Noise Pollution Sources for your Essay

Noise and Stress Noise Pollution

It is believed that stress caused by noise is indicated by annoyed behavior. In 1970s, when noise research was still in its infancy, some studies showed that people reacted differently to same levels of noise and attributed their reaction to various factors including personality traits such as anxiety (Stephens, 1970) and annoyance which is general in nature (Thomas & Jones, 1982) and to attitudes that foster the belief that noise is controllable (Fields, 1990)

Noise and Stress Noise Pollution

(Watson & Clark, 1984). Similarly it was found that people who are sensitive to noise are more concerned about deteriorating quality of life and potential impact on noise on stress levels (Langdon, 1976

Noise and Stress Noise Pollution

Complaints about noise pollution from surrounding areas now equal number of complaints received at busy airports. (Lee, 1994)

Noise and Stress Noise Pollution

The noise polluted environment is found to be a threat to health and adds to psychological stress. It is also claimed that air traffic noise leads to many problems from which are indicated by increase in the use of medicine and health care services and increase in stress-related hormones (Schulte & Otten, 1993)

Noise and Stress Noise Pollution

It is believed that stress caused by noise is indicated by annoyed behavior. In 1970s, when noise research was still in its infancy, some studies showed that people reacted differently to same levels of noise and attributed their reaction to various factors including personality traits such as anxiety (Stephens, 1970) and annoyance which is general in nature (Thomas & Jones, 1982) and to attitudes that foster the belief that noise is controllable (Fields, 1990)

Noise and Stress Noise Pollution

It is believed that stress caused by noise is indicated by annoyed behavior. In 1970s, when noise research was still in its infancy, some studies showed that people reacted differently to same levels of noise and attributed their reaction to various factors including personality traits such as anxiety (Stephens, 1970) and annoyance which is general in nature (Thomas & Jones, 1982) and to attitudes that foster the belief that noise is controllable (Fields, 1990)

Noise and Stress Noise Pollution

Within the noise-sensitive group, some noises are found more distracting and disturbing than others. (Watson & Clark, 1984)

Noise and Stress Noise Pollution

Because of air traffic rerouting, many areas have protested against a dramatic increase in noise. It is found that air traffic noise is four times louder than other noises (Wesler, 1989)

Noise Pollution/Radon High Noise Levels Can Have

Furthermore, since radon radiation poisoning is not limited to any single environment, the risk of becoming ill due to exposure is greatly increased. References: Health Risks: Radon. (2011)

Indoor Noise Pollution Noise Pollution

In brief, the history of efforts to control noise pollution begins in 1970 with the establishment of the Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC), by Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (Shapiro, 1993) the task of this body was to, "…study noise and its effects on public health and welfare and submit a report for further legislation

Indoor Noise Pollution Noise Pollution

" (Shapiro, 1993) This view refers to the "nonauditory effects" of noise. (Wilensky, 2001, p

Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic

American physicians have associated some seemingly unrelated conditions to sound exposure. Long-term exposure to transportation noise has been associated with increased cardiovascular risk (Babisch, 2006)

Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic

Therefore, every work situation needs to be evaluated for the potential to cause hearing loss. Many of the ill effects of noise may be linked to loss of sleep (Rios and daSilva, 2005; Robertson et al

Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic

UK Law Noise pollution is a growing issue in both Common and Statutory law in the UK. (Sneider and Phil, 2005)