Phonetics Sources for your Essay

Language and Phonetics Teaching Methods to Determine

LITERATURE REVIEW There have been many studies on the teaching of reading to elementary school students. One such study tested the success and importance of phonetical processing abilities and their impact on early reading skills (Wagner, 1994)

Language and Phonetics Teaching Methods to Determine

" The study provided evidence that early phonetic ability did in fact contribute to early reading ability however one of the drawbacks of the study is that it only studied phonetics and did not compare it to any other methods of teaching reading to elementary students. This study did leave researchers with an understanding that phonetic sensitivity does not work with all students and for learning disabled students it can create a challenge in the grasp of reading skills (Blachman, 1994)

Language and Phonetics Teaching Methods to Determine

" The study did not define any measurable way the children learned to read but did discover that the parent's attitudes toward reading often promoted early reading among these children (Huba, 1995). Another study did zero in on the actual style and method of learning to read among young children to determine some of the more common methods that were formed in the mind of the child (Awaida, 1995)

Language and Phonetics Teaching Methods to Determine

When one hears of preschool aged children reading and comprehending words one wonders what the parents did to encourage this to happen. This study explored that question as well as the way the readers were reading, be it phonetics of other methods (Huba, 1995)