Prostate Cancer Sources for your Essay

Prostate Cancer Health Disparities Among Blacks and Latino Males

African-America men in America are continuing to have the highest occurrence rate of prostate cancer in the entire world -- 180.6 per 100,000 populations (Cancer., 2004)

Prostate Cancer Health Disparities Among Blacks and Latino Males

7 times more probable to grow prostate cancer related with Caucasian men, and are approximately 2.3 times as probable to die from the ailment (Edwards BK, 2007)

Prostate Cancer Health Disparities Among Blacks and Latino Males

Rendering to the Task Force, nevertheless, good indication occurs that PSA testing can notice initial-phase prostate cancer, but it is uncertain how early discovery can increase health results (Schittenhelm, 2009). The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has decided that there is inadequate indication that prostate cancer humanity can be abridged by early discovery and screening approaches (Mays, 2009)

Prostate Cancer Health Disparities Among Blacks and Latino Males

, 2005). Rendering to the Task Force, nevertheless, good indication occurs that PSA testing can notice initial-phase prostate cancer, but it is uncertain how early discovery can increase health results (Schittenhelm, 2009)

Prostate Cancer Health Disparities Among Blacks and Latino Males

A lot of these genes were connected to irritation and immune system directive, signifying that pathogens could be complicated in race/ethnic alterations that lead to the growth of these tumors, the examiners say. Some of the genes were also connected to the spreading of cancer (Woods VD, 2004)

Interventions for Prostate Cancer

This process requires an evaluation of each of the available treatments with regards to its effectiveness. Solution/Intervention Cytotoxic chemotherapy has proven to be an effective solution or intervention that prolongs the survival of elderly men with hormone-refractory prostate unlike radical surgery, radiation therapy, or watchful waiting (Hricak, 2014)

Prostate Cancer Plan

Review of Related Studies "Autophagy is a self degradation process that can mediate cell death as well as survival. Autophagy induced during starvation, growth factor deprivation, hypoxia, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and microbial infection can prevent cell death" (Singh, Sharma, Mir, et al

Prostate Cancer Plan

Review of Related Studies "Autophagy is a self degradation process that can mediate cell death as well as survival. Autophagy induced during starvation, growth factor deprivation, hypoxia, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and microbial infection can prevent cell death" (Singh, Sharma, Mir, et al

Prostate Cancer Is a Slow

First degree burn affects the epidermis only. The second degree bum affects both the dermis and epidermis while the third degree burn affects the epidermis, the dermis as well as the underlying subcutaneous tissue (McCance & Huether, 2010)

Prostate Cancer Is a Slow

The very initial case of hemodynamic abnormality of fluid loss inadvertently activates the rather compulsory mechanism under the control of the neuroendocrine system which maintains an adequate level of central perfusion irrespective of reduced level of cardiac output. Systemic vasoconstriction can however lead to hypoxia, tissue ischemia and ultimately to alteration of cellular function as well as global organ dysfunction in the worst case scenario (Worthley,2000)

Prostate Cancer Older Men\'s Dread

Honesty and allowing the partners to participate in their regimen are the best components to a successful and most satisfying approach (Jamal & Engel). Informed Consent Prostate cancer patients often have only short hospitals and hence lack the chance to receive important information and support for their treatment on which to base sound judgment and consent (Bjornes, 2011)

Prostate Cancer Older Men\'s Dread

The overall 5-year relative survival rate was 96% from 2004-2006 (Canadian Cancer Society). Screening A systematic search and review of literature were recently conducted on contemporary prostate cancer screening to come up with guidelines in discussing its risks and benefits (Izawa et al

Prostate Cancer Older Men\'s Dread

). Erectile Dysfunction A number of approaches towards penile rehabilitation have been proposed and have proved efficacious (Jamal & Engel, 2011)

Prostate Cancer Older Men\'s Dread

Their frustration stole almost all hope for intimacy. Reflecting on the situation led us to realize that we actually lacked individual coping skills, which could restore our relationship to normal (Mooney & Mooney)

Prostate Cancer Older Men\'s Dread

This presence enhances their coping and lifts their quality of life (Lebret & Bouregba). Surgery Prostate cancer patients who undergo radical prostatectomy or RP usually confront serious side effects, such as urinary incontinence (Toren et al

Prostate Cancer Describe the Pathophysiology

Prostate Cancer Describe the pathophysiology of prostate cancer- What is occurring in the body? The pathophysiology of prostate cancer is poorly understood because of the lack of a reliable animal model of prostate cancer (Dreicer)

Prostate Cancer Medical Imaging Drugs

"The androgen receptor may therefore play a key role in the biologic behavior of prostate cancer. For this reason, PET of androgen receptors, especially in the patient whose disease is progressing despite low androgen levels, may be highly revealing" (Zanzonico 2004)

Prostate Cancer

A recent public announcement by Sacramento City Councilman Robbie Waters stating that he has prostate cancer indicates once again to the public that early screening is key. (Gibson) "It's a shocker," he said during an interview Friday afternoon at his Pocket-area hardware store

Alternative and Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Prostate Cancer

This reminder is especially relevant considering the main audience of the medical journal Oncology Nursing Forum consists of the healthcare professionals charged with a most difficult task: caring for existing prostate cancer patients and changing the belief systems of subsequent generations to prevent the disease from ravaging one race at a disparate rate. Controlled studies conducted within the nursing profession have consistently demonstrated that, while traditional and allopathic medicinal practices such as "digital rectal examination, prostate-specific antigen, and transrectal ultrasound have been identified as effective means of early detection of prostate cancer, African-American men tend to underuse these services as compared to white men" (Agho and Lewis, 2001), and these findings have serious implications for the medical community

Alternative and Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Prostate Cancer

Controlled studies conducted within the nursing profession have consistently demonstrated that, while traditional and allopathic medicinal practices such as "digital rectal examination, prostate-specific antigen, and transrectal ultrasound have been identified as effective means of early detection of prostate cancer, African-American men tend to underuse these services as compared to white men" (Agho and Lewis, 2001), and these findings have serious implications for the medical community. In order to fully accomplish the goal of preventing and treating disease, nurses and doctors must strive to bridge the gap which exists between the medical profession and the African-American community (Boehm et al