Gender Issues Sources for your Essay

Sexual Assaults in Universities as Gender Issues

Sexual assault continues to be a thing which occurs repeatedly on college campuses, phenomena which violate the very objective of these institutions for higher learning. In order to better prevent sexual assault within the university setting, the world has quickly learned that there needs to be more of a zero tolerance policy in place (Bohmer, 2003)

Sexual Assaults in Universities as Gender Issues

And sometimes telling larger lies to get larger effects,' Dr. Stout told Interview Magazine" (Cooper-White, 2013)

Sexual Assaults in Universities as Gender Issues

Sexual Assault on Universities and College Campuses Introduction to Sexual Assault Sexual assault refers to an involuntary sexual act where an individual is forced to engage in against his or her will (Hoffman, 1998)

Sexual Assaults in Universities as Gender Issues

The phenomenon of sexual assault to college aged women remains one of the major injustices and saddest evils of our day. Unfortunately, 1 in 4 college-aged women report experience that meet the legal definition of rape or attempted rape (Hotelling, 2001)

Sexual Assaults in Universities as Gender Issues

' The worst schools include top-tier places like Harvard, Princeton and UVA, each of which is under investigation by the feds because of complaints filed by me alleging that they violated women's civil rights because of their unfair handling of sexual assault" (Murphy, 2013). One of the best ways of stopping sexual assault by preventing it and acknowledging that it's not localized to one campus (Liu, 2013)

Sexual Assaults in Universities as Gender Issues

As the world evolves and becomes more politically correct and more culturally sensitive, certain injustices that might have been swept under the rug in the past are now no longer tolerated, but brought to the light of day for judgment and justice. Today, more stories of sexual assault are playing out at colleges and universities across the country forcing scores of students from different universities to go public by filing formal federal complaints (Schwartz, 1997)

Sexual Assaults in Universities as Gender Issues

S. colleges that are currently under investigation for sexual assault as a means of putting additional pressure on these institutions to better adequately deal with the pressure from the inside (Steinhauer & Joachim, 2014)

Sexual Assaults in Universities as Gender Issues

The case demonstrated how it can be in a university's best interest to not take the statements made by victims seriously. Emma describes the nerve-wracking experience of having to watch her rapist give testimony, along with the elaborate lies and fantasies he made up about how she hit on him -- in the most graphic and disgusting manner (Sulkowicz, 2014)

Gender Issues & Communication at Work Gender

In addition, a positive perception of the group may also signal that members perceive the group setting as a psychologically safe environment for exploring and practicing new skills. (Choi et al

Gender Issues & Communication at Work Gender

The need to manage diversity is promoted for four business reasons: (a) to keep and gain market share, (b) to reduce costs, (c) to increase productivity, and (d) to improve the quality of management in organizations…Although it emerged for seemingly all the right reasons, the institutionalization of managing diversity threatens to position individuals and structure work relations in potentially alarming ways. (Kirby & Harter, 2001,-Page 122) Therefore, diversity as an organizational asset holds relatively true

Gender Issues & Communication at Work Gender

The need to manage diversity is promoted for four business reasons: (a) to keep and gain market share, (b) to reduce costs, (c) to increase productivity, and (d) to improve the quality of management in organizations…Although it emerged for seemingly all the right reasons, the institutionalization of managing diversity threatens to position individuals and structure work relations in potentially alarming ways. (Kirby & Harter, 2001,-Page 122) Therefore, diversity as an organizational asset holds relatively true

Gender Issues & Communication at Work Gender

For men, societal expectations are that they must negotiate hierarchy, or who's the captain and who's the crew (Tannen, 1990; Wood, 2009). (Torppa, 2010,-Page 1) These are just some of the basic and superficial differences in how the different genders and sexes communicate

Gender Issues & Communication at Work Gender

, in terms of gender, age, and ethnicity). Moreover, organizations are increasingly adopting work group compositions that incorporate differences in functional or educational background, such as in cross-functional project teams; mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures also introduce diversity into work groups…work group diversity may have positive as well as negative effects on group performance… (van Knippenberg, 2007,-Page 516) Diversity can be great for an organization and work very well -- even in the best interests of the company

Gender Issues & Communication at Work Gender

They, in partnership with the formal leadership, have the task of collectively co-constructing and interpreting the organizational realities. Consequently, it was possible to acknowledge, rather than submerge, contradictory values, beliefs, and differences…(Zane, 2002,-Page 353) As the quotation suggests, the first step to improvement work conditions with respect to gender and communication may simply be having an organizational definition of diversity

Economics Gender Issues in Labor

The region is often perceived an as a uniform one, but fact is that it represents and agglomeration of states different in terms of political stability, economic development or socio-cultural norms. "The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is an economically diverse region that includes countries with a common heritage, at various stages of economic development, and with vastly different endowment of natural resources" (Abed, 2003)

Economics Gender Issues in Labor

Another relevant effort made by the countries in the MENA area was to sign free trade agreements, either between them or with countries in other global regions. Additionally, the majority of MENA countries have gained the status of membership to the World Trade Organization (MacKinnon, 1997)

Gender Issues in Prison Women Now Represent

Women now comprise 6.7% of the prison population, and the figure is expected to rise (Beck, Kerberg and Harrison 2002)

Gender Issues in Prison Women Now Represent

This study highlights the need for gender-specific incarceration programs that address the rehabilitative needs of a growing segment of the population. Another survey of gender-specific prison programs found that many states continue to lack an organized body or task force to deal with the needs of female adolescents and delinquents (Bloom at al 2002)

Gender Issues in Prison Women Now Represent

Most girls were sent to juvenile court for offenses like running away and incorrigibility. In contrast, boys were often charged with property and gang-related offenses (MacDonald and Chesney-Lind 2001)

Gender Issues in Prison Women Now Represent

For many women inmates, the seeds are sown in childhood, as a significantly larger percentage of women than men report being sexually, mentally or emotionally abused while they were growing up. Various studies of female prison inmates consistently find high rates of abuse suffered during childhood and as adults (McClellan, Farabee and McCrouch 1997)