Hyperthyroidism Sources for your Essay

Hyperthyroidism -- Overview and Analysis

"Not many hormones can claim as diverse a set of target cells." (Bowen, 2003) The thyroid gland also produces another hormone called "calcitonin," and the "parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone

Hyperthyroidism -- Overview and Analysis

Thyrotoxicosis in patients with multinodular goiter can be precipitated by iodinated radio contrast agents and the antiarrhythmic drug amiodarone." (Ch, 2003) Doing a full reproductive, geographic, and life history of the patient is critical when differentiating a diagnosis as "transient hyperthyroidism" that may be caused by HCG-induced thyroiditis in pregnancy or de Quervain subacute thyroiditis," as a result of the hormonal influences before and after delivery, versus an individual with a history of Graves Disease, or thyroid nodules

Hyperthyroidism -- Overview and Analysis

Thyrotoxicosis are the clinical, physiologic and biochemical syndromes that result when tissues are exposed to, and respond to high levels of thyroid hormone. (Spector, 2005, "Graves Disease Part 1," MedStudents) The pathophysiology of the endocrine system has some of the most far-reaching yet diffuse effects of any bodily system

Hyperthyroidism -- Overview and Analysis

"After obtaining baseline thyroid function tests, complete blood count and liver function tests," periodic reassessment must always be performed while "antithyroid agents are administered," and especially in older patients without support services, sustained compliance with the treatment plan must be monitored closely. (Shrier & Burman, 2002) In most cases, one or more of these treatments cane reduce or eliminate the symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism -- Overview and Analysis

(Spector, 2005, "Graves Disease Part 1," MedStudents) Postpartum thyroiditis can occur in up to 5 to 10% of women in the first three to six months after delivery. (Reid & Wheeler, 2005) Additionally, many symptoms of thyrotoxicosis suggest a state of catecholamine excess in the patient's hormone levels