of the Ten Commandments has created many differences that translate to the character and behavior of the learners in the classroom (Murray, 2007)

Religious Issue or Issues Facing

This has been an issue in many schools and institutions where Ten Commandments are considered to aggravate students who subscribe to other faiths in the society. This study will resolve to exemplify the different concepts and pillars that hold or refrain from holding to the act of teaching the Ten Commandments in schools (Thomas, 2007)

Homosexuality as Seen From Three Religious Perspectives

The dogmatic and moral teachings of the church are not all equivalent. The church's pastoral ministry cannot be obsessed with the transmission of a disjointed multitude of doctrines to be imposed insistently" (Goodstein, 2013)

Virtual Religious Service Islam Is a Religion

The best solution to this dilemma lies in education. In order to minimize the misconceptions that people have about religions not their own, there needs to be a sort of religious education system worked into the public education system (Adams, Bell & Griffin, 2007)

Virtual Religious Service Islam Is a Religion

The main misconception aforementioned was Muslim's portrayal of being violent. Although this is the depiction of Islam on television and on the Internet, the truth is that violence is only a part of the belief of very few Muslim individuals (Lawrence, 1998)

Religious Ethics God and the

Some of the simplest religions attribute evil itself to personal or collective failures to conform to taboos or other supernaturally mandated rules for behavior. In these worldviews, disease, death, famine, and other misfortunes are direct results of transgressing the prevailing moral code: They know that such sicknesses are unusual, and that they are proof that the inhabitants of the afflicted village have violated some important prohibition or failed to perform some important duty toward the mystic powers, and the illness shows that they are being visited by divine wrath (Aldrich166)

Religious Ethics God and the

In fact, there is a sense here in which the will to do good deeds restores God to the universe as the fountainhead of morality, with the famous "categorical imperative" substituting for specific divine commandments. However, those who are not already convinced that moral truths are possible -- who are not already "morally certain" -- tend to find this argument circular (Palmer 259)

Religious Ethics God and the

This search reached a zenith in Kant's attempts to work backward from moral certainty to a proof that God exists. While the argument is complex, it can be abstracted as a variant on the familiar cosmological proof: rather than establish a first physical cause or creator, Kant establishes a first moral cause and defines the divine in those terms (Palmquist 76)

Religious Ethics God and the

In this approach, human nature is split between conviction (or faith) on the one hand and anxiety on the other. "The anxiety of sinfulness manifests itself either as an anxiety about evil or as anxiety about good," and both can result in moral paralysis (Walsh 95)

Religious Ethics God and the

And one respect in which it can be said that morality needs religion is that the goal of the moral life is unreachable without religious practice. […] In the premodern age and even today in large portions of the world, the relation between morality and religion was taken for granted (Zagzebski 344-5)