Monarchy Sources for your Essay

Weakness of English Monarchy in 1066

The less power he had, the more they could appropriate for themselves." (Frankforter 257-8)

Weakness of English Monarchy in 1066

It was not the custom yet, as it was in later ages, for the crown to pass to an heir by formal rules of succession…The choice was a matter of for discussion and if possible unanimous agreement." (Howarth 29)

Mexican Monarchy (French Intervention in

France believed that because his control of is nation was so shaky, and the fact that Juarez was democratically elected meant that it could easily dominate the Mexican nation. In the eyes of the devout monarchist Emperor Napoleon III, Juarez's base of power in the majority of the populace, rather than in the military (the latter of which Juarez had substantially weakened by withdrawing many of its constitutional privileges) only made him easier to defeat, not stronger (Tuck 2008)

French Absolute Monarchy. We Discussed Development Modern

As a chief minister, Richelieu made it possible for the monarch to extend his power over the provinces, made the aristocracy weaker, and emphasized the power of the monarch and of Catholicism by conquering the Huguenot protestant stronghold in La Rochelle in 1628. The fact that he provided them with the freedom to worship Christianity in accordance with their beliefs without allowing them to get involved in politics actually strengthened the power of the crown The numerous significant revolts that took place during Louis XIV's reign did not weaken the monarchy and actually contributed to enabling the masses to acknowledge that it was difficult and almost impossible for their king to be removed (Baker xii)

French Absolute Monarchy. We Discussed Development Modern

"Once the wars were settled, the trend toward absolute monarchy resumed during the seventeenth century." (Greer & Lewis 410) Cardinal Richelieu played an important role in establishing an absolute monarchy in France as a result of crushing rebellions and by improving the strategies the crown used with the purpose of controlling the population

French Absolute Monarchy. We Discussed Development Modern

While this king played an essential part in making absolute monarchy happen, it was not until Louis XIV that it actually came into being. Francis I practically introduced the ideas that led to France going from being a feudal monarchy to being an absolute monarchy (Knecht 344)

Monarchy Primarily Refers to a

The cholera epidemic was also a primary concern and in fact may have been at the center of everything. A journal entry from that era wrote "you do remember it: cholera was everything; it had absorbed everything, politics, uprisings, theater, intrigues" (Delacroix, ca 1832)

Monarchy Primarily Refers to a

¶ … Monarchy primarily refers to a period of time from approximately 1830 through 1847. The era was one of excess, merriment and parties throughout Paris, especially in regards to the Bourgeoisie, and as one recent article espoused, "the July Monarchy would be a somewhat more liberal regime than the Bourbon monarchy of Charles X that fell during the Trois Glorieuses" (Merriman, 2004, pg 147)

A Cursed Monarchy

Year : 2005

Monarchy with David Starkey

Year : 2004

Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work

Year : 2007

King George and Queen Mary: The Royals Who Rescued the Monarchy

Year : 2012

Royal Babylon: The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy

Year : 2012

David Starkey's Music and Monarchy

Year : 2013

Motor City Monarchy

Year : 2014

From Monarchy to Republic

Year : 1958

Marketing the Monarchy

Year : 2010

The Monarchy

Year : 1992