Malcolm X Sources for your Essay

Malcolm X While in Prison Decides to

His parents could afford education for him and his siblings. His elder brother and sister left their books on the table next to the door closed firmly behind them after school probably closing a chapter on school experiences until the following day when they went back to school (Rodriguez, 1975)

Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X

He was, however, a man who went through many different phases in his life and towards the last years of his life toned down his message of violent confrontation with the white men and denounced the racist teachings of his former associates -- the Black Muslims. (Finkelman, 2002) During the decade between the mid-fifties to the mid-sixties Martin Luther King Jr

Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X

He believed that under their skins the black and white people were the same and struggled most of his life to remove the barriers of segregation created by men of bigotry. (Norrell, 2002)

Autobiography of Malcolm X As

When he is released from prison, Malcolm becomes increasingly involved in the Nation of Islam in Detroit, and this is when he changes his name to "Malcolm X," because the name does not represent who he believes he has become. He writes, "For me, my 'X' replaced the white slavemaster name of 'Little' which some blue-eyed devil named Little had imposed upon my paternal forebears" (Haley 199)

Malcolm X\'s Life, to Describe

Politically, as he began to speak out with his radical beliefs about whites and blacks, many saw him as a subversive danger to the government. His Web site notes, "As membership in the NOI continued to grow, FBI agents infiltrated the organization (one even acted as Malcolm's bodyguard) and secretly placed bugs, wiretaps, cameras and other surveillance equipment to monitor the group's activities" (Alkalimat)

Malcolm X\'s Life, to Describe

While he was in prison, he became interested in the Nation of Islam, and became a strong supporter of their radical ideas about race. They believed that complete and total segregation was the only way to manage the racial problem in America (Baber)

Malcolm X\'s Life, to Describe

He traveled to Mecca to find the roots of his religion, and eventually denounced the Nation of Islam, enraging the group. Some still say that he Nation of Islam was responsible for his assassination, and many members of his own family believe that to be the case, and still hold the Nation of Islam and its current leadership responsible (Blake 114)

Malcolm X\'s Life, to Describe

This first transformation came after he left prison and became a minister for the Nation of Islam within a year of his release. Another writer states, "While in prison, Malcolm X developed his own speaking style from listening to Paul Robeson [a Black speaker and activist]" (Bush)

Malcolm X\'s Life, to Describe

. Why don't you plan on carpentry?' Malcolm's formal education stopped after the eighth grade" (DeLeon 164)

Autobiography of Malcolm X The

To put things simple, the social condition of the black people was bad and the main party to contribute to the situation was represented by the whites. "Malcolm says that watching his house burn taught him one of many early lessons about being black in America"(Malcolm X, Haley) is a phrase more than relevant in order to describe the situation

Autobiography of Malcolm X The

To put things simple, the social condition of the black people was bad and the main party to contribute to the situation was represented by the whites. "Malcolm says that watching his house burn taught him one of many early lessons about being black in America"(Malcolm X, Haley) is a phrase more than relevant in order to describe the situation

Malcolm X How Malcolm X\'s

Everything that happened to us is an ingredient." (Haley, p

Malcolm X: Director Spike Lee\'s Portrait of

A., the video affirmed their belief that racial profiling and abuse by police was rampant (Gray, n

Malcolm X: Director Spike Lee\'s Portrait of

Lee had been a young child when Malcolm X was assassinated, so his knowledge of the man was not based on any personal recollections. Instead, he read The Autobiography of Malcolm X as a junior high school student and has said it changed his life forever (Hopkins, 2004)

Malcolm X: Director Spike Lee\'s Portrait of

There is almost a sweetness about Washington's Malcolm in this scene and we nearly forget that we are witnessing a crime. The "profoundly flawed" (Marable, 1993) Malcolm barely exists

Malcolm X: Director Spike Lee\'s Portrait of

The character Baines (Albert Hall) did not exist in real life but is a composite of Malcolm's siblings, most notably his half-sister Ella, who were involved with Islam before Malcolm and were instrumental in his conversion. It was Ella, in fact, who underwrote Malcolm's eventual pilgrimage to Mecca (Painter, 1993)

Malcolm X: Director Spike Lee\'s Portrait of

The video made a powerful statement about the treatment of African-Americans and set up perfectly the story Lee was poised to tell. Lee said that his film did not glorify any one phase of Malcolm's development as a black leader but rather looked at "all the different Malcolms as making up one Malcolm" (Rule, 1992)

Malcolm X\'s Famous Speech, the Ballot or

In Why Women Smile, Cunningham takes a somewhat analytical approach that is mingled with a keen message of dissatisfaction. "The Smiling Woman has become a peculiarly American archetype" (Cunningham), she says, despite the fact that smiles frequently indicate anything but happiness

Malcolm X\'s Famous Speech, the Ballot or

Despite the fact that the speech made by Malcolm X seems blatantly anti-white, it is also riddled with suggestions of diplomacy and cooperation between the races. Primarily, he blames "the white man" (X) for the segregation of races and the oppression of the black community

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Comparing Their Messages

Earl Little was murdered in 1931 and is believed to have been killed by white terrorists due to his radical political beliefs. (Finkelman) The murder also devastated the lives of Malcolm and the family; his mother had a nervous breakdown and Malcolm lived through foster home to reform school to Harlem and a life of crime becoming known as 'Detroit Red' in the shadowy underworld