Joseph Stalin Sources for your Essay

Adolf Hitler vs. Joseph Stalin

Some actually came to blindly trust these military leaders as a result of the propaganda that dominated political systems in the two countries. "So great was the leader's influence that historians often find it difficult to separate the system from the man, referring simply to Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia"(Thatcher)

Life of Joseph Stalin One

After not being able to pay his final semester's tuition, he missed his final exams and was expelled. (Haugen, 2006) This is significant, because it shows how Stalin despised discipline and order, as he would view them as unfair, especially when he was kicked out of school because he could not pay tuition

Life of Joseph Stalin One

When this information was discovered by the Red Army, Stalin began his purges as a way to control the population and put down any possible coups against him. (Mawdesly, 2004) This would result in the deaths of millions and would spark a famine, at the beginning of World War II

Life of Joseph Stalin One

Where, from his humble beginnings, he would become a loyal confidant of Vladimir Lenin during and after the Russian Revolution. (Zuehlke, 2006) the relationship that he would have with Lenin, combined with the different life experiences; would shape the kind of leader that he would become

Joseph Stalin Was a Cruel

In the 1920s and 30s there was a great famine that forced Stalin to have to take control of the agricultural industry in Russia. One of his biggest opponents was the Kulaks, who were a wealthy group of farmers (Jones, 2002)

Wiston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and the Cold War

Discouragement and possibly failure would quickly be the lot of neighboring peoples striving to maintain their freedom and independence." (Truman 1947)

Animal Farm Joseph Stalin vs.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Russia was one of the great powers of Europe, but it was a great power that was universally regarded as backward." (Fitzpatrick, 1) in response to this backwardness, the Russian Revolution was born

Animal Farm Joseph Stalin vs.

"The complex Satire of Animal Farm is built upon an awareness of the power that language wields." (Hunter, 31) Orwell was himself a historian as well as an author, and Animal Farm is more than a fantasy story, it is an interpretation of historical events

Animal Farm Joseph Stalin vs.

He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?" (Orwell) When the farmer attempts to reclaim his farm, they hold the Battle of the Cowshed and he is defeated

Charisma Leader-Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin

He advanced the NEP as the new economic strategy. (Tucker 1990) Means for achieving power Stalin used propaganda as the main tool for reaching out to the population

Charisma Leader-Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin

There was major discontent among the population, as they saw the ruling family enjoying luxury during the War, while soldiers were dying on the front. (Van Ree 2002) This led to the Bolshevik Revolution, which promoted equal right to all citizens The sudden political shift from an empire to a republic created confusion among the population and the political elites as well

Joseph Stalin as Paranoid Schizophrenic in Therapy

Joseph Stalin It is difficult to count how many millions of deaths Joseph Stalin was responsible for, but the fact that this figure is in the millions is not in doubt (Cavendish, 2003)

Joseph Stalin as Paranoid Schizophrenic in Therapy

Stalin was driven by one overpowering fear; future attack of his western border. His collection of Eastern European states served as a barrier and became known as the Iron Curtain (Hyde, 1971)

Joseph Stalin as Paranoid Schizophrenic in Therapy

Stalin's late years were spent in increasing paranoia and poor health. It is apparent that he was gearing up for another elimination of the leading citizen classes of the Soviet Union (Raack, 1995)