Pharmacology Sources for your Essay

Pharmacology Legal Obligations of Nurses

Similarly, the Department of Medicines Management at University of Keele asserts that "medicines management" aims to make the most of health growth from the utilization of drugs. It includes all features of medication utilization from the recommendation of medicines to the methods wherein medicines have been acquired taken or not acquired by patients (University of Keele, 2005)

Pharmacology of Beta Lactam Antibiotics Beta Lactam

In fact, more than half of the antibiotics that were commercially sold in 2003 were ?-lactam compounds. Beta lactam antibiotics are characterized by a molecular ?-lactam ring structure (Drawz & Bonomo, 2010)

Pharmacology of Beta Lactam Antibiotics Beta Lactam

Drug to Drug and Food to Drug Interactions Patients can experience clinically significant drug-to-drug interactions that can cause substantive harm to them. These drug interactions can be caused by changes in the pharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic, or pharmacodynamic of the prescribed drug or the co-ingested drug (Frankel, 2003)

Pharmacology of Beta Lactam Antibiotics Beta Lactam

For those beta lactams that have been esterified to facilitate absorption, food should be taken when they are administered (PharmaSchool, 2013). Patient Teaching / / Nursing Interventions The key considerations in nursing interventions that utilize antibiotics are as follows: 1) Identification of the microbe; 2) Client assessment, including history of drug allergy; 3) Administration of the drug specific to the microbe involved; 4) Safe, accurate, and timely administration of the drug; 5) Evaluation of the drug effects; 6) Monitoring for any adverse reactions; and, 7) Educating the client (Holten & Onusko, 2000)

Perioperative Pharmacology

¶ … Perioperative pharmacology: pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics" denotes some key concerns for perioperative professionals to consider when administering medication for this particular specialty. The article begins with the authors explicating the fact that the vast majority of errors related to issuing medication to patients in this field occurs during the administrative phase due to what is termed "a weakness in the knowledge of the health care provider" (Hernandez et al

Genetics and Pharmacology Drug Metabolism in Humans

NAT1 and NAT2 vary according to individuals. Some individuals may have an NAT1 and an NAT2 that may be faster or slower than those of another person (Boukouvala & Giannoulis, 2005)

Genetics and Pharmacology Drug Metabolism in Humans

When an individual ingests antibiotics their body is already prepared with the proper enzymes and molecular processes that allow for the breakdown and the uptake of these drugs. Xenobiotics encompass any substance that is foreign to the body; antibiotics fall into this category (Katzung, Masters, & Trevor, 2012)

Genetics and Pharmacology Drug Metabolism in Humans

Medicine is the art of healing, while pharmacology aids that process. However, if medical care providers and pharmacists are able to view such private information as an individual's genetic make-up, then other people may have access to that same information (Lea, Williams, & Donahue, 2005)

Genetics and Pharmacology Drug Metabolism in Humans

Usually by the addition of R-groups to the proteins, the drug can more easily reach its destination. N-acetyltransferase (NAT) is an enzyme that is encoded by the NAT gene that adds an acetyl group to the drug in order to allow it to function (Meisel, 2002)

Genetics and Pharmacology Drug Metabolism in Humans

The most commonly used method is gel electrophoresis. This process allows for DNA to be inserted into an electrically charged gel and since DNA is negatively charged, the different sized alleles will move toward the positive end of the gel (Sapolsky & Lipshutz, 2003)

Psychopharmacology, the Goal Is to Use Drugs

Both the appropriate and inappropriate use of these drugs can have a profound effect on both mind and body. While researchers have described many uses for these medications, they are not yet "magic bullets" that can be aimed precisely, giving only the desired effect, doing that well, and causing no side effects (Hamilton & Timmons, 1994)

Psychopharmacology, the Goal Is to Use Drugs

People with PD have reduced levels of dopamine in crucial parts of their brain. It is typically treated with Levodopa, which the brain can convert into dopamine (Hines, 2000)

Psychopharmacology, the Goal Is to Use Drugs

"Interneurons" exist only in the brain and spinal cord and receive signals from the rest of the body from sensory neurons as well as from other interneurons. There may be as many as 100 billion interneurons, with up to 1,000 synapses where other neurons can communicate with them (Kimball, 2003)

Psychopharmacology, the Goal Is to Use Drugs

In addition, drugs can have physical as well as behavioral or emotional effects. For instance, amphetamines will raise blood pressure, cause the pupils of the eyes to dilate, and relax smooth muscles of the intestines (Murray, 1998)

Psychopharmacology, the Goal Is to Use Drugs

Efforts at treating drug addiction face multiple problems. There seems to be no quick way for most people to free themselves from drugs (Smart

Psychopharmacology it Was Only in the 1950s

Although they have more side effects than the tricyclic and latest selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), they are found to be very helpful particularly in "atypical" and treatment-resistant situations. They can "produce dramatic improvements in some forms of depression" (Gorman, 1990, p

Psychopharmacology it Was Only in the 1950s

Patients should be alerted that Chinese foods with MSG can cause major problems. There are also foods that should be eaten in smaller quantities and with caution (Lippmann, 1990 p

Psychopharmacology it Was Only in the 1950s

This class of drugs inhibits the activity of monoamine oxidase (MAO), the enzyme that destroys monoamine neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, dopamine or serotonin) in synapses in the brain. The inhibition of this enzyme allows these neurotransmitters to remain active in the brain for longer periods of time, thus correcting an expected deficit in monoamine function (Trujillo, 1996)

Psychopharmacology it Was Only in the 1950s

When talking with their patients, physicians should address a couple of other issues concerning antidepressants. First, are expectations (Yudofsky, 1991 p

Pharmacology: Moclobemide Is Classified as an Antidepressant,

Pharmacology: Moclobemide Moclobemide is classified as an antidepressant, a MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitor. Antidepressants are designed to inhibit the reuptake or reabsorbtion of specific neurotransmitters, increasing the levels of these neurotransmitters around the nerves of the brain (Gbemudu, 2011:1)