Leadership Theory Sources for your Essay

Best Leadership Theory for the Rapidly Changing World and Diverse Global Culture

Expectations are formed about the leadership behaviors that are considered acceptable and unacceptable with regards to contextual factors like cultural values and norms. These type of expectations put constraints on the leaders, their behaviors and the way that the followers follow them too (Korver, 2008)

Best Leadership Theory for the Rapidly Changing World and Diverse Global Culture

S. about being a successful leader effective and appropriate in other parts of the world as well (Sarah et al

Best Leadership Theory for the Rapidly Changing World and Diverse Global Culture

There is a need for organization to have room for diversity that the managers can bring into the products and services being provided by them if they want their companies to be successful transnational business organizations. There might be the presence of a "national" cultural diversity among the nations, ethnic groups or race (such as in joint venture involving companies from two-nations), or there can be cultural diversity within the organization where the managers will have to transact with transnational companies that are owned by foreigners in their own country (such as telecom manager who is British and who is dealing in UK with a Korean manufacturer) (Yukl, 2008)

Best Leadership Theory for the Rapidly Changing World and Diverse Global Culture

There is a need for organization to have room for diversity that the managers can bring into the products and services being provided by them if they want their companies to be successful transnational business organizations. There might be the presence of a "national" cultural diversity among the nations, ethnic groups or race (such as in joint venture involving companies from two-nations), or there can be cultural diversity within the organization where the managers will have to transact with transnational companies that are owned by foreigners in their own country (such as telecom manager who is British and who is dealing in UK with a Korean manufacturer) (Yukl, 2008)

Leadership Theory in Action

The situational leadership has been widely preferred by leaders and managers alike since it has a double benefit effect on the employees of any given organization. It leads to the appropriate leadership applied where and when needed, as well as enabling the development of employees in their levels within the organization right from the subordinates levels (Northouse, P

Leadership Theory Application

Google has a very high hiring bar due to the strength of the brand name, the pay & perks, and the very positive work culture. As a result, they have their pick of bright candidates, even for the most low-level roles" (Edwards 2012)

Leadership Theory Application

"Engineers are encouraged to take 20% of their time to work on something company-related that interests them personally. This means that if you have a great idea, you always have time to run with it" (Mediratta 2007)

Leadership Theory Application

Discussion According to Northouse (2012), for a situational leader there are four basic styles which can be deployed when leading an organization: delegating, coaching, supporting, and directing. For workplaces in which there is a high level of commitment and competence, a delegating style is preferred (Northouse 2012: 101)

Leadership Theory and Process

Transformational leaders are usually lively, passionate and fervent. Not only are these leaders worried about and caught up in the process; they are also centered on assisting every person in the group to succeed (Cherry, 2011)

Leadership Theory and Process

The usefulness of transformational leadership as it fosters personalization, possession of work, cleverness, originality, and experimentation, leading to high output and quality performance in service delivery. The foundation of transformational leadership is in the personal values and beliefs of the leaders themselves (Haeseler, 2007)

Leadership Theory Every Organization Goes

Researchers have identified six sources of power, which include legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, information, and referent. One might earn power from one source or all six depending on the circumstances (Bauer, n

Leadership Theory Every Organization Goes

The connection amid leader behavior and leader trustworthiness becomes a function of each person's theoretical thinking as followers infer the understood and explicit elements of the social contract and the values that social contracts include. More and more, scholars have recognized the leader -- follower connection as a chain of psychological contracts that increase to the level of a binding association (Caldwell, Hayes & Long, 2010)

Leadership Theory Every Organization Goes

The connection amid leader behavior and leader trustworthiness becomes a function of each person's theoretical thinking as followers infer the understood and explicit elements of the social contract and the values that social contracts include. More and more, scholars have recognized the leader -- follower connection as a chain of psychological contracts that increase to the level of a binding association (Caldwell, Hayes & Long, 2010)

Leadership Theory Every Organization Goes

Competence trust refers to trusting that the other person or organization has the ability to control risk by meeting their promises, whereas goodwill has an emotional recognition of the moral commitment of the other not to take advantage of vulnerability. Trust is often seen as synonymous with openness, honesty, respect and the avoidance of using power unfairly (Purdue, 2001)

Leadership Theory Every Organization Goes

People anticipate leadership from our presidents, our principals and our preachers. It is contradictory; consequently, that leadership is both frequently understood and yet hard to define (Sheard & Kakabadse, 2007)

Leadership Theory Every Organization Goes

Rather, it supplies the person who assumes a high-level position with the occasion to share his or her ideas about what the organization should become, what it should do, how it should perform, and, perhaps most significant, what the role and responsibilities of members of the organization should be. A vision is conceptual; it is broader than objectives and it is more extensive than just a mission statement (Straussman, n

Leadership Theory Every Organization Goes

Ethical leadership entails promoting suitable behavior through role modeling and interpersonal associations. Ethical leaders are seen as trustworthy, fair, and concerned about others, that they set obvious ethical standards and use rewards and punishments to encourage ethical behavior (Tanner, Brugger, van Schie, & Lebherz, 2010)

Leadership Theory Every Organization Goes

For instance, employees' observation that executives and supervisors genuinely care about ethics has been linked with the quantity of unethical conduct observed in the company. Yet, despite this evidence suggesting that leaders matter when it comes to company ethics, the exact role of leadership in persuading unethical behavior in the workplace has yet to be completely explicated (Trevino & Brown, 2004)

Leadership Theory Has Undergone Significant

Then, the leader must be able to elaborate on the steps required to bring the organization to that point. This is critical, because vision and charisma alone are insufficient to bring about large-scale change (Nadler & Tushman, 1990)

Applying Leadership Theory to Leadership Practice

The theory has solid scientific grounds which have been explored in great detail by several (over 120) reviews and articles (e.g., Wofford & Liska, 1993; Yukl, 1998) (Schriesheim et al