Mind Body Connection Sources for your Essay

Mind Body Connection W/Learning This

And that manifestation could be that choice of answer "A" on a multiple choice test when we really have nothing to back it up, but we "know" we're right. So, What is This Connection Between Intuition and Gut Feeling? Some scientists believe that gut feeling may have a higher rate of success in predicting the outcome of certain life events than the best laid "scientific" plans (Dayton, 2009)

Mind Body Connection W/Learning This

there is significant evidence to suggest that coordinating the interaction between our minds and bodies can result in amazing things. Lifelong learning plays a major role in this because it helps balance both your mind and body" (Nordstrom, 2007, para

Mind Body Connection W/Learning This

Enough said? Not hardly. Ratey calls two natural brain chemicals -- nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neuroropic factor (BDNF) -- "Miracle Gro for the brain" (Weiss, 2001, p

Mind Body Connection W/Learning This

Please do not use as a final, turn-in paper. One only needs to feel the knots in the stomach prior to an important speech, or test, or recital, or just before participating in a crucial sporting event to know that there is indeed a mind-body connection (Woolston, 2009)

Mind Body Connection the Human Brain Is

). We know that we can generalize emotions, but now know that there is a huge continuum of the way in which the chemicals interact to aid learning (Bickle, 2009)

Mind Body Connection the Human Brain Is

Now, science has proven that when the body engages in a physical action, a number of chemicals are released that actually improve brain and learning function. The release of these chemicals is tied to mood -- when one is happy, amused, or active, the chemicals released aid in learning and comprehension (Harlin, 2008)

Mind Body Connection the Human Brain Is

Neuropeptides are the way that cellular communication occurs, including brain-to-brain messages, brain-to-body messages, body-to-body messages, and body-to-brain messages. (McGhee, 1999)

Mind Body Connection the Human Brain Is

The release of these chemicals is tied to mood -- when one is happy, amused, or active, the chemicals released aid in learning and comprehension (Harlin, 2008). In fact, moving any of the major muscle groups (arms, hands, legs), or even smiling and laughing (moving the diaphragm) produces a set of complex proteins that robustly interact with neurochemicals to produce enhancements to the learning process (Ratey, 2008, 5)

Mind Body Connection the Human Brain Is

If the limbic system interprets a positive or optimistic set of stimuli, then access to imagination, knowledge, and higher functions of creativity are allowed. Research finds that the overall theme of emotion may be interpreted as a kind of elevator operator -- controlling which floor the system stops, but especially diligent and selective about allowing access to the highest floors of the brain (Vail, 2010)