Rain Forest Sources for your Essay

Brazilian Rain Forest

Revelations such as these "underscore the Amazon's biological richness (it is home to more than a quarter of the world's known primate species) and its continuing mystery (unknown, 1992)." Other species found in the rain forest in the past years include the "Black-headed Sague Dwarf, which was discovered in 1996 and is the second-smallest monkey ever found; the Zog-Zog, which was discovered in 1997 and is one of four new monkey species found in a single year in the Amazon region; and a species of Piranha, which was discovered in 1996 and whose young eat floating fruits and seeds while the adults devour fish flesh (Cannell, 1999)

Brazilian Rain Forest

miles and stretches into eight countries besides Brazil, including Venezuela to the north, Peru to the west and Bolivia to the south. The river itself, fed by more than 1,000 tributaries, meanders for 4,000 miles and every hour the Amazon delivers an average of 170 billion gallons of water to the Atlantic (Linden,1989)

Amazon Rain Forest

Another, more direct way that the deforestation in the Amazon effects the greater world is through climate changes produced by the shifting amount of carbon dioxide that is no longer processed by the trees which are destroyed in deforestation. Studies have demonstrated that when the rain forests are diminished in size, precipitation also diminishes over them (Lawrence 2002)

Amazon Rain Forest

Others say that these environmental resources ought to be conserved, even if it means scaling back industrial operations like mining, logging, or production. And although the many individuals who illegally destroy parts of protected regions are fined or punished otherwise, there are hundreds, at least, who are never caught (Mirabella 1997)

I Bought a Rain Forest

Year : 2010

Rain Forest

Year : 1983

The Adventures of Teddy P. Brains: Journey Into the Rain Forest

Year : 2007

The Temperate Rain Forest

Year : 1983

Ghosts of the Rain Forest

Year : 1999

Twins of the Rain Forest

Year : 1999

Waorani: Last of the Rain Forest People

Year : 2005

Jazz in the Rain Forest

Year : 2013