Issues In Policing Sources for your Essay

Multicultural Issues in Policing for

Understanding how these various levels and sources of cultural bias come together to create an understanding of a particular situation is the first part in being able to eliminate cultural bias in officer judgment. Racism is learned from the community in which one lives (Coderoni, 2002)

Multicultural Issues in Policing for

In the events after September 11, 2001 suspected terrorists were not caught by community-wide sweeps of the Muslim community, but by targeted efforts on the activities of individuals. The practice of profiling has been proven ineffective (Dabney, et al

Multicultural Issues in Policing for

The purpose of the search was not to say that all middle eastern people were suspicious, but it was simply a screening process to try to find those that were connected to the act. In this case racial profiling meant efficiency in finding the correct persons (Harcourt, 2004)

Multicultural Issues in Policing for

Americans insisted that airlines remove people of obvious middle eastern descent from airplanes (Mayer, 2001). It now seemed as if the American public itself was profiling people of middle eastern descent (Harris, 2002)

Multicultural Issues in Policing for

Every one is a member of different cultures in various areas of their lives. There are a part of their ethnic background, the culture of the nation in which they live, their regional culture, and the culture of their community (McDonald, 2001)

Multicultural Issues in Policing for

Although the 1964 Civil Rights Act made it illegal to discriminate based on the color of a person's skin, but it is difficult to erase 200 years of social memory. Often officers are unaware of these hidden biases within themselves (Smith, Makarios, and Aplert, 2006)

Multicultural Issues in Policing for

Although the 1964 Civil Rights Act made it illegal to discriminate based on the color of a person's skin, but it is difficult to erase 200 years of social memory. Often officers are unaware of these hidden biases within themselves (Smith, Makarios, and Aplert, 2006)

Issues in Policing

Some of the most common examples of less-than-lethal weapons include pepper spray, temporarily blinding strobe lights, shortguns that fire nets, conducted energy devices, and darts tipped with drugs. The main impact of the use of less-lethal weapons in today's policing is that they decrease the rates of officer and offender injuries (Bulman, 2010)

Issues in Policing

The significance and need for the use of technology in policing has been fueled by the continued technological advances and the fact that criminals are using technology to develop sophisticated measures of conducting transnational crime. Actually, increased technological advances have contributed to constant threats of transnational crime since criminals are using technology to accomplish their goals (Grant & Terry, 2008, p