Population Growth Sources for your Essay

Los Angeles Area: Population Growth

86). Origins of the Suburban Metropolis Modern Los Angeles was originally formed out of the Pueblo de Los Angeles which was founded by Felipe Neve in 1781 where the Los Angeles River emerged from the foothills onto the plains where the settlers would raise cattle and practice some rudimentary farming technics (Fishman, 1987, p

Los Angeles Area: Population Growth

It must be decentralized. Such decentralization will make for better living conditions and better citizenship, as well as for cheaper overhead costs (Hise, 2001, p

Los Angeles Area: Population Growth

Los Angeles has become the second largest urban region in the United States and one of the ten largest urban regions in the entire world. The movement of people to Southern California during and since World War II ranks with the largest migrations in the history of the United States, and the majority of these citizens have settled in urban areas (Nelson, 1959, p

Exponential Population Growth & Its

2 billion, due to fertility levels near replacement levels. Even with some improvements in current technologies, the projected increase in developing countries will put severe strains on ecological and economic systems" (Recon, 2004)

Population Growth What Products and Services Will

While at the same time, specific local traditions will be used to create a greater understanding of the firm and the products / services it is selling. (White, 2012) (Holmes, 2010) The reasoning behind this thinking is based on the fact that all firms need to have an effective approach that can connect with consumers in different markets

Population Growth What Products and Services Will

This is illustrating the new perceptions and affluence that are emerging. ("China and India," 2005) (White, 2012) (Pilcher, 2012) Compare and contrast the micro and macro environmental forces that can influence the marketing strategies for these products and services

Population Growth What Products and Services Will

This is illustrating the new perceptions and affluence that are emerging. ("China and India," 2005) (White, 2012) (Pilcher, 2012) Compare and contrast the micro and macro environmental forces that can influence the marketing strategies for these products and services

Population Growth and Human Activities

It is through community interactions that researchers can identify cultural and ethnic factors that may contribute to or detract from community and population growth. Communities in need of assistance in the way of extra hands to farm the land or search for labor, as is the case in many developing countries, may command a higher population growth than in areas where population growth has lead to overcrowding and excessive pollution and drain on vital supplies (as is the case in some Asian regions) for example (Birdsall, Kelley & Sinding, 2001)

Population Growth and Human Activities

24). It is a proven fact that population growth tends to decrease biodiversity by destroying ecosystems and tiny organisms that lead to organic life forms (Mckee, 2003)

Population Growth and Human Activities

Mulligan (2006) explores the logistic population growth of 500 cities in the world, showing population growth varies from city to city, contingent on whether cities have high or low economic development. There are signs based on urban logistic growth research suggesting population growth can be controlled and monitored through community clubs and political organization that is inclusive rather than dictatorial in nature (Mulligan, 2006)

Human Population Growth Long Gone

The rapid depletion of these essential resources, coupled with a worldwide degradation of land and atmospheric quality, indicate that the human enterprise has not only exceeded its current social carrying capacity, but it is actually reducing future potential biophysical carrying capacities by depleting essential natural capital stocks. The usual consequence for an animal population that exceeds its local biophysical carrying capacity is a population decline, brought about by a combination of increased mortality, reduced fecundity, and emigration where possible" (Daily and Ehrlich, 1992)

Human Population Growth Long Gone

In other words, an equilibrium is sought at which point the population size equals the human carrying capacity. The actual computation of the carrying capacity is an extremely challenging task due to the multitude of variables considered, but also due to the advent of technological innovations, which constantly change the variables of the equation (McGinley and Casagrande, 2007)

Human Population Growth

In the United States, the population has also expanded, growing from "76 million in 1900 to 304 million in 2008," with one of the largest increases coming in the years 1946 to 1964. (Miller, 2008, p

Ecological Impact of Population Growth

The specific mechanism through which they accomplish this vary substantially: some organisms consume other living organisms; some consume only other organisms' waste products, or scavenge their left-over consumables; still others manufacture their energy by synthesizing energy from sunlight and elements occurring naturally in the gaseous atmosphere. The unidirectional dependence of organisms that consume other organisms upon the continued availability of the latter is obvious, but what is less sometimes less apparent is the mutual interdependence of the continued health and viability of species who do not necessarily interact directly, such as where each interacts directly only with a third species or affects the state of other natural resources necessary for the survival of the first species (Castilla, 1999)

Population Growth Stress on Environment

The growing populations in developing countries were harvesting trees for use as cooking fuels at unsustainable rates -- threatening, according to Eckholm, significant deforestation problems. (Barnes & Floor, 1999, p

Population Growth Stress on Environment

Although low-density living has many supporters, not least among those who enjoy the environmental attractions of suburbia, there is a widespread view that the physical expansion of cities needs to be checked. (Clark, 2003, p

Population Growth Stress on Environment

We live on the edge of water bankruptcy. (Halacy, 1966, p

Population Growth Stress on Environment

With the rapid loss of agricultural land and natural habitats (around 2% per decade in Western Europe), induced by low-density suburban sprawl, strong metropolitan decentralisation trends and the rise of the car, concern has focused on the global significance of the increase in per capita energy consumption and carbon emissions. (Jenks & Burgess, 2000, p

Population Growth Stress on Environment

"Despite growing knowledge of its impacts and an array of development alternatives, sprawl continues to spread, leaving polluted resources and more sedentary populations in its wake." (Schmidt, 2004, p

Population Growth Stress on Environment

207) Early conservation, contrary to the modern idea of resource conservation had the goal of developing resources (or conserving them) exclusively for human use. (Worster, 2002, p