Organizational Commitment Sources for your Essay

Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction Creating and

The intent of this analysis is to evaluate how organizational commitment can strengthened over time by creating greater opportunity for personal and professional growth with employees, increasing their level and strength of organizational commitment in the process. Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment The consistency of job satisfaction strategies on the part of an organization and its managers have a direct effect on long-term organizational commitment of its employees (Rubin, Brody, 2011)

Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction Creating and

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment The consistency of job satisfaction strategies on the part of an organization and its managers have a direct effect on long-term organizational commitment of its employees (Rubin, Brody, 2011). The greater the level of affective commitment, or the psychological attachment to an organization, and normative commitment, or the perceived obligation to remain with an organization, the higher the likelihood an employee will make personal decisions based on their loyalty to a firm (Ruiz-Palomino, Ruiz-Amaya, Knorr, 2011)

Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction Creating and

Of all of these however the most critical is providing a trustworthy foundation of personal and professional growth for employees (Humborstad, Perry, 2011). The greatest job satisfaction occurs when there is a solid basis of autonomy, mastery and purpose within the design of any given job, and employees are urged to test the boundaries of their skills, abilities, talents and intelligence (Sanjuan, 2011)

Organizational Commitment Is the State

Employees with improved skills on how to perform their jobs become more committed to their work since they gain satisfaction from mastering new responsibilities. In addition, training and development improves a worker's value to the organization and increases their probability of employment or employability in the marketplace (Vance, 2006)

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Many People

There are many other companies where a person can work doing many of the same duties, so it would be logical that he or she would leave if there was a high degree of job dissatisfaction. However, many people who work for Starbucks are very committed to the company and the culture that surrounds it (Behar & Goldstein, 2007)

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Many People

In some cases, one of the facets of the job that is producing unhappiness or dissatisfaction may be a very large part of the job, which can make the dissatisfaction very significant. Organizational commitment, however, is based on how psychologically attached the person is to a particular organization (Meyer & Allen, 2007)

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Many People

They are two different sides to the same coin. Job satisfaction is based on the contentedness level a person experiences with his or her particular job or career (Spector, 1997)

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

employer was Manpower, a temporary agency. Advocates for "contingent" workers stress the value of; increased staff flexibility, cuts in direct labor costs, as well as reducing or eliminating benefit costs (Baker, and Christensen, 1998)

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

Employees must be able to be tolerant of others, personally and professionally, in this new diverse, cultural, global and flexible workforce. Employees must be portfolio centered instead of position centered, with a flexible career path (Brown 2003)

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

This new worker is still unknown. The contingent worker has just started to be researched, analyzed, and compared to the "standard" worker (Belous, 1989; Connelly, and Gallagher, 2004; Baker and Christensen, 1988; Gallagher and Sverke 2005; Hipple, 2001; Hughes and Palmer, 2007; Negyesi and Szabl, 2005 et al

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

484). In addition, resarchers have identified a positive relationship between organizational commitment and lateness and organizational commitment and turnover (Colbert & Kwon)

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

For their purposes, Allen and Meyer (1990) also developed a 24-item scale in order to measure these three components of organizational commitment. The affective component of organizational commitment conceptualized by Allen and Meyer views workers as identifying with their organization and being committed to retaining their employment in order to achieve their own personal and professional goals (Cohen, 2003)

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

Freedman (1985) coined the phrase "contingent worker," which means any non-conventional worker: temporary, seasonal, day laborer, or part-time worker. There are now many additional sub-categories of contingent workers: at will, contract, limited contract, and flex workers, (Connelly, C

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

186). Researchers have also determined that organizational commitment is inversely related to intent to search for job alternatives as well as intent to leave a job; moreover, organizational commitment has also been associated with more positive organizational outcomes, including job satisfaction and attendance motivation (Fiorito et al

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

1998). The Unionized workforce had a revolutionary change in the 1980's (Freedman, 1988), in which; competition, deregulation, and non-union companies forced the Unions to become flexible and adaptive in their working arrangements of the "standard" worker

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

There is a gap of knowledge on seasonal in-house-hired, white-collar contingent workers. Most companies either base their constructs of these employees on their "standard" worker, or on the research of general seasonal workers (Gallagher, & Sverke, 2005; Hughes, & Palmer, 2007)

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

Companies may need to use a flexible older workforce to continue business as usual. There is still a stigma in America that a "contingent" job is not a "Real Job" (Henson, 1996), which may also have affected the validity of the data from the (CPS)

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

As these authors also emphasize, though, "Yet the organization still depends on their performance to achieve its objectives. Because organizations do not have a long-term claim on these workers, the need for effective methods to recruit contingent personnel quickly is increasing" (Kraut & Korman, p

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar, Seasonal Contingent Worker's Organizational Commitment within a Wholly (99%) Seasonal Environment The past several decades have witnessed a number of fundamental transformations in the American workforce, including an increased number of non-traditional workers such as contingent workers (Mayfield & Mayfield, 2007)

Organizational Commitment Study of White-Collar,

According to Cohen, "The origins of this treatment of [organizational] commitment perhaps lie principally in the work of Porter and his associates and has been termed affective commitment and value commitment" (p. 19). The growing body of organizational behavior literature (Meyer